View Full Version : Nasal Spray Addiction?

20-08-16, 09:57
Ever since I can remember I've had problems with my sinuses. My nose always feels blocked, it's not like when you have a cold and it's all snotty (sorry for the imagery!) it feels like the hole in the back of my nose is so tiny only a bit of air, if any at all, can get through. It's hard to describe but it's basically like being bunged up but without the mucus. It causes me to sniff. A lot! My family know me as the sniffer and would always tell me to blow my nose instead of sniffing all the time but blowing my nose wouldn't help because there was nothing there to get rid of. I don't notice the sniffing so much but if someone makes me aware of it, I notice how often I do it! I just can't remember a time where I could breathe properly.

In February this year, I got a really bad cold. Worse than any I'd had before and I do get colds quite often. This one had me stuck in bed with a raging temperature, headaches, sore throat etc. But most of all, a blocked up, stuffy nose. It was so bad I couldn't breathe out of either nostril (usually I can kind of breathe out of at least one) and breathing through my mouth was making my throat worse so I got some otrivine nasal spray from the supermarket. Oh my gosh, it worked like a dream! Two sprays in each nostril and I could breathe even better than before I even had the cold! I continued to use it until my cold had passed. After it had passed however, I decided to keep using it. It was so good to finally have clear sinuses and breathe properly! I know it says not to exceed usage over 3 days but I'd finally found a solution to my lifelong problem.

However it got to the point where if I didn't use the spray, I would get twice as blocked up as before. I find I take it everywhere with me, in my handbag, out to meals, shopping, even if I just visit family or friends. I panic if I'm without it. I would get through one a week maybe and spray about 2/3 times a day. Now it's August, I am still using it and I can't stop. I'm spraying a lot more than I did in the beginning. Maybe 5/6 times a day, sometimes more. I'm finding the relief period between sprays is getting much shorter. I'm aware that nasal spray can alter the way the blood vessels in your nose work and overuse can cause them to become dependent on it which I know has already happened. The idea of stopping is terrifying. It sounds silly but going cold turkey, I would really suffer because although after spraying my nose is lovely and clear, it actually now gets more blocked up and hard to breathe before I spray than it ever did in the past.

As a health anxiety sufferer, I try to avoid the doctor if at all possible. My partner has been trying to get me to see one and get my sinuses sorted properly but while I know I have the spray and don't need to see a doctor to get it, I keep putting it off. Plus I'm worried that if I do go to a doctor, they will end up telling me that actually, something is terribly wrong, like I have a tumour in my sinuses or something.

Has anyone else ever had an addiction like this? Did going to the doctor help at all?

P.s. I've counted how many times I've sniffed while writing this post: 18 times!

20-08-16, 11:10
I use to have anaddiction to the vic sniff vapour stuff like you i have had loads of problems for years with my sinuses and very rare ever have a day where I can breathe clear.

I wouldn't worry about it being anything sinister, My problems come from allergies and the fact i have an extremely sensitive nose or sinuses even cleaning products muck my sinuses up.

The doctor would be able to refer you to the ENT department ( Ears nose and Throat) they might be able to diagnoise and help you

20-08-16, 11:48
Which spray are you using?
Some such as steroid or antihistamine ones could have unwanted side effects if you use too much of them.

I would go to your doctor. As GadGirl says you shouldn't worry about it being anything sinister. It's a common thing. But overuse of the spray could make your problem worse.

20-08-16, 15:37
They can operate, then you don't have the problem anymore. You should go to the doctor.

20-08-16, 16:07
I've had sinus issues for nearly twenty years. I've used Otrivine when I've had a cold as its a decongestant. You sinuses build up tolerance eventually and you'll find it no longer works.
You really need to see your GP. Description sounds very much like mine that you only have s small hole to breathe through. Your GP could prescribe a more suitable nasal spray that is safe to use daily like Beconase. I'm currently waiting on an ENT appointment as I have ear,nose and throat issues due to severe allergies. Surgery is very much a last resort and like I said I've had it twenty odd years so I'm sure the GP would start with a first line treatment such as a steroid nasal spray X

20-08-16, 16:08
If you use the spray as you said, there will be a kick back effect when you stop using it. It will even out eventually but you just have to push through the kick back. Been there done that.

Positive thoughts

20-08-16, 17:45
I used to be addicted to the nasal spray in exact same way for about 6 years, I remember catching a bad cold and struggling to breathe and sleep and it took off from there. Finally about 5 years ago I decided to quit as I was worried about the damage the spray was doing. I first started using the children's spray in one nostril, then when the lower dosage was working as well as an adult one, I moved onto the other one. When both of them were working better with the children's spray, I stopped spraying one nostril alltogether, had an annoying day and night and by the morning it got decongested! I then waited a few days and stopped spraying the other nostril too and have been addiction free for 5 years:)) I still use the spray when I have a cold, but make sure to not overdo it. I know so many people with this addiction-it's crazy. Hope this works for you, I was surprised how easy it was-I expected to suffer much more..

