View Full Version : It's a bit of a long story...

18-08-16, 14:50

This is not the sort of thing that I would usually do however, I have reached a point where I am desperate. Hopefully someone will read this and my words will resonate with you; I am so incredibly lonely at the moment and aside from my wonderful, beautiful Mum I don't have anyone else to talk to. I will turn 20 this September so in a desperate attempt to turn things around I have come here for some help and guidance. Perhaps I can help somebody else too, but I am in great need of a friend right now. First, let me give you the "condensed" version of my journey thus far.

At the age of 5 I was diagnosed with severe Crohn's Disease and had to go to a specialist hospital in London (I won't say location, it was quite a distance from my home though). My checkups still take place here, however I have transition onto the adult ward. I have experienced many flare ups which have taken me out of school and unfortunately i missed most of my secondary education. I managed to complete my GCSE's at home (the bare minimum maths, science & english); being out of school for so long caused me to develop severe social anxiety to the point where I could not even bear to be in the same room as someone else my age or else I would drop to the floor and cower. I am proud to say however that my passion for learning drove me (with great difficulty I might add!) to join sixth form to do my A-Levels. Though things were much better I was still very, very socially awkward & anxious but I tolerated this by focusing solely on my studies.

As you can imagine with Crohn's, my relationship with food throughout the years has been very up and down and as a result of this I developed an eating disorder. I dealt with this throughout sixth form and was under the threat of going residential (I managed to avoid this with support from my family). I have seen many therapists & psychologists throughout the years to no avail, I've received help with Needle Phobia, Social anxiety, Panic Attacks, ED, Depression, OCD... I don't know the etiquette on here but its been a bit of a cr*p time. Sorry for going on.

Now I've been out of sixth form for a year and my social anxiety has just gone backwards. All progress I've made is being slowly diminished. I don't have a job, I declined my uni place, fatigue prevents me from doing anything, and I feel SO LONELY.

Again, sorry for going on it's just I'm at my wits end.

I am bound to have missed something out but I've typed this while in a bit of a frenzy.

If anybody has any advice on managing social anxiety and how to make friends as an adult, it would be greatly appreciated.

I hope that you are having a good day and many thanks if you managed to read all of this.

"May the Force Be With You"

18-08-16, 14:55
Hiya JediWitt and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

18-08-16, 15:45

Firstly don't worry about rambling on because we all do it :D

It sounds like you have had a lot to deal with, as well as the anxiety having a physical issue like that is bound to be stressful.
I have mild social anxiety but I'm mainly here for my health anxiety and general anxiety.
Have you done CBT therapy before and if so how was that for you?

I hope you stick around you'll find good support here,
And as I am a trekky

Live Long & Prosper :D

18-08-16, 18:31
I found a site called italki it's a place where people who are learning new languages ask for help correcting their little essays or just discuss, and they also look for language partners. You could start by joining there and just read what people write, perhaps help by correcting someone's notebook entry or add a (anonymous) note on some discussion. I help a refugee learning my language, it is very rewarding to see the progress in the other person.

Anyway, my mum had Crohns disease when I was little, it wasn't much fun for her or for anyone else for that matter. It is very debilitating. I also want to congratulate you to taking your A-Levels in spite of all your difficulties.

19-08-16, 18:37
Thanks KatiePink & randomforeigner for your replies. Yes I have tried CBT several times, and it just doesn't help much. I know I'm more of a jump off at the deep end person but it's just making that initial move (and figuring out what to do). I'll give "italki" a look and see what it's like. Thanks for the suggestion!

Do you know if there are any threads on here where you can talk to people (who are socially anxious) about common interests?

19-08-16, 19:58
There's a social anxiety section if you want to post in there, this site is mainly health anxiety posts it's always busy in that part but there is plenty here with social anxiety :)
There's also the panic pause humour and games section which is light hearted, you'll find lots of different topics in there, I'm not too sure about the chat room bit as I've never used it