View Full Version : Schizophrenic- internal monologue?

20-08-16, 10:29
So I'm worried that because I have an internal monologue that I'm schizophrenic. I always think in sentences, sometimes like a day dream of conversations I'm going to have or images of me doing things later that day. I've done this for as long as I remember but since reading about hearing voices I'm wondering if I've been schizophrenic for a while or am close. I have taken online tests (don't judge) and I'm 0% likely but man, how does your inside voice work? My boyfriend said he thinks all the time too

20-08-16, 10:39
I understand you completely! I obsess over schizophrenia and I'm a thinking type of person. Random thoughts will come into my head at times. Like old conversations or sounds I've heard throughout the day. I'd assume it has something to do with your memory, but yeah for the reassurance part lol. The thing about being schizophrenic is you don't know you're schizophrenic. You wouldn't know if you had it or not so rest assured and whatever you do DO NOT Google schizophrenia symptoms. It'll make it so much worse. Trust me from experience!

20-08-16, 10:43
So I'm worried that because I have an internal monologue that I'm schizophrenic. I always think in sentences, sometimes like a day dream of conversations I'm going to have or images of me doing things later that day. I've done this for as long as I remember but since reading about hearing voices I'm wondering if I've been schizophrenic for a while or am close. I have taken online tests (don't judge) and I'm 0% likely but man, how does your inside voice work? My boyfriend said he thinks all the time too

What are you asking exactly? If it is normal to think? To daydream? I'm confused :huh:

---------- Post added at 10:43 ---------- Previous post was at 10:39 ----------

If so, we all have thoughts it's part of being alive. My mind never stops, I can have thoughts about a conversation from last year then switch straight to what's for tea then images of me on holiday then what might happen at work tomorrow. There's nothing wrong with me except anxiety.

20-08-16, 10:44
Thanks Broken. In my head in like 'this is just ANOTHER worry' but I think all the time in sentences and day dream about situations that may or may never happen and sometimes have conversations played out in images. My boyfriend said he does the same. I've Done this as long as I can remember.

20-08-16, 10:46
What do you mean by thinking in sentences? Don't we all? Don't we all see images when we think of things?

20-08-16, 10:47
Googling every symptom is the biggest threat you are facing Helen. You may find your anxiety eases if you stop doing it. It's a hard habit to break, but if you want your life back it's essential. Remember recovery is possible but only if you are willing to do the work and become a student of anxiety. Jfdi Helen. Lol x

20-08-16, 10:48
whats for tea, shall we do this tomorrow, I wonder what would happen, remember that and sometimes I day dream I'm famous lol.

20-08-16, 10:49
whats for tea, shall we do this tomorrow, I wonder what would happen, remember that and sometimes I day dream I'm famous lol.

They're normal thoughts

20-08-16, 10:52
But all the time. What about replaying or cresting conversations and what they may say back?

20-08-16, 10:53
As long as I can remember I'll have random words and conversations pop into my head. It mainly happens when I'm laying in bed ready to sleep. My brain will try to entertain it's self. I'll have words my girlfriend said from the day or songs I heard just come in my head. It doesn't bother me it's just the "Could this be something sinister" then I'll start to worry and obsess.

20-08-16, 10:58
But it happens during the day

20-08-16, 10:58
This shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what schizophrenia and psychosis actually are. An internal monologue is something we all have. It is entirely normal. Schizophrenics lose touch with reality. It involves experiencing external phenomena and not being able to tell what is real and what is not, and not even questioning it. It also involves delusions which are, again, not grounded in reality.

I actually went to A&E worrying I had schizophrenia. I now know a lot more about the condition. I was just extremely anxious and scared of my own thoughts.

I've said this to you already - if you were in any way psychotic, you would not know it. Others would see it in you and, hopefully, seek to get you urgent treatment.

It's a scary condition and a scary prospect, but YOU DON'T HAVE IT.

20-08-16, 11:00
helen/reb I just got this from the rethink schizophrenia website which confirms you are wasting your time and everyone elses by asking for a diagnosis, the text below is what you need to read and absorb :-

What are the symptoms of schizophrenia and how is it diagnosed?

