View Full Version : Ven/Mirt combo

17-08-16, 10:39

Is anyone currently on the Venlafaxine and Mirtazapine combo? I've been on the Mirt at 15mg for three weeks to improve my sleep and appetite, and it worked for both of those. However, since adding Ven six days ago my appetite has virtually disappeared, my sleep's not been as good and I've been suffering from bouts of anxiety and depression. Are these things that will disappear?

Today's my first day at work since I started Ven and I'm struggling with energy levels, tiredness and dizziness, mostly down to eating and sleeping less. I don't know if I should jack in the Ven to get my appetite back or persevere.


20-08-16, 23:43
Hi, hope you are doing okay.

I'm on this combo. Many people on here are so I hope you get some good advice!

My view is that you need to think long term. At six days in you will probably be all over the place in terms of mood/appetite/anxiety etc. Thats all completely normal!

Coming from someone that's 'been there and got the tshirt' I think you should crack on for 4/5 weeks and re-asses your situation then. Most likely your symptoms will level out.

Obviously you should take advice from your doctor, not me!

Overall my opinion is that the meds in combination with CBT plus a good HR department has got my life back!

Good luck and hope to hear from u


21-08-16, 18:41
Thanks Tom

I didn't expect to see any improvements this early but I'm frustrated to be feeling worse. It's reassuring to hear that this is fairly commonplace and that, with a bit of patience, I should see some improvements eventually.

I'm on quite a long CBT waiting list so I may have to go private or try self-help.

Do you mind me asking what dose of both you are on?

27-08-16, 19:01
Hi, sorry to hear your are still feeling naff. The downside of the ven is that it takes so long to start working. You may find every time you increase you will feel worse in the short term.

I'm on 30mg Mirtazapine and 187.5 venlafaxine