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View Full Version : Mild pain/pinch in right testicle during intercourse/foreplay

19-08-16, 18:06
Ok so the last couple of times during sexual intercourse and foreplay with my girlfriend I have noticed a mild pain in the right testicle, its not bad but a bit uncomfortable maybe more like a nerve being pinched feeling than a pain, the pain is not there any other time. At first I was worried about cancer due to my HA but I have checked and no lumps and no other signs/symptoms. Has anyone else had this?

19-08-16, 18:11
ive had a very similar thing once. after a few days of it I popped along to the gp who did an exam and said it can get twisted and a little inflamed and is fairly common.

get it checked then don't worry about it anymore.

coincidentally it was my right one too, not that its relevant

19-08-16, 18:31

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