View Full Version : Been to the GP this morning...

17-08-16, 11:48
And he wasn't taking me seriously.

I had horrible fluttering in my heart yesterday, as soon as it happened, my face got flushed.
I've been having weird blood pressure (lowish for me) and my heart rate isn't right. My breathing has been odd too. This has been going on for a few weeks, ever since I had my first funny turn which included my heart racing, I was told it was a 'panic attack' but I've suffered with anxiety all my life and never had those symptoms.

I've been googling (big sin) and have discovered a lot of terrifying things including cardiomyopathy which can cause sudden death in young people. Various issues with the valves like mitral valve prolapse, long QT etc etc. Of course mostly all of the symptoms match mine.
I feel like it's only a matter of time, living on borrowed time. I was all ready and set to go to A&E yesterday, my partner had to talk me out of it.
The GPs always blame it on my anxiety. I'm sick of it. Just because I have anxiety doesn't mean I'm not ill. I haven't had an ECG in years. Over five years ago. I asked for one today, he said he had no space and could only fit me in next Wednesday. A full week away. I honestly feel like going to A&E and getting it all checked once and for all.

I'm so anxious today.I'm convinced I'm going to drop down dead. It kills all these athletes so surely it could kill me.

Gary A
17-08-16, 12:00
And he wasn't taking me seriously.

I had horrible fluttering in my heart yesterday, as soon as it happened, my face got flushed.
I've been having weird blood pressure (lowish for me) and my heart rate isn't right. My breathing has been odd too. This has been going on for a few weeks, ever since I had my first funny turn which included my heart racing, I was told it was a 'panic attack' but I've suffered with anxiety all my life and never had those symptoms.

I've been googling (big sin) and have discovered a lot of terrifying things including cardiomyopathy which can cause sudden death in young people. Various issues with the valves like mitral valve prolapse, long QT etc etc. Of course mostly all of the symptoms match mine.
I feel like it's only a matter of time, living on borrowed time. I was all ready and set to go to A&E yesterday, my partner had to talk me out of it.
The GPs always blame it on my anxiety. I'm sick of it. Just because I have anxiety doesn't mean I'm not ill. I haven't had an ECG in years. Over five years ago. I asked for one today, he said he had no space and could only fit me in next Wednesday. A full week away. I honestly feel like going to A&E and getting it all checked once and for all.

I'm so anxious today.I'm convinced I'm going to drop down dead. It kills all these athletes so surely it could kill me.

People die a lot from being knocked over by a bus, but I bet you aren't sitting all day fretting about the next time you need to cross the road.

Just because it can happen doesn't mean it will.

All of your symptoms can easily be explained by anxiety. You are clearly anxious, which can and will create every single symptom you've listed. You admitted yourself that your breathing isn't right, I'd bet that this is where most of your sympoms stem from.

Too much oxygen inhaled and not exhaled creates surges of adrenaline, this in turn causes feelings of breathlessness, increased heart rate and constant surges and drops in blood pressure.

17-08-16, 12:03
I'm so anxious today.I'm convinced I'm going to drop down dead. It kills all these athletes so surely it could kill me.

I remember reading a training article about some of those athletes. It was explaining how extreme cardio without some level of weight bearing exercise had the ability to alter something that affected the heart. I can't remember the details but the bottom line was - very extreme training.

So, those rare occurrences can have reasons behind them.

17-08-16, 12:15

I'm sorry you felt fobbed off but with respect, what did you expect? You have an extensive history of extreme anxiety and frankly, haven't been right yet with any of the fears you've had in the last 7 years. You've again taken extreme anxiety symptoms and attributed them to some sinister highly rare and unlikely medical issue that you cannot possibly have :shrug:

What are you currently doing to help yourself with anxiety?

Positive thoughts

17-08-16, 12:38
Thank you for all the replies so far.

Gary, yes I understand that concept but I sometimes wake up in the morning with that breathing issue (before I'm even concious) so surely it's not anxiety.

Terry, yes I realise a lot of the time it's athletic people (usually men) and family history. I'm concerned because the GP asked me about family history of heart disease and heart attacks. My dad has a-fib and my grandad died of a massive heart attack in his 70s. My nan lives with heart problems - has had two heart attacks and lives with a pacemaker fitted. This all occurred in her 70s too. My other nan had heart issues starting from her 60s. Both my uncles have had strokes but survived.
These problems may have been caused by lifestyle as my grandad smoked all his life, as did my nan and the other one had a bad diet (which I'm guilty of).
Both uncles are very overweight and one smokes.

Fishmanpa, yes seven years is a long time and it's made me very unwell. But just because I suffer with anxiety doesn't mean I can't get ill.
I've had ups and downs in that period and thought my HA was gone forever until recently :( it only takes one or two symptoms to kick it all off and when it's the heart, it's very worrying.
I'm paying to see a counseller - £30 an hour as I have been on the waiting list for free counselling for too long. I go to an anxiety and depression support group also.

17-08-16, 12:53
Fishmanpa, yes seven years is a long time and it's made me very unwell. But just because I suffer with anxiety doesn't mean I can't get ill. I've had ups and downs in that period and thought my HA was gone forever until recently :( it only takes one or two symptoms to kick it all off and when it's the heart, it's very worrying.
I'm paying to see a counseller - £30 an hour as I have been on the waiting list for free counselling for too long. I go to an anxiety and depression support group also.

That's a very positive step in seeking help and that's a great price! Heck, I paid more here for private therapy and that was adjusted based on my income!

Concerning your statement and HA sufferers getting sick. You're spot on. Anxiety (HA) sufferers get sick just like everyone else and just like everyone else they get colds and other "crud". Also, just like everyone else, there is a remote chance that they can get one of the illnesses they fear. In my time on the boards, I know of "two" people that actually realized their fears and guess what? They dealt with it! In fact, not only did they deal with it but their anxiety took a back seat while they focused on the task at hand and even better, their anxiety stayed in the back seat afterwards.

I often say that I have real physical issues that can put me six feet under. Living with constant anxiety and fear is akin to doing that above ground. For the aforementioned members, the experience they had showed them first hand how much their worry was taking away from their lives and I know first hand how precious life is and how fleeting it can be. Therapy will hopefully teach you the acceptance you need to put these fears (and that's all they are) to rest and allow you to actually live and enjoy your life. I hope to see a positive light begin to shine in you.

Positive thoughts