View Full Version : Can feeling lonely kill you?

18-08-16, 03:44
Because I feel like I'm dying

18-08-16, 05:14
I think being lonely can be pretty miserable and not the same as being alone. Do you manage to get out and about with your pup? That's always a good way to have some interaction. I find I spend a lot of time alone these days and I need at least some interaction each day to keep me okay.

18-08-16, 06:07
At times I've found loneliness unbearable but I can usually pull myself out of it. It's a case of trying to keep busy, not always easy but I keep going.
Do you ever write down your feelings Lone bird? I find writing about my feelings helps. And painting, DIY and arty type painting :)

18-08-16, 07:14
My puppy and I play a lot but she also sleeps a lot lol and I've been trying to distract myself but I can't keep my focus on anything for too long. Everything bores me now. It sucks.

18-08-16, 07:23
Get yourself a notebook and start writing stuff down, like a diary.

18-08-16, 08:30
I do that from time to time. It's always interesting re reading my entries.

18-08-16, 08:34
Keep it up. Yes it's very interesting to look back. Some of my stuff from years ago makes me smile but ultimately shows how temporary your thoughts can be :)

18-08-16, 08:39
I've started writing last December. I wish I could say my thoughts have changed. Seems as if I've always been feeling lonely.

18-08-16, 08:39
How old is your puppy? Soon she will be very lively and will not leave you alone. My relative has an 8 month old puppy and it's crazy.

I know that feeling of everything boring you, that's me too this last year. I'm not sure if loneliness can kill you, but this last year when my depression has been at its worst, I've developed dark circles (they are glaringly obvious), my hair is full of split ends, even at the roots and I just look like crap. So it can certainly affect ones body in my opinion. Eating healthily etc doesn't seem to make a damn bit of difference.

18-08-16, 08:44
That's stress KeeKee. It'll get better :)

---------- Post added at 08:44 ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 ----------

Keep writing Lone bird :)

18-08-16, 08:47
Eating healthy, I honestly don't even have an appetite. But that's not too bad because I need to lose weight anyways. And my pup is 4 months
I've also noticed I have weird rashes. Could that be from the stress of depression?

I really need to work up the courage to see a doctor

18-08-16, 08:49
Yes rashes can be brought on by anxiety etc.
And do see a doctor

18-08-16, 08:54
I'll keep trying

18-08-16, 09:14
Keep trying for your girl. They are so darling at 4 months! I am a dog lover and have two dogs. I had three until my elderly retriever had to be put to sleep last November.

My girl Lola is coming up 5, she is a rescue so I got her at 7 months old and missed out on the puppy stage. My boy Zico is coming up two but I got him at 8 weeks from a breeder (he's a Golden Retriever and incredibly handsome). I so enjoyed having him as a baby.

I know you feel really bad but try and get just a little joy from Lily. Dogs love us unconditionally and can help immensely with the loneliness.

Do you think you could push yourself and take her to some training classes or something? To get you out? It's also a good way to bond with her.

18-08-16, 09:20
She's definitely my rock.
One night she was asleep under my bed, heard me crying and came right to me to comfort. The cutest thing she's done and she does a lot of cute things. I've been trying to teach her a few tricks to keep us occupied:)
I hope to have a large dog family like you, they are the best. I'm sorry for you loss by the way

18-08-16, 09:27
Thanks. It's very hard losing a dog. First time I've had to deal with that as I've only had dogs in my life for 4.5 years. I was always allergic, but when it came to me realising I was never going to have kids I just took lots of antihistamines, spent time with other people's dogs and then adopted Lola.

The old fella (Caesar) was left with me when he was nearly 11 by a friend of a friend who was going through a marriage break up. He ended up staying until he died at 13.5. Hardest thing I've ever had to do getting him put to sleep.

There is something very special about dogs and the relationship we have with them. I was always a cat person but to me there is no love like the love you can have for a dog.

When I first got Lola we went to some training courses and I found it good as I have trouble focusing on training by myself.

Do you take her out regularly around other people and dogs? I have found this a life saver these past months when I've been really unwell. Just getting out, exercise, fresh air and chatting with people.

I really hope things improve for you soon


18-08-16, 09:34
Yeah, losing a dog is awful. My family dog passed away last June while I was away at school.
I take her out four times a day, she loves people but is kind of afraid of other dogs lol. She's an odd pup :) she likes cats though,

And thank you, I hope so too. I hope thinks go super well for you

18-08-16, 13:43
Dogs are ace :woof:

When I was really struggling mine would often come for a nuzzle. When I was lying about due to fatigue there have been times where he has just fetched a toy and plonked it down at my feet so I would play with him. It got me up & running about and I felt the better for it.

When my mum broke her shoulder he just sat at her feet and wouldn't leave her when she was waiting for me to get home from the walk I was one so my dad could run bet up to the hospital and I could look after our dog to save locking him in (he's great but has anxiety about being left in alone). When she got back, strapped up, he was the same for ages. He wouldn't be excitable & jumping up as he normally would, be was patient and attentive.

They know when we are in pain and they do what they can to help us through it.

18-08-16, 22:43
Hi , I have family around me but with anxiety and depression i can feel all alone in a room full of people , lost my dog earlier this year and he was my true best friend for 11 plus years he knew when you were down and he'd lay with me when I couldn't sleep , we've got a new pup now and she is great with our other dog but I miss my once in a lifetime old boy , when your pup is older you will meet people when walking at one time it was the only thing got me out of the house , life always changes and you won't allways feel this way , enjoy your new dog .

19-08-16, 03:31
Dogs are definitely the best. She's honestly the only thing really keeping me from signing off.
I'm sorry for your lost and I'm glad you both got lost lifted by your pups. True life savers