View Full Version : How are we doing my forum friends?

20-08-16, 08:40
Just thought I would update you all on my progress. I think that it is really important that we all keep the forum updated even if you are feeling better. This forum really helped me when I was low.
So I have been on cit for 12 weeks now on 20mg. It's safe to say that my anxiety is pretty good. Have no morning anxiety. As you are probably aware my anxiety came from stress at work, attending meetings, being in the spotlight, performance pressure in teaching and the death of my father. I have done CBT, had counselling and continue to read about the condition. However my biggest test is yet to come as I have not returned to work which is in two weeks. The only comfort I can take is that when I think about work I am emotionless. I hope that this gives some relief to those struggling in the early weeks.

20-08-16, 09:05
Hi Andy. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I'm still struggling unfortunately, I'm 7 weeks in on my 20mg increase today and apart from a cruel 10 day stretch of "perfect" days I have slumped back down and it won't seem to lift.

How were you at 7 weeks, can you remember? I'm so worried that 20mg isn't going to work and I need to go up to 30, but I don't want to do that if I just need to give it more time.

20-08-16, 10:31
so good to see you are improving and it's a huge boost for people when encouraging posts like this are sent out. going back to work may be tough but you'll do it. very sorry to hear about your father, it will take time to process all those emotions so be gentle with yourself.
thank you for the compassion towards others it is never wasted.

20-08-16, 11:24
Hi Andy,
Thanks for posting, it is good to hear that things are improving.
I'm on 20mg (two weeks) after being on other ad's.
will keep struggling and hoping,
take care

20-08-16, 15:28
Hi all been away for a week and just returned! i am doing much better i am about 14 days at my new dose of 30mg and this is making a massive difference now.Still have some anxiety but mostly in situations that could cause anxiety, so i am not stressing about that too much. I am able to just think whatever to it.. which i couldnt do before.. I used to dwell on how i felt and that would make it worse. Mojo i was dreadful at 6-8 weeks thought i was wasting my time but did come through it.. i remember typing somewhere on here that it was a tough time for me.. i had had a couple of good days and then seem to go right down hill.. dont forget to read the survival guide ..it does mention something about the 7 week mark i think!! Hope everyone else continues to improve. x