View Full Version : Private treatment quickly and costly, or wait and use NHS?

18-08-16, 12:02
Hi everyone
This might not be the correct selection to post this, but I'd like a few people's opinions.
I'm having my Own health worries at the moment which are explained on my thread about my swollen painful tonsil which gives me constant earache. I have seen a private ENT consultant twice (the GP I saw at my surgery wouldn't refer me, but she wasn't my Usual Doctor) who has now advised a tonsillectomy. He says he doesn't think it is anything sinister but would request a biopsy on the tonsil following the procedure.

My concern / question is this - do I pay the £2500 for the operation privately, book it at a date that works For me in the near future, but have a debt to pay off, or go back to my GP and ask for an NHS referral? Bearing in mind the waiting times, my anxiety, and the hurdle I have to get over to actually be referred on the NHS after my initial bad experience of a GP refusing to refer me? Could they turn down my request to have it done on the NHS?

I also worry about how long it will take to get this operation done on the NHS if I have to go back the the bottom of the waiting list. I am worried I have tonsil cancer , the consultant says he doesn't think it is, but isn't 100% until it is removed. My anxiety is telling me as time goes on, the cancer is advancing.
I know only I can make the decision, but my boyfriend and family don't understand my anxiety and say wait on the NHS, while a few others have said pay and get it done with.
Does anyone have any thoughts? If not, at least I've got it out in the open writing it here X

18-08-16, 12:38
Have you got a usual GP that you trust? If so then it would be worth trying hard to get an appointment with that GP to discuss your concerns for your tonsils and your health anxiety as well as a GP that you have a relationship with ought to be able to find an NHS route for you that works and manages any risk as well.

Its hard to talk about a £2500 private operation as we don't know what your financial position is and if you are someone who is anxious you are equally likely to worry about money as worry about any theoretical cancer.

I dont know if that helps but I would suggest discussing the Private Consultants thinking with a GP you trust.

18-08-16, 12:39

From personal experience, if the medical professionals (THREE!) suspected anything sinister, you would have been put on the fast track. You're not exhibiting other symptoms that would indicate anything sinister. Ultimately, you'll make your own decision but if finances are a consideration I would wait. In the mean time, ask about some OTC meds that can help with the discomfort of any symptoms and tell your anxiety to STFU!
Hmmm... think of it this way.... the 2500 pounds you would pay privately can be used as a nice little recovery vacation ;)

Positive thoughts

18-08-16, 13:17
I don't know how a private consultant would address cancer discovery, so fast track may not be the case (unless they advise a costly operation) but they would be clear with you about the urgent need for treatment.

Can the NHS refuse? Yes, and they do with tonsillitis. My brother went years with his. They no longer whip them straight out like they did when I had mine done as a kid. But if they think it is needed, they will do it but be prepared a wait since its not a priority.

But are you missing the point here? Are you seeking quick address of an issue because of anxiety? Yes, because a non anxious person wouldn't be thinking cancer, they would be thinking about the annoyance of tonsillitis. So, isn't this just the same as a GP refusing a MRI and you paying the greedy private sector who seem to be less likely to say you don't need it?

18-08-16, 13:37
As people have said no consultant-NHS or private-would put you on a routine waiting list if cancer were suspected. No consultant would be able to say 100% at this stage that you didn't have tonsil cancer. I doubt whether your private consultant would have made that comment to make you opt for prompt private surgery but he's just stating facts.

If you are in constant pain and it's affecting the quality of your life (not the anxiety or "what if?" aspect but physical pain)then I would be tempted by the private option but again you have the debt aspect to consider as well. You may be able to pay this back easily though.

I think you need to explore the option of an NHS referral with your GP and if it's not possible then your decision will be made for you. You obviously have a physical problem with the tonsil and your anxiety won't be helping . I hope you are able to make a decision soon xx

18-08-16, 14:00
As people have said no consultant-NHS or private-would put you on a routine waiting list if cancer were suspected. No consultant would be able to say 100% at this stage that you didn't have tonsil cancer. I doubt whether your private consultant would have made that comment to make you opt for prompt private surgery but he's just stating facts.

If you are in constant pain and it's affecting the quality of your life (not the anxiety or "what if?" aspect but physical pain)then I would be tempted by the private option but again you have the debt aspect to consider as well. You may be able to pay this back easily though.

I think you need to explore the option of an NHS referral with your GP and if it's not possible then your decision will be made for you. You obviously have a physical problem with the tonsil and your anxiety won't be helping . I hope you are able to make a decision soon xx

Agree with the above, are you getting help with your health anxiety?

18-08-16, 14:05
To be honest, even for children the wait is long for removal of tonsils, and even then the patient has to have had numerous bouts of severe tonsillitis before they consider removing them.

I have to concur with Terry here. I think that this worry is your anxiety talking, though i don't doubt for one minute that your physical symptoms are real, after all a doctor saw them, but as said already, if they had ANY doubt, you would not have been 'advised' to have them removed. They would have had you in within 2 weeks.

I myself have a larger tonsil, and it gives me pain periodically. Swells up and goes down. I have tonsillitis every year without fail. I just gargle with warm salt water, use Chlorhexidine mouthwashes, throat sprays etc, and just sit it out.

It's a pain, but it is manageable.

Basically, it is up to you. I am sure they will be more than happy for you elect to have any surgery in the private sector. That is a given....as far as any NHS referral, it may be more trouble than it is worth if you are not viewed as an urgent case, but the ball really is in your court here. xx

18-08-16, 14:36
Thanks for everyone's replies.
Being in pain everyday and taking painkillers almost daily is just a constant reminder that it's 'there' and does raise my anxiety.

Pulisa , you've hit the nail on the head.
I'd like relief , sooner rather than later, from the symptoms which I'm suffering with daily, and on top of that of course my anxiety is going to be high while I'm in pain.

I don't have tonsillitis, it's one enlarged tonsil that is pushing on my ear canal and causing pain, jaw pain and constant ear pain.

I do take medication for anxiety and I read a lot of self help books and online resources.

I think I'll have to go back to a different GP with my consultants letters and see what they say about referring me. If it's looking like an 18 week wait, I'll go privately.

Thanks again X

22-08-16, 13:12
How are you getting on Carrie. Are you any further ahead with your throat problem. Just wondered :hugs:

22-08-16, 16:52
Hi Magic, I've recently moved house so unfortunately I can't see the GP I really liked s and trusted anymore. I have just registered at a new practice and am due to see someone this week. I will take my private consultation letters with me and see what the new GP says about referring me and NHS waiting times. I could be at a big disadvantage here by having to see a totally new GP who doesn't yet know my history.
My current feeling is I'm 80% sure I'll book the operation privately as my symptoms are getting worse and the pain is constant. I just hope, If they find something sinister in my tonsil, I can be transferred for NHS treatment without issues. Thanks for asking about me X

23-08-16, 08:23
If there was any chance that you had tonsil cancer you would be fasttracked on the NHS though. You wouldn't be dependent on a GP assessment as the ENT consultant has already seen you. At least you can clarify your NHS options/time span and then make a final decision?

23-08-16, 11:36
I guess the fact that I did the worst thing you can do and googled my symptoms and found horror stories of people who weren't diagnosed until they eventually had their tonsils removed after much to-ing and fro-ing with appointments.

I am so done with my symptoms though, I just want the damn tonsil out.


23-08-16, 12:32
Carrie, was it the ENT consultant that said the tonsil was pushing against the ear canal?