View Full Version : I goofed up.

16-08-16, 07:48
I stopped taking my 5mg of Escitalopram (Cipralex) about a week ago. The only withdrawal symptom I have been experiencing is Brain Zaps (feelings of electricity jolting from your head to the rest of your body). Common symptom, cool, I was doing fine. I felt great, better than I have since January when I had all of my really bad health anxiety and panic attacks over it.

Forward to today.

I felt so great I thought I would accept an invitation to go to a water park. We were there for at least 6 hours, nice sunny day, no clouds, we had a blast. I got home about 5 hours ago and I started feeling a burn on my upper shoulders which is now on my whole body (aside from the area that my shorts covered) Great. Sunburn. I've never had sunburn before so I don't know what to expect (I put on some Noxzema in the areas where it burns the most). So the sunburns are taken care of. They're not major, they just sting a bit in my upper shoulder and chest area.

Sunburns taken care of and skip to 2 hours ago, I started feeling achy and I noticed I am hot all over. Took my temp: 37.4 degrees celsius. Not too bad, but I feel a lot more hot than that. My hands and feet are freezing though.
I keep getting these thoughts that it is something bad, like sepsis or some sort of blood poisoning running through my system and that it can only get worse from here. My mouth is going dry because of the thoughts and my anxiety just keeps rising.
I feel slightly better typing this and getting my thoughts out there so other people can kind of see what other people go through with this stuff. It's crazy sometimes. I know it's anxiety, but I just can't shake that small loud echoey noise in the back of my head that says it's something really bad.

Sorry for the long post and appreciate you reading it if you got this far.
Feel free to share any stories you might have gone through that are similar to what I'm going through.

16-08-16, 22:32

first of all, your anxiety is making everything even worse. And my second point is that what you describe sounds like a sunstroke. Nothing too bad. Rest yourself and it'll be over faster than you know it. If you're experiencing headaches a cold towel used to help me a lot with that, just soak it with cold water and put it on your forehead. Even if there's no headache, if your forehead feels unusually hot said towel could help. Other than that, as long as your temperature doesn't go through the roof, nothings going to happen. If it should get worse you'll notice, but that is highly unlikely after that amount of time passed. I've been through a sunstroke more than once. :)

Positive thoughts! Our body is capable of handling a lot of bad stuff before something happens. Next time be more careful when you're going to the water park though.:) It'll save you pains. :winks:

16-08-16, 23:09
Sounds like classic sunstroke.
Keep in the shade for the next few days, stay hydrated at all times and don't go out in the sun for lengthy periods, and always wear a hat.
I learned the hard way from a nasty dose of sunstroke a few years ago.
You'll feel fine in a couple of days, honestly. It'll make your anxiety spike when you feel those symptoms, but they are just symptoms and can be managed. But please, keep out of that sun in the midday heat!

17-08-16, 02:40
The posts above me have given some great advice so I have nothing to add to! However, I've had the sepsis/blood poisoning fear before so I know how awful you're probably feeling right now. The only thing that helps me is talking to people about it and getting it off my chest and avoiding Google completely. I managed to get the idea into my head that one of my piercings was infected (there was literally zero sign of infection, I was just being paranoid) and that I was going to quickly die from sepsis within a matter of hours, it's been a few months since that happened and alas, I am still alive. I'm sure you're fine and I hope you feel better soon because I know how scared you probably are but remember that you're not alone with this fear. :) X