There are no blood tests or scans that can prove if you have schizophrenia. You can only be diagnosed by a psychiatrist who will do a full psychiatric assessment. Psychiatrists use manuals to diagnose mental illnesses. The main manuals are the:

International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) produced by the World Health Organisation (WHO)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) produced by the American Psychiatric Association.
NHS doctors use the ICD-10.

20-08-16, 11:24
But all the time. What about replaying or cresting conversations and what they may say back?

Isn't this rumination? I do this quite often, sometimes I have imaginary arguments with people. I hate it but sometimes can't stop myself.

20-08-16, 11:27
Hi Helen. You have the power to recover within you. Stop looking for the answers and take that step. Jfdi lol. X

20-08-16, 11:33
I can do it. I did the Stop thing last night (on that website) out of curiousity have you ever said anything out loud like 'that tops Nice' while shopping?

---------- Post added at 11:33 ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 ----------

I'm now using mindful technique; tidied the Kitchen now sitting with the cats a book and a coffee.

20-08-16, 11:36
now sitting with the cats a book and a coffee.

To be honest that sounds like heaven to me. Enjoy your book.

20-08-16, 11:36
Then why don't you log off for a while? Difficult to be mindful when you're still connected to the HA forum? It will benefit you to take a small time out. You could also sign up to one of the online CBT groups while you're logged off? That would be a good use of your mindfulness time.

20-08-16, 11:38
Online CBT groups?

20-08-16, 11:39
Well done Helen. Keep going, it won't be an overnight recovery, but it will be so worth it. I'm off here for a while now. Going away for the weekend. Time to focus outwards . Best wishes x

20-08-16, 11:39
Schizophrenia is much more complicated that people often realise as there are various forms, Delusional Disorders, Schizoaffective Disorders, etc.

You have OCD and fear of more serious mental illness is a known theme. Schizophrenia is a very common one seen in this theme. It seems that your OCD is now jumping themes or developing a new one. OCD does this with many of us.

If you've taken online tests for this, you will have seen how there are specific behaviours involved in the types of schizophrenia. Some of these behaviours overlap the different forms, but not all. If the test wasn't designed based on the WHO ICD -10 then it will likely have been designed based on the DSM criterion. They differ, so only the ICD is valid in the UK.

It's not just about delusion, paranoia, losing touch with reality, hallucinations, etc. Other behaviours such as blunting, thought disorder, eccentricity, etc come into play. Basically you would be coming across quite differently to us and we may struggle to understand your train of thought.

You are coming across very normally on here. A typical anxiety sufferer.

As Bruce said, it takes a psychiatrist to diagnose, but a GP refers you after performing their own assessment. Otherwise many OCD sufferers would be clogging up the psychiatrists.

With your specific symptoms from the brain tumour worries, it's not surprising your OCD has looked to associate with schizophrenia, I could see it coming from the other threads when you first mentioned it but kept focusing on the brain tumour theme.

20-08-16, 11:48
Online CBT groups?

There's plenty out there Helen, I think you've had the links provided before. Off the top of my head, there Living life to the full, Moodgym..
They won't come to you, you have to make a conscious decision to do something for yourself. It will also be helpful for when you're abroad.
Answering others posts on the forum would be a good move too.

20-08-16, 12:14
There's plenty out there Helen, I think you've had the links provided before. Off the top of my head, there Living life to the full, Moodgym..
They won't come to you, you have to make a conscious decision to do something for yourself. It will also be helpful for when you're abroad.
Answering others posts on the forum would be a good move too.

And online CBT is likely the only possible thing you can try and get from a therapy referral with the time constraints of your move. It sits on the quickest to access level of the Stepped Care Plan. Your GP has to authorise the NHS one so as long as you are being retained as a patient, they could do this providing your local NHS provide it in their care. And the support is remote so if it's email support, you can take it to SK with you.

Why not ask your GP about it? They may want you to be assessed first, which should be achievable in the time you have left but your GP may need to have a word with them if the service has delays in your area.

Online CBT is available private too BUT only "supported" versions are considered to be evidence based, the non supported ones are not considered proven. The NHS one can be purchased (3 packages of care level, I think) but their are other free ones like PanicCenter. Just to further note, only the ones detailed on the NICE website that are evidence based have been considered.

