View Full Version : Just can't get shot of this nausea

18-08-16, 19:22
The nausea is really getting me down. I'm almost 7 weeks in on my 20mg increase and I've had a run of good days but unfortunately I'm now stuck in a blip. When I was feeling good the nausea went, but now it is back and I just can't get rid of it.

Mornings are the worst; dry heaving, stomach churning, sweating etc, then it kind of wears off in the day but comes back in the evening. I've tried peppermint tea, ginger, milk of magnesia, quells, eating a biscuit, hot water bottle, and I do have cyclizine - they stop the nausea but make me feel so woozy, no way could I drive my car or go to work if I took those in the morning so I have to put up with it and just hope it wears off because my work colleagues have started asking if I'm OK as I just keep heaving. I said I think I have an ulcer because I would get sent home if I said it was a stomach bug or something, and I don't want to tell them about my anxiety and medication.

Any tips or advice please my lovely friends? Will this awful thing eventually wear off? I can't understand why I'm still getting side effects after 7 weeks, that's if it IS a side effect because as I said, it went completely when I was on a good run.

18-08-16, 21:35
Did you have the same when you started with citalopram and with each increase in dose? or is it something new?
Can't you try a half a dose of cyclizine, might be enough...
If it doesn't get any easier maybe you should phone your doc....or maybe it just needs time.
Hang in there, I hope that you feel better soon.
take care

18-08-16, 21:44
Hi Sidiam. No, I can't remember having the nausea as a side effect initially. This seems to be a relatively new phenomenon.

I'm going to try and give it 12 weeks before considering an increase if I can. That way I will know for certain that the dose isn't high enough to control my symptoms.

18-08-16, 22:02
Did you have the nausea before you started citalopram? If so then it's probably still anxiety?

Sorry you are still experiencing this


19-08-16, 21:37
Hope you are coping and that you feel a little better. You say that you didn't have the nausea before so if it doesn't get any better soon then maybe you should check with your doctor. It may have nothing to do with the medication.
My mh fellow sufferer friend and I have also decided to give it 3 months, she has also been given citalopram. Now I have to find the willpower and patience...
take care

20-08-16, 06:57
Did you ask your dr ?

20-08-16, 07:10

Just want to add my support. I suffer nausea but I never heave (actually I did once June last year but that was in exceptional circumstances). My anxiety used to tell me it would happen again but thinking about it I haven't felt like that for a while. I can't imagine heaving like you describe, and at work too. It's astonishing you're holding down your job. Shouldn't you take a break? Even if it means taking a cut in wages.

The only thing I can think of suggesting is not taking peppermint. Yes I know everyone says peppermint is good for indigestion, and it is short term, but I've read something that says peppermint can upset your stomach lining. So might be worth avoiding it. Ginger is still a good natural one though.

Hang in there, you're braver than you think.

20-08-16, 07:10
Not yet. It may be hormonal as I started a new hrt regime a month ago.

20-08-16, 07:31
Yes, just googled it and it says dry heaving in the morning can be related to HRT (something to do with morning sickness?). It's great being a woman.

It'll calm down I'm sure.

20-08-16, 09:37
Yes, just googled it and it says dry heaving in the morning can be related to HRT (something to do with morning sickness?). It's great being a woman.

It'll calm down I'm sure.

Thank you. I'm waiting for the results of my endometrial biopsy and then depending on those results I can hopefully work with the consultant to see what can be done x

20-08-16, 09:41
Good luck, it's good you've got the consultants onto it.

20-08-16, 17:19
It could easily (easily!!!!) be the HRT.
Like LMA I googled it and the side effects can be pretty bad. What are you taking?
Hope you get things sorted when your blood results come in, glad you are seeing a doctor.
Is your son having a fantastic time, brings back so many memories...
take care

20-08-16, 21:33
Hi Sidiam. They've messed about with it over the past 6 months. First it was Evorel Conti patches, then they swapped me on to Evorel Sequi patches, and then they swapped me on to Kliovance tablets.