View Full Version : Can anyone reassure me?

18-08-16, 08:47
Hi All

I'm back again with this health anxiety 😔

Over the past few months I have decided I don't want to live like this anymore trouble is my anxiety sees this as a challenge and steps up a gear 😔 I have so many different issues that come and go and my brain seems to home in on one and of course everything else I feel ties in with it some way or another making it all worse

I have chronic nerve pain for which I am on amitriptaline 20mcg a night before bed I also take a Colofac for ibs at night and a ibuprofen to try and give the muscles around my upper back shoulder and neck a rest my hands tingle a lot as they are now always seems to be worse in the morning I am hoping it is because my muscles have had a good rest and starting to use them again sets this tingling off

I have become more aware of the tingling I honestly don't know if it is happening more or if my brain has homed in on it the muscles around my upper back from the middle of my back upwards to my jaw are always very tense my upper arms ache when I hang washing out fold washing anything like that I have felt it before usually the day after I have been work because I work till 9.30pm and I have fibromyalgia I certainly feel it the next day

Because my HA is focused on my heart the upper arm ache scares me makes me think my heart is struggling and sets me off on a vicious circle of aching because I'm worried and worrying because I ache 😔

I have a telephone assessment with a psychologist on 24th of this month I asked my doctor to refer me for some proper councilling in the hope that I can suppress this beast and at least learn to live with it

Should I be worried about my arms? If my husband puts deep heat on me I feel better but not for long I have work later today and I don't want to get myself in a state

I am also having problems falling asleep sometimes I feel like I am going to forget to breath and my eyes open and I take a big breath then I get that awful stomach drop feeling you get when you recieve bad news it happens a couple of times before I fall asleep my heart isn't racing or anything when it happens just that split second of omg did I breath really scares me anyone had this

Thanks guys

18-08-16, 09:08
Hi Caz

Your anxious thoughts are probably making you home in on your symptoms. I know mine do that to me and I know how horrible it feels.

Falling asleep and waking with a jolt is classic anxiety.

Have you tried any self help whilst waiting for your referral for counselling?

I'm posting some links to websites you may find helpful. Apologies if you've already seen them.



18-08-16, 11:51
Hi Primula

Thank you so much for your reply I hadn't seen those links before I have just had a look and I will definitely be having a better look at them Thank you

I know deep down you are probably right it is my anxiety intruding my mind again there's so much I need to sort out I am even anxious that after this telephone assessment with the psychologist that she will say we have people in a worse state that you over real things that are happening and not help me ��

I am so tired of feeling like this I can't look forward to anything I can't plan anything I just can't do anything my job is great I am a valued member of staff never been diciplined my sickness record is excellent considering my problems but I do only work 2 days a week because I am a carer for my son who has Autism but every time I have work I think I'm in trouble maybe I did something wrong on my last shift when I know I didn't so I get wound up arrive at work nothing is said so I relax and then I feel ill and panicky probably because I have got myself in a state for nothing

I will read more of your links thank you so much again xx

18-08-16, 12:00
Hi I too have many problems including getting a good nights sleep! As for counciling you could try the mental health charity called mind many towns and cities in the Uk will have a branch nearby good luck and let us know how you get on please :)

18-08-16, 12:04
My pleasure Caz. I've experienced many of the feelings and thoughts you describe. This is a real thing that is happening to you, and the psychologist should not be dismissive. Don't downplay to the psychologist how much this is affecting your life. Good luck :)

Big Boy made a good point, MIND is a good organsiation, they are online too. http://www.mind.org.uk/

18-08-16, 13:09
I just want to say good going for getting the referral for professional help. You're definitely focusing in on the anxiety symptoms and it's a catch 22. Asking for and getting help puts you light years ahead in getting a hold of the dragon and putting out his flames.

Positive thoughts

19-08-16, 16:45
Hi Everyone

Thanks so much for your kind words

I have been doctors this morning she gave me a examination my BP pulse sats listened to my heart and lungs she did my blood pressure first I hate those machines they use just the thought of it being high makes me anxious while it is tightening around my arm 😩 She did my pulse next and said my heart was racing a bit I said it's probably because I'm at the docs but after I left I thought about it and I think it was the BP machine that made that happen I think she typed in 86 I am guessing bpm on the computer I am too scared to goodle how abnormal that is 😩

She said she wasn't at all worried she said my heart beat was regular and strong even if a little fast she thinks my upper back and arm pain are due to me over doing it slightly so she thinks it's all muscular

I feel a little better but I still have the pain so I'm also a bit 🙄🙄 you all
Help me so much tho thank you 😘

19-08-16, 17:42
That's good news from the doctor, all normal results. Time to get to work on the anxiety. :D

20-08-16, 01:33
Hi there, I'm am so sorry to hear what a rough time you are having, this HA malarkey is so hard going. One of the things I have been doing recently is listening to a guided hypnotherapy anxiety cd that I got for a pound or two from Amazon, I pop it on every night, I don't think I have ever heard more than the first ten minutes as I fall fast asleep!! The cd has not cured my HA however it gets me to sleep, and I find my physical symptoms are less because because I'm more relaxed and not 'scrunched up at night! Good luck lovely, it will pass, have faith in yourself x

20-08-16, 12:48
Hi There

Thanks for your reply

I went docs yesterday usually that makes me feel much better and it has to a certain extent I am still aching tho so my mind being this way wonders if she missed something should she have been more worried about my heart racing 😩

It's just so awful living like this 8 long years nearly my life has been consumed with if I collapse where I collapse will I survive so awful I am really looking forward to this telephone appointment on Wednesday I told the doc I didn't want any group meetings like stress classes I prefer to be on my own I am so tired of living like this I ask my husband all the time do you think I will ever be normal he says I won't ever be who I was but I will be ok again

My chest just feels full like I am on the brink of something happening I have ibs and I haven't been toilet for 2 days (sorry) so i know that ibs alone can cause anxiety couple that with my health anxiety makes for a horrible feeling I ache all over (fibro?) my arms ache makes me think it's my heart but she said I had probably over done it recently I did a car boot sale last Sunday so had to pack the car and I worked Monday I also mowed the lawn before the car boot can't remember what day but I am 44 nearly should I feel this old? 😔 Makes me so sad thank you all though you really help me xx

20-08-16, 12:50
I know what you mean about the 'feeling old' issue. I'm 27 and although it isn't old I feel like I'm in my late 30's. I feel absolutely haggard. Unfortunately stress/depression/anxiety can all do this to you. It's hard to accept though