View Full Version : Back down the rabbit hole i go - swollen lymph node in neck

16-08-16, 17:41
Hi all

I suffered with extreme anxiety\stress for about 4 of the last 5 months caused by numerous amount of cancer scares diagnosed by Dr google I thought i had clawed my way out of the rabbit hole.
So 4 days ago I suddenly feel a pressure sensation on my neck so I have a rummage around and notice a round lump the size of a kidney bean its situated at the front on the neck more on the right side in between the chin and the Adams apple.
My first reaction was here we go again followed by panic and stress so I make a doctors appointment and I left the office feeling somewhat confused I was told that it "MIGHT" be a gland and that if it hasn't gone down in 2-3 weeks ill be sent for a ultrasound immediately I get that sinking feeling in the belly because I know for the next 3 weeks ill be definitely stressing big time.
The "lump" is round and smooth and even though its the size of a kidney beans it is round and movable I have never noticed anything like it before so now my biggest concern is could it be throat cancer\thyroid cancer or even the start of lymphoma. The worst part is I feel fine no infection no cold no sore throat only a mouth ulcer but I've had those before without having this lump appear.
If there's anyone who can relate id be most aappreciative to hear from you.

Many thanks

17-08-16, 04:51

17-08-16, 08:17
Saf138 lymph nodes can swell for many different reasons. The one under my chin is always up and down. It used to worry me but doesn't any longer.

17-08-16, 10:00
I appreciate your responses thank you.
I've been to the doctors for what I thought was swollen nymph nodes in the past but were told they were not swollen only this time it was confirmed it is I'm just struggling to cope with anxiety.

17-08-16, 12:04
For what it's worth, a "swollen" lymph node is "swollen", meaning it's noticeably larger than normal and often times painful in response to infection.

If you have to "rummage around" to find a normal sized kidney bean node, then it's not swollen nor cause for concern.

Positive thoughts

17-08-16, 12:20
Thank you fishman I understand im just slightly concerned because in all my years I've never come across it before and it does slightly protrude out. I always thought the nymph nodes were either on the side or back of the neck also along the jaw line and around the ears but this one is at the front of the neck below the jaw and just above the Adams apple. I know I'm letting my imagination run away with it but after making such an effort to over come my last bout of anxiety only to be thrown back into it is a bit demoralizing. Many thanks I've come across many of your posts and you are truly a inspiration.