View Full Version : nervous and lightheaded

23-03-07, 08:19
:lac: Hi everybody
Last night I had the worst headache and I thought really this is it im gonna die well then I took two acodol and after some time it started passing but i also got hot flushes with it and a nervous feeling
Now I am at work I feel lightheaded and really nervous especially because i don't want to draw any attention.I am really scared I feel terible and nervous and I can't really cry here or show any signs of being afraid what can I do ???
please anyone???

23-03-07, 12:00
Just keep calm, it's all part of anxiety, it's a vicious circle you're having.

You're thinking about it therefore making it worse, just sit back, drink some water, close your eyes for a little while then re-open them and actually re-evaulate how you're feeling and you will pull through it I promise you

23-03-07, 12:55
Hi David
Thanks a lot for replying its just I feel so scared all the time and I am suppose to go away with my softball club (all the girls ) I am so scared to go thinking What If I get all these symptoms and I freak out and none of them knows I suffer from anxiety.This just really sucks

23-03-07, 13:00
Try and relax your body - drop your jaw and drop your shoulders and relax those face muscles.

Let your hands flop too - you are perfectly safe. :D

Love Piglet :flowers:

23-03-07, 13:23
I dont go out anywhere near as much as I used to Cindy due to fear of getting one when I'm out. I cant seem to stop myself thinking about them but I am trying to get out more and more each day.