View Full Version : Feeling so self conscious (& concerned)

16-08-16, 17:48
I realized I have barely worn shorts this summer. I was outside waiting for the mail to come and I found myself looking at my legs and hating what I saw. On he back of my legs like calf area I have spider veins. :( this is somethin that wasn't there last summer. I realize this is similar to my vein freakout from a month ago but I'm just so self conscious about this. I feel like I'm way too young to have these already. I googled vericose veins and spider veins and I guess some things I can attribute to getting them is that I have put a on a few pounds and I havent worked in a year. Too much down time? Also I know other woman in my family have vericose or spider veins.
My worries are that am I at increased risk for deep vein thrombosis?! Is my heart not good? Is this really bad? For my health? I just feel really on edge today and looking at my legs made me google stuff about all this and I'm scared my veins are damaged for good or that I'm gonna get dvt blood clots or something. I'm only 22.. So with all the worrying of that I feel really ugly and I don't know any other girls my age with legs like this. :(
I've been trying to workout more since I don't work by now I feel anxious when I'm relaxing or laying in bed like I'm filling with blood clots and that I need to keep doing something or go on my exersise bike... Ugh I just feel like at my age I should have these.. Which makes me worried abouT my heart and blood flow.

Anyone have this? (Especially close to my age?)

16-08-16, 18:02
Spider veins pose absolutely no health risks I just mentioned mine to my GP last Friday as like you I've just noticed them this year. I did have the odd one on my calves but now they're on my calves and a lot of them, they are up my thighs and on my bum, I even had a few on my chest, my shoulders, armpit area and one on my arm. I'm not worried about mine but find it strange and it makes me very insecure. I was told there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent them. It's horrible, but harmless

---------- Post added at 18:02 ---------- Previous post was at 18:01 ----------

Also I've been the most inactive I've ever been this year and wonder if it's that.

16-08-16, 18:12
KeeKee- wow you sound like me.. I've found them in odd places other than than the back of my calves too and it worried me and like you made me feel insecure. (The joys of being a woman right). That makes me feel better that your gp said They're harmless.. I was really concerned as to why they seem to appear this year. I absolutely think being moRe inactive causes it because this past year I've been more inactive than ever in my life honestly because of not working or anything soooo that's gotta be it. I think I'm gonna try to not lay around as much and I read abouit elevating you legs above your heart helps so I'm gonna try that more too (actually doing that now as I speak lol)
You really just relieved me though! Thankyou! Although the insecurity still stands at least I don't feel like it's a bad omen of health or heart health. I wish I could lose some of this extra weight I've put on as well.. It's always harder loosing it than putting it on..ugh. :lac:

16-08-16, 18:16
Aww I'm glad you feel a little better I know how horrible it is. Both to worry about them being something horrible and also to feel self conscious because of them.

Me too! I've told myself that even if I don't leave the house I'll just walk up and down the stairs a couple of times whenever I go to the toilet, but i only did it once haha. I too worry about blood clots due to my inactivity. I really need to do something with myself.

16-08-16, 18:22
I agree 100% with you on that... Blood clots scare the hell outta me. Did you mention that to ur gp when you asked about the spider veins?
I can only hope it takes longer than a bad year and more than usual inactivity to cause blood clots :( like I said I feel like I freak out if I'm relaxing anymore because of blood clot fears. Anxiety makes me mor tired too so trying to workout totally blows.. The motivation isn't the best... Well until I think of blood clots and then I'm ready to run a marathon. But still... Totally scary. :(

16-08-16, 18:31
Well until I think of blood clots and then I'm ready to run a marathon. But still... Totally scary. :(

Haha that's hilarious and me too!

No I never mentioned blood clots I completely forgot, he did say spider veins are harmless though and even when I've naughtily Googled them I don't see anything scary about them. Wish I didn't have any though. I've got a couple that look really dark too, quote small but very noticeable.

I totally get the tiredness. I also get really tight muscles and it's just horrid. I have zero motivation too. Can't even be bothered to watch the TV most of the time.

