View Full Version : Dentist tomorrow feeling anxious

18-08-16, 20:47
I don't quite understand why I'm feeling anxious I have had 9 teeth out recently and I have a bad infection that needs to come out that has caused stress for months and has been swollen for months

Tomorrow should be a relief for me but instead it's 8.30 pm and I have butterflies and feel depressed and just wanna lay in my bed and feel like crap

Tomorrow I'm having 5 injections and a infected tooth out I was told it might not work and feel some sort of pain but I'm not sure why I feel so anxious tonight?

I even went to the dentist Monday hours after booking a emergency one felt anxious and butterflies before going into the actual dentist chair then I was calm

I dunno how to relax my thoughts and my self and calm myself tonight to sleep well and also relax myself tomorrow the more relaxed and calm I am the easier it will be

I don't even know what to eat I just feel like actual anxious wreck I even had a wisdom tooth out 2 months ago so I dunno why this is causing me stress? It makes no sense

18-08-16, 21:15
Hi Paul. Sorry you are feeling so worried about your dental appointment tomorrow. Nobody likes the thought of pain and it is only natural that you should feel anxious and worried.

Have you been taking a course of antibiotics prior to this extraction tomorrow? An infected tooth shouldn't be removed until the infection has been resolved as it is difficult to get it numb when it's infected and there is also a risk of spreading the infection to the adjacent teeth and blood supply.

Did the dentist say why you needed 5 injections? I was a dental nurse for many years and I've never known of a patient needing 5 injections to numb a single tooth.

18-08-16, 21:36
I just went Monday for a filling. It was a pretty extensive (three surface) deal. As far as the injections? They put some numbing stuff on my gums and then he probably hit me 4-6 times in various places. Within ten minutes I was totally numb... didn't feel a thing! Just a little sore and sensitive for a couple of days after the drugs wore off.

Dentists are pretty good these days in making sure you don;t feel pain and if you do? just let him know and they'll hit you up with more pain juice ;)

Positive thoughts

18-08-16, 22:00
Hi Paul. Sorry you are feeling so worried about your dental appointment tomorrow. Nobody likes the thought of pain and it is only natural that you should feel anxious and worried.

Have you been taking a course of antibiotics prior to this extraction tomorrow? An infected tooth shouldn't be removed until the infection has been resolved as it is difficult to get it numb when it's infected and there is also a risk of spreading the infection to the adjacent teeth and blood supply.

Did the dentist say why you needed 5 injections? I was a dental nurse for many years and I've never known of a patient needing 5 injections to numb a single tooth.

I have lower bottom right first molar and have had swelling since maybe 10 months antibiotics don't help the swelling as the swelling is now hard and not pus it's mainly blood and hard gum tissue around the infected tooth due to anxiety over having teeth out I have slowly faced my dentist fear and now it's kinda the last major extraction left and due to not being able to have a nerve block due to it causing a numb tongue

They are trying a technique which will numb the area a nerve block would but without the actual tongue being numb and they have said it might not make me fully numb but tooth has to come out ASAP anyway and this is the best they can come up with

18-08-16, 22:01
Hi Paul, I went through all this earlier in the year and can empathise like a good many people here. Seeing a dentist is not something anyone looks forward to even when they don't have anxiety.

Like you I had treatment in stages with a week or two between each one. I got anxious every time but a good dentist won't do anything unless you are numb. My final visit was for the removal of a molar at the back, the dentist warned me in advance it would be a difficult extraction. It took about 15 minutes but I felt nothing. It's the waiting isn't it but you will be fine :)

18-08-16, 23:41
I just went Monday for a filling. It was a pretty extensive (three surface) deal. As far as the injections? They put some numbing stuff on my gums and then he probably hit me 4-6 times in various places. Within ten minutes I was totally numb... didn't feel a thing! Just a little sore and sensitive for a couple of days after the drugs wore off.

Dentists are pretty good these days in making sure you don;t feel pain and if you do? just let him know and they'll hit you up with more pain juice ;)

Positive thoughts

Yeah dentists are actual really good places and do a fantastic work but I still get anxious even though I know it isn't a big deal and it's a okay experience

---------- Post added at 23:41 ---------- Previous post was at 22:01 ----------

Hi Paul, I went through all this earlier in the year and can empathise like a good many people here. Seeing a dentist is not something anyone looks forward to even when they don't have anxiety.

Like you I had treatment in stages with a week or two between each one. I got anxious every time but a good dentist won't do anything unless you are numb. My final visit was for the removal of a molar at the back, the dentist warned me in advance it would be a difficult extraction. It took about 15 minutes but I felt nothing. It's the waiting isn't it but you will be fine :)

Thanks hopefully I will be fine and won't panic but it's so silly as I have had a lot done recently in stages and my normal thoughts ain't scared or bothered of the dentist as I have had a lot of work done but I still get anxious and anxiety and bad thoughts which I have no idea why when my own sensible side of my mind argues with my anxiety saying it will be fine

18-08-16, 23:54
good luck for tomorrow I am OK with most things these days but am a shaking nervous wreck at the dentist.
let us know how you get on we'll all be sending good thoughts

20-08-16, 13:06
I amazingly had it out which is a relief

20-08-16, 16:02
Go to the dentist often so any small issues that might crop up are being dealt with early on. I once had a working colleague who hadn't gone for like 15 years, and then had to do like 5 or 7 root canal jobs in one go. Don't let it happen to you but instead book a new check-up in 6 months time. An electrical tooth brush is a must, buy one today.