View Full Version : Occipital lump

15-08-16, 21:04
Hi. I posted the long, rambling thread in Symptoms and am going to be THAT girl and repost my concern here.

I've had some extra tissue in the right occipital (hair line and slightly above) for years and no one has been able to feel it except one doc who was unconcerned. So years later, after recent ok blood work, etc., I started anxiously palpitating these areas in my neck and upper back. Now my gland is tender and swollen in my neck (moveable, feels like a normal agitated gland) but the part in my occipital area feels rock hard and although it can be moved from side to side, it feels pretty fixed to the tissue. I don't actually know if this is even a gland, just guessing. The area all around it is inflamed, bumps from all my picking and prodding, and the area just feels like there is something under there. It isn't noticeable unless I strain my neck and stretch the skin, but I can't help but think because of the firmness and fixed state (can't really tell), it might be cancer.

I would really appreciate if someone could help. I have tried so hard to just remain calm and wait for my appointment and NOT google, but...anxiety is climbing all over me today. Anyone have any thoughts?

ETA: this morning (3am) I woke up with a mild night sweat. Blood sugar was normal, but it sent me spiraling again. :(

16-08-16, 01:21

Anyone? Actually I'm not sure if it's occipital, it's just below hair line. Not noticeable, just via palpitation. Hard little knot, doesn't really move unless you move the whole thing (seems like a muscle)?

I'm really just needing a little reassurance...

Gary A
16-08-16, 01:35
It sounds like a tense muscle, which is extremely common in that area. Other than that, it's pretty impossible to tell exactly what it is based on a description.

All I can advise is wait on your doctors appointment and assure yourself in the meantime that this area has a whole host of muscles and tendons that can become stiff and inflamed very easily.

16-08-16, 01:44
So you have a lump for that has apparently been part of your anatomy for years . With the exception of one medical professional, no one else has felt it and the one that did wasn't concerned. Now, you've started anxiously poking and prodding and have a sore area(s) from doing so.

This is a MO of so, so many here. IMO, being a Head and Neck cancer survivor, it's nothing. I'll bet my next pay check I'll get to to tell you "Told ya so" and I have a pretty good track record :)

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Looking forward to hearing all is well!

Positive thoughts

16-08-16, 02:02
Thank you, Gary and Fishman. I hope to hear that from my doc on Wednesday, and I do plan on talking to him about getting some GAD meds. I was going to wait for all that until next month when I get my full check up from my GP, but, I don't think I'm doing very well with all this new life stress.

The knot itself hasn't been there for years, per se. The extra, I don't know, muscle area (?) has been. (It just felt thicker, more tight, slightly raised. Years, yes.) I'm consistently tense right there, and if I didn't go on this recent probing session, I probably wouldn't have made this knot thing so pronounced. It wasn't until I started probing that I found it and continued to mess with it until it's now hard and noticeable to touch. But, of course, that is way too rational---so I continue poking it, measuring, prodding, seeing if it moves. Relentless. :weep:

16-08-16, 18:33
I went through these fears earlier this year. Went to an ENT doctor, who told me that if there are problems in the occipital lobe, it usually shows up when looking in the ear. He also told me that it's likely that it's TMJ. Stop touching it; it will only make it worse.