View Full Version : Anxiety Is Effecting My Everyday Life

16-08-16, 07:19
Recently i got very bad anxiety and i dont know how i got it i think it could have been from weed idk for sure but it is really starting to impact my everyday life i lost my job recently because my anxiety was so bad my boss couldn't stand it everything i eat i feel like theres LSD in the food or water so i have been not eating as much recently which is very unhealthy. i think one of my biggest fears is what if there really is LSD in that food!!! so i sit around waiting for a very bad trip to happend and of course it never does happend. my anxiety gets so bad over thinking that theres drugs in the food that i almost start feeling like i am on a LSD trip! but really what happening is im going into fight and flight mode. ive seen my doctor twice about this anxiety i got blood work done because i thought i hade cancer for the longest time or tumor. my blood work did come in and the doctor told me i was very healthy but my cholestrol was a bit high but it wasent life threating at all. i cant live with this anxiety feeling anymore it bugs me way to much so! my parents think im going crazy and they keep making threats about sending me to a insane asylum or something. before i end this message can anyone tell me how i can overcome this fear because ive tried talking to myself about this but it never fixes anything:weep: THANK YOU ALL FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ MY MESSAGE :)

17-08-16, 07:23
no i have never tried lsd before in my life and i really dont want to get tricked into doing it it freaks me out just thinking about it:weep:

17-08-16, 17:45
Unfortunately weed can cause problems like anxiety and paranoia. Your parents comments aren't really helpful as we know what we are thinking is irrational but the control of it is the hardest thing. With my anxiety I have bought into the thoughts so much that they automatically trigger a fear reaction. I'm due to start cbt soon to hopefully target these thoughts plus I do mindfulness to try to recognise the thoughts but try not to dwell on them. It isn't easy or a quick fix but I have taken medication for 12yrs which really helped but it never addressed the irrational thoughts. I know this as my meds have stopped working.

There are lots of therapies that are very useful but if you went down the medication route I'd emphasise doing therapy along with it so you may be on it for a shorter time and have the tools to cope with any relapse in the future. Good luck :hugs:

24-08-16, 07:22
I went through this EXACT SAME thing after having a panic attack from weed about 9 years ago. I became paranoid that my food would be laced with LSD or any drug that would cause a bad trip. Eventually, I got over this fear and now, that thought never even crosses my mind. In time I'm sure those paranoid feelings will pass and you'll realize that it's illogical and the chances of that happening are more slim than you think. I'd recommend seeking professional help for your intrusive thoughts and your anxiety.

24-08-16, 10:44
That is sad and agree with Debs21uk that your parents comments aren't helpful and possibly damaging in some respects which annoys me because while no one can see inside any ones head some people think it's all made up and other's will say oh they should be locked up I say to those people shut up you don't know what you are on about but here is different we do understand and care :) As for these thoughts getting better thay will! I would look at various ranges of therapies and unless absoultley necessary not use any prescription drugs while they do have there uses other none drug therapies on thier own may be better but talk it through with your Dr and good luck and let us know how you get on!

25-08-16, 22:57
Recently i got very bad anxiety and i dont know how i got it i think it could have been from weed idk for sure but it is really starting to impact my everyday life i lost my job recently because my anxiety was so bad my boss couldn't stand it everything i eat i feel like theres LSD in the food or water so i have been not eating as much recently which is very unhealthy. i think one of my biggest fears is what if there really is LSD in that food!!! so i sit around waiting for a very bad trip to happend and of course it never does happend. my anxiety gets so bad over thinking that theres drugs in the food that i almost start feeling like i am on a LSD trip! but really what happening is im going into fight and flight mode. ive seen my doctor twice about this anxiety i got blood work done because i thought i hade cancer for the longest time or tumor. my blood work did come in and the doctor told me i was very healthy but my cholestrol was a bit high but it wasent life threating at all. i cant live with this anxiety feeling anymore it bugs me way to much so! my parents think im going crazy and they keep making threats about sending me to a insane asylum or something. before i end this message can anyone tell me how i can overcome this fear because ive tried talking to myself about this but it never fixes anything:weep: THANK YOU ALL FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ MY MESSAGE :)
I recently have been having panic attacks at multiple points during the day. this started under a week ago and was induced by almost OD'ing from coke.

I have had multiple ECG's and tests, and they all came back fine. But when i start to think about panicking; my chest hurts, my heart rate increases, my arms start to hurt, i find it harder to breathe, my hands stop working so well, and at some points i would end up hyperventilating until i pass out.
I allowed these panic attacks to take hold of me. But then only today (which has prompted me to write on this forum) i realised i have to take control of the situation. If i allow myself to be taken over by these panic attacks it will be harder for me to try and stop panicking at a later date.
If i try with all my might, to constantly not allow myself to panic then all i will have to do is forget about this week like a blip in my memory. rather than fight against years of panic attacks if you get what i mean?
Basically if this drags on all it will become is worse and harder to stop.

Basically, face that which is hard for you, and tell it, that its not gonna F***ing gonna stop you living.

Keep your head up! and I know we'll both lose our anxiety like it was never there.