16-08-16, 18:44
God I'm so pale that they stick out like a sore thumb to me. :weep: last summer you wouldn't catch m dead wearing capris... This summer capris are my best friend I swear... I only wear shorts at night now.. It's sad really how insecure I feel.
And I think the vericose veins I read something about deep vein thrombosis blood clots I'm not sure the exact connection or reasoning but I know mine are just spider veins because the vericose veins are even more intense/bulgy.
Lik I said I'm so happexcited you shared what your gp said because it does make me feel less anxious health wise about them.
Also I read about appl cide vinegar topically on the veins can help too. id just really like to lessen the amount.. If it were just a coupl I wouldn't feel so bad bu I have no many and more so behind my left calf too. Not sure if one side is worse for you too.
I recently invested in an exersise bike for my room so at least I wouldn't have to leave the comfort of my room to get som activity in and I could watch the tv too. But when my anxiety is bad that day I just could care less about it. I would rathe Sleep..

16-08-16, 18:49
Aw I understand and yes I do think varicose veins are a little bit more risky.

Yes mine are worse on the upper right calf just below my knee and slightly to the right. That's where I noticed my first one which wasn't too had but then it got worse and now I feel covered in them.

I'm very pale too. Which I agree makes them more obvious. I won't wear anything other than full length trousers

16-08-16, 19:01
Yeah I'm pretty sure mine are just the spider from looking online.
God were in the exact same boat keekee... On the bright side I don't feel so alone now. I find myself secretly looking at other girls legs to see if anyone is similar to me to make me feel better but it just seems like other girls my age have great legs for shorts... But they're probably more active than I've been this past year sooo hopefully trying to get myself more active they will go away ? Or I'm gonna have to get some self tanner lol I already can't wait for fall/winter so I can hide my insecurities.

16-08-16, 19:04
Aw I feel for you as I know just how that feels.
That's what gets me with my acne too, I'm 27 and not exaggerating when I say I know nobody who also has adult acne and it's horrible. I feel disgusting all the time.

The 'good' thing about me is that although I hate my spider veins, i haven't had my legs out in years now as I'm also self conscious of my paleness, I'm useless with fake tan.

Like you I also can't wait for the summer to be over.

16-08-16, 19:22
Oh I can totally relate.. I've always been insecure of my paleness!! But as of late it's really been bothering me and now with this spider vein business it's made it all worse. I usually get some decent sun in the summer but I didn't do much this year vacation wise so I didn't get really any color. As far as acne goes maybe they just use really good makeup? I know I've seen a few you tubers who have that and hide it with makeup.. But you know it's one of those things where there's definitely other people with that problem but of course it seems like you know no one personally and you feel so alone. There's a few things I feel that way about but that's life I guess. Sigh.

So yea cheers to summer ending!! I want my comfy skin hiding clothes back lol.
I really appreciate your listening ear! You've definitely helped me out today big time. :)

16-08-16, 19:29
No problem it's been good to know there is somebody else like me too ;-)

Cheers to Summer ending hehe

16-08-16, 21:45
Aw I feel for you as I know just how that feels.
That's what gets me with my acne too, I'm 27 and not exaggerating when I say I know nobody who also has adult acne and it's horrible. I feel disgusting all the time.

The 'good' thing about me is that although I hate my spider veins, i haven't had my legs out in years now as I'm also self conscious of my paleness, I'm useless with fake tan.

Like you I also can't wait for the summer to be over.

As I'm sure you can tell from my previous posts, I am 25 and only stopped getting really bad acne after completing Accutane. It's been 6 months and I woke up with a (very tiny) pimple on my lip this morning so I am in FULL freak out mode. So scared it's all coming back. :ohmy:

Funny thing is, one of my best friends and her sister AND her mother all have acne but it's not as overpowering as mine was and they don't have scars. Gosh, my scars are awful. I'm more self conscious about them, to be honest.

I have some spider veins on my legs too but frankly don't notice them at all considering I'm too focused on all the other stuff. :doh:

17-08-16, 12:51
If there's anything I can conclude from this is that we all have our insecurities.. I can think of soooo many things I'm not fond of about myself.. (not the best thing to do). Although it has made me feel better there's more girls like me with the spider vein dilemma. With my late vein obsession I've also been more obsessed with bruises and not remembering quite where I got them from. Anxiety gets me thinking about I being bleeding or something. As well as how long it takes for things to heal on me. For example I hit my ankle pretty bad off the metal pedal of my exercise bike like close to 3 weeks ago and I can still see the red mark. Which worries me if I have proper blood flow or something I don't know.. I hate how in depth I can overthink stupid things and I bet normal people don't question their bruises or cuts and monitor how long they've been there...
I don't know just seems like my heart and blood flow have been a recent obsession lately like the past few monthes. Of course cancer is always something that's in the back of my mind but the heart and vascular area has been my Health anxiety of choice. A doctors apt is in order but my coward self is procrastinating the most about this. Ughhhh.