View Full Version : 100% Recovery

18-08-16, 15:41
Hello I used to post on here quite a bit I wanted to say to people suffering that recovery is 100% possible
4 years ago I had a mental breakdown and ended up twice in the pysch hospital it was the lowest point of my life and I thought I would never recover.I was on a cocktail of drugs and had severe anxiety,panic attacks and depression 24/7 that wouldnt relinquish.
I made some big life changes and slowly weaned myself off the meds,started exercising and drastically changed my diet.I also stopped going on online forums and searching the net for miracle cures.Slowly but surely I got better
Recently I was ill for a long period of time ,collapsed and admitted to hospital for a serious life changing illness.Not once did I panic or get depressed,I am over the worst part and receiving good medical treatment that will hopefully cure me in the future
I now live every day without fear and look forward to jumping out of bed in the morning to start the day
Thankyou to all the people that supported me on here and remember you can get through this but sometimes you have to change the way you are doing things :)

18-08-16, 16:50
Hi Andy. :)

18-08-16, 17:53
Great to hear from you Andy and so pleased that you are doing so well.

Sorry to hear about your illness, I hope that they continue to keep things under control.

Keep it up mate, you deserve to be happy.

Take care


18-08-16, 18:02
Great to hear from you Andy. I'm so sorry to hear about your serious illness but you sound strong and really positive. Wishing you well in all that you do and thanks so much for telling us about your remarkable recovery

18-08-16, 18:44
Sorry to hear about your physical issues but very pleased to hear that mentally you were in a good place mentally to deal with them. I know from experience that facing the physical issues as you did strengthens your mind as well. Keep up the good work!

Positive thoughts

19-08-16, 07:28
Hi Andy,

The very best wishes for your recovery. Your posts have always been positive and thoughtful, and I'm sure helped many.

19-08-16, 09:52
Lovely to hear from you Andy. Sorry to hear you have been so ill but delighted to know that you have overcome the anxiety.

19-08-16, 19:07
Good luck I hope everything works out.

21-08-16, 07:45
Hope you recover soon best wishes


21-08-16, 09:19
That's great news to hear about your 100% recovery from an emotional point of view. Sorry to hear about your physical health issues though. I hope that you made a full recovery soon. Best of luck!
