View Full Version : Tortillas, mayonnaise & lettice

19-08-16, 00:29
Tortillas, mayonnaise & lettice.....

I bet you saw that title and were like... what the hell?

Well.. let me tell you a story about my struggle the past 2 days. I normally order from the shops to be delivered as I hate going out. I can function somewhat though in shops normally... but the other day i went to get fuel and i had a really nasty panic moment at the till i held it together but it was the first time in about 3 years i had a panic attack and infact probably one of the worsed ones i've had since a really bad episode in 2006.

Anyway, my struggle is that I've been dying to have some chicken wraps the past few days but i forgot to order some stuff so.. order £35 more stuff? (minimum order) or go get it... I choose to be sensible and go get it.

This has in fact turned into the worsed experience ever! I have been to a local Co Op twice both times i failed and the second time involved me heading out the shop fast after nearly passing out from the most extreme panic attack I've had in years. I've just been to a Tesco (at 11pm to avoid people, thought it might help) and it was awful... I couldn't really see properly as I'm really tired due to the freak out earlier in co op... my head was spinning, i couldn't think straight at all and whenever a shelf stacker walked towards me i got severe panic attacks but i managed to hide it from anyone as i just froze.

The reason i explain all this is that recently like the last couple of weeks my panic attack problems have come in so hard!!! I came off Citaropram last year (exactly a year ago this month) they actually stopped the panic but it's only till now a year later it's back and not just back but back in a way which i've never experienced before... It's so, soooo much worse!!

Why is this? are there any ways to stop them? I'd like to be able to function in shops... it's horrific not having the option to get anything if i need it.

Really need help and advice. :unsure:

19-08-16, 07:39
I sympathise with you, checkouts were my fear. In my case I just toughed it out not easy but doable. Try breaking it down into smaller chunks. Like entering a shop, staying for a minute and gradually increasing it?
It's hard giving advice on here but it is sortable. If I can do it., anyone can :)

20-08-16, 17:28
The dreaded supermarkets! It's the unnatural lighting that sets it off for me. Florescent lighting is a big problem. So are the people, the smells, the sounds, the bright light. Urgh, it's dreadful. Waiting in line is awful during an attack because I tend to touch my face and do unnatural hand movements, or touch things. The moment someone looks at me I'm out of that shop pronto.

29-08-16, 22:03
Indeed I'm not a fan either.

Things are getting much worse. I've not even been outside the house since my original post. Panic attacks have come back three fold!