View Full Version : why now?

23-03-07, 07:48
Good morning everyone. Anxiety is a strange thing. For 2 months I have been pretty bad with it because our landlord was selling the building where we live. We heard yesterday that it has been sold and the new landlord is keeping the tenants, will refurbish the whole place and seems an ok guy. We will not lose our home. SO why did I wake at 3.30 this morning panicking and sweating and thinking I was going mad? I should be over the moon with relief. Instead, I am feeling very uptight and ghastly. Has anyone else had this happen? Thanks for 'listening'!! Luv Maz xx:blush:

23-03-07, 08:44
i some times feel when u have had stressfull time and it finaly over its a bit like the aftermath if u no what i mean but i do no how u feel its like when there is a tragerdy i seem to be copein and when its over all my anxiety kicks in hope that answers your question bye for now trish

23-03-07, 11:41
Know that feeling too, have the same here! Had no job and might have to move, now been offered a job, felt great for 1 day, then felt anxiety and panic worse then I did before! There's no pleasing some of us is there! lol

26-03-07, 14:54
Sometimes (like quite recently) when I solve a big problem, or get rid of a worry, I will wake up in the night feeling excited and euphoric for no particular reason. This kicks off my adrenal system, adn before I know it i'm having palpitations again, and maye a full blown panic atack!. It's crazy. I guess it's just the other side of a particluarly annoying coin!