View Full Version : Constantly feel like I need to urinate and it is driving me crazy!

16-08-16, 02:05
Hi everybody,

This is my first post here. I have been suffering from health anxiety quite badly for the past two months. Over this time period I have been convinced I had bowel cancer, skin cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer and currently ovarian cancer. I am terrified I am going to die of cancer within the next few years and leave my 4 and 1 year old children without a mother. This thought plagues me constantly and I find myself several times a day in tears thinking about them crying for me after I have gone and no one being able to comfort them as I am the one they need when they are upset. I find myself making plans about leaving letters for them to read on the special occasions in their futures that I won't be here for and playing out in my head the conversations I would need to have with my husband about how I want him to move on after I am gone and how to raise the kids without me. I have always worried over my health, even as a child, however in the past I have always been able to move on after being told by a doctor that I am ok. This time it seems I am unable to relax despite what my doctor says. I am finding it difficult to go about my life, it's like my brain is 40 percent focused on what I should be doing and 60 percent focused on my health issues and the fact that I may be dieing soon and leaving my family. My husband is trying hard to be patient and supportive but is getting rather fed up with my constant morbid thoughts. I am currently convinced I have ovarian cancer due to a constant need to urinate. This constant need to urinate began on a day I was attending a funeral so I put it down to being nervous however it is now almost 2 weeks later and I m still feeling this constant urge. It is making me really uncomfortable and frustrated. Dr google alerted me that it could be ovarian cancer so I went off to my doc. He assured me it was very unlikely, as unlikely as winning the lotto, that this could be the case. He said due to my age, my lack of family history, the abdominal ultrasound I had 10 months ago being clear, the symptoms came on suddenly rather then a gradual build up, no abdominal mass and no other symptoms that he wouldn't even consider this a possibility. I tested negative for a uti and my doctor puts my constant need to urinate down to anxiety. I was reassured slightly however find it difficult to believe that this constant need to urinate could be anxiety related so am still worried it is caused by a cancer pressing on my bladder. Has anyone else had a constant need to urinate as an anxiety symptom? How did you solve the problem? My doctor has referred me to a physiatrist to help get a handle on the anxiety but my appointment is a few weeks away still.

Thanks in advance for your replies, it will be great to have someone to talk about all of this with.

16-08-16, 02:31
Did you have issues with either pregnancy having to pee a lot? I did and I'm still neurotic about it. lol
During my first pregnancy, the only bathroom was upstairs. Baby was pushing on my bladder so dam* hard, and I had to pee all the time---going to bed was a huge source of anxiety for me. I had to empty my bladder or else I couldn't sleep and I knew if I didn't fall asleep fast enough, I'd imagine I'd have to pee again and walk all the way back upstairs with my achy feet and swollen belly, then I couldn't go back to sleep when I was finished. AGONY. Sounds silly, but it really plagued me! lol

I still have pee anxiety. haha I have to pee so many times before bed, I make myself do it for no real reason except I'm anxious and feel like I have to.

Anxiety can really do a number on us. I am betting you are just fine, mama. :)

16-08-16, 02:41
Fight or Flight response. Very common anxiety symptom. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Kidneys_urgency_to_urinate_frequent_urina tion_sudden_urge_to_go_to_the_toilet)

Positive thoughts

16-08-16, 19:56
Thanks for the reply. No issues with either pregnancy, This has never happened to me before. If it was the flight or fight response would it constant for over a week though? Feels like if it was caused by anxiety it would ease of at times. This bout of anxiety has really knocked me. I can't sleep and I feel like I have lost the ability to be happy because I am so focused on my need to pee and being scared that it is caused by ovarian cancer. I just want to be me again!!

16-08-16, 19:59
I feel like I need to wee all the time, I am thinking it's possibly as the weather is warmer (if that's a possibility), I've also noticed I'm waking up desperate for the loo, which isn't my norm.

Are you perhaps drinking more?

16-08-16, 20:26
If it was the flight or fight response would it constant for over a week though?

Just my opinion but yes. I equate anxiety to a campfire. When there's a lot of wood (stress), it's burning really hot with flames and smoke etc. Then, even though you may not be feeling particularly anxious, there are still red hot coals waiting for that next bit of fuel to start burning hot again.

It takes a while for the coals to entirely go out.

Positive thoughts

16-08-16, 22:34
I get this at night because I get a lot of anxiety in bed before sleep I'll end up needing a wee every 30 minutes it's so annoying, like where is it even coming from I've not had a drink :huh:

16-08-16, 23:04
I get his day and night.. Constantly need to pee literally every 15 minutes its redic.

17-08-16, 04:37
Do you actually pass urine that often though? I am finding I just have the urge constantly but if I try to go nothing much comes out unless I force myself to hold it for at least 2 hours.