21-08-16, 02:26
Thank you all for your replies!

I was worried that I would go to the doctor and they would tell me I had to quit the spray and go cold turkey until I got an appointment with an ENT specialist. I know that I've already done some damage to my nose as obviously I can't cope without using the spray anymore and also sometimes my nostrils get really dry and cracked and if I blow my nose blood comes out, not mucusy blood but actual blood, like the blood vessels have burst or at least ruptured or something.

I guess if the spray helps decongest my nose then it isn't likely to be anything sinister, like a tumour or anything. The main ingredient in the spray is xylometazoline which I've read is one you're meant to avoid.

If I've had this nasal problem for a long time and with the fact that I've already damaged my sinuses to some degree, would surgery be likely? I can't imagine a steroidal spray would solve the problem easily. I'm trying to minimise the worry about how bad it might be to try and stop my HA taking over but I've got a feeling it's probably going to be worse than I'm thinking :/

21-08-16, 11:44

I get blood sometimes when blowing my nose and believe me I've been spraying stuff up my nose since 2003 cos I can't breathe! Pretty sure the worst you've done is dry it out and burst a few small blood vessels. I burst one under my eye last week from blowing my nose and ended up with a small black eye!
I honestly do not think surgery would be recommended yet, you need to see your GP and try first line treatments first eg steroid nasal spray. Then if you've got a good GP they may refer you to ENT and they would do CT scans of your sinuses.
I last had a CT in 2003 and believe me my allergies are awful. My GP has tried everything, sprays, steroid tablets, ear drops the lot and only now is she satisfied I need to see a Consultant again.
The only reason you can't cope without the spray is that you develop rebound congestion from using it continually, so basically you've made your nose more congested from continuos use.
Make that GP appointment !! X

12-02-21, 17:21
Ever since I can remember I've had problems with my sinuses. My nose always feels blocked, it's not like when you have a cold and it's all snotty (sorry for the imagery!) it feels like the hole in the back of my nose is so tiny only a bit of air, if any at all, can get through. It's hard to describe but it's basically like being bunged up but without the mucus. It causes me to sniff. A lot! My family know me as the sniffer and would always tell me to blow my nose instead of sniffing all the time but blowing my nose wouldn't help because there was nothing there to get rid of. I don't notice the sniffing so much but if someone makes me aware of it, I notice how often I do it! I just can't remember a time where I could breathe properly.

In February this year, I got a really bad cold. Worse than any I'd had before and I do get colds quite often. This one had me stuck in bed with a raging temperature, headaches, sore throat etc. But most of all, a blocked up, stuffy nose. It was so bad I couldn't breathe out of either nostril (usually I can kind of breathe out of at least one) and breathing through my mouth was making my throat worse so I got some otrivine nasal spray from the supermarket. Oh my gosh, it worked like a dream! Two sprays in each nostril and I could breathe even better than before I even had the cold! I continued to use it until my cold had passed. After it had passed however, I decided to keep using it. It was so good to finally have clear sinuses and breathe properly! I know it says not to exceed usage over 3 days but I'd finally found a solution to my lifelong problem.

However it got to the point where if I didn't use the spray, I would get twice as blocked up as before. I find I take it everywhere with me, in my handbag, out to meals, shopping, even if I just visit family or friends. I panic if I'm without it. I would get through one a week maybe and spray about 2/3 times a day. Now it's August, I am still using it and I can't stop. I'm spraying a lot more than I did in the beginning. Maybe 5/6 times a day, sometimes more. I'm finding the relief period between sprays is getting much shorter. I'm aware that nasal spray can alter the way the blood vessels in your nose work and overuse can cause them to become dependent on it which I know has already happened. The idea of stopping is terrifying. It sounds silly but going cold turkey, I would really suffer because although after spraying my nose is lovely and clear, it actually now gets more blocked up and hard to breathe before I spray than it ever did in the past.

As a health anxiety sufferer, I try to avoid the doctor if at all possible. My partner has been trying to get me to see one and get my sinuses sorted properly but while I know I have the spray and don't need to see a doctor to get it, I keep putting it off. Plus I'm worried that if I do go to a doctor, they will end up telling me that actually, something is terribly wrong, like I have a tumour in my sinuses or something.

Has anyone else ever had an addiction like this? Did going to the doctor help at all?

P.s. I've counted how many times I've sniffed while writing this post: 18 times!

The Otrivine can cause anxiety as a side effect I'm pretty sure. Don't quote me on this but you should check this out. I was addicted BAD to otrivine myself and thought i would always be addicted. I ran across a forum where some guy was banging on about sinusoothe nasal spray so I though WHAT THE HELL! I spent my hard earned on it (it aint cheap) and I am now off that hideous spray and am no longer addicted. Not sure how this other spray helped so much but I don't care main thing is I'm free now.