---------- Post added at 12:05 ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 ----------

Isn't this rumination? I do this quite often, sometimes I have imaginary arguments with people. I hate it but sometimes can't stop myself.

Not necessarily. You get Rumination, Worry and Negative Automatic Thoughts. They can overlap or be happening together. Worry is more goal & future related. NAT's can mirror Rumination but are considered more short term.

Also, more recent science is finding the mind is busier than originally thought. Aside from Intrusive Thoughts, we now have Mind Pops which are triggered very subtly and not like our fear inducing Intrusive Thoughts (obviously Intrusive Thoughts do not trigger fear in non anxious people but it's the content to separates them from Mind Pops).

But yes, Rumination is definitely a strong possibility, with Reb's constant self checking of her thoughts, I can see her misinterpreting the Mind Pops too (something Nick has mentioned in his).

---------- Post added at 12:14 ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 ----------


It's great to hear you are starting to take steps to work on your anxiety. :yesyes::yahoo:

Mindfulness will help you with the overactive mind issue. See the link in my signature for free downloads you can listen to, there are many others too.

I found my mind so much busier with anxiety. It's like you've suddenly noticed you are thinking. You can reduce this greatly and alter your perception of it, that I know from my own experience.

Thoughts ping around all the time, we need to learn to let them do it. You will learn to care less and lose your focus on them. Also, neurotransmitters like Glutamate (excitory) control this so try to encourage calmness because it will mean the opposing neurotransmitter (GABA, Inhibitory) will counteract it.

You may find meditation hard at first but stick with it. Mindful activities involving object handling, eating, movement can be easier to get into as they your focus rather than ask you to sit and listen like breathing meditation does.

20-08-16, 13:32
Making up conversations in your head isn't schizophrenia? I've always done this.

20-08-16, 13:34
helen/reb I just got this from the rethink schizophrenia website which confirms you are wasting your time and everyone elses by asking for a diagnosis, the text below is what you need to read and absorb :-

What are the symptoms of schizophrenia and how is it diagnosed?

There are no blood tests or scans that can prove if you have schizophrenia. You can only be diagnosed by a psychiatrist who will do a full psychiatric assessment. Psychiatrists use manuals to diagnose mental illnesses. The main manuals are the:

International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) produced by the World Health Organisation (WHO)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) produced by the American Psychiatric Association.
NHS doctors use the ICD-10.

I posted this earlier, you must have missed it

20-08-16, 13:52
I'm sorry for feeling like I'm back on a spiral but I worry my thought process is a sign of schizophrenia. I often replay things or create conversations or day dream. I don't hear voices just my thought inner monologue.

---------- Post added at 13:52 ---------- Previous post was at 13:51 ----------

Brucealmight I saw that, thanks but doesn't answer my query

20-08-16, 13:55
It is normal to day dream and have inner thought processes. I think most people just don't pay attention to it or pay it no mind. But people who have anxiety or OCD are more likely to pay attention and get worried about it.

20-08-16, 13:57
Like when I was doing my make up I was thinking about YouTube tutorials..

20-08-16, 14:04
Yes, that's not abnormal at all.

---------- Post added at 09:04 ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 ----------

You may want to look into mindfulness. It can be very helpful with separating from obsessive thought patterns. It helps you "detach" from the thoughts, look at them non-judgmentally (most important part!!), and let them go.

20-08-16, 14:05
I think a lot mostly when it's quiet or I'll have a song in my head. So me replaying or creating conversations is not hearing voices? I'm quite aware they are thoughts and not real people.

20-08-16, 14:06
my post says that you need a psychiatric diagnosis to confirm schizophrenia

your current thread shows you are worried over multiple symptoms which you think point towards schizophrenia, and you are asking for opinions / diagnosis

you will only put this one to bed by seeking professional help, or logging off and enjoying your day with your family / friends. your choice entirely. take care

20-08-16, 14:06
Have you read this page:


20-08-16, 14:12
There is only one symptom why I think schizophrenia and that's my thought process.

---------- Post added at 14:12 ---------- Previous post was at 14:10 ----------

I always thought it was normal to think things like 'that's funny' or 'how do I do that again, oh yeah that's how' 'what shall I eat toniht'

20-08-16, 14:15
It is normal.

20-08-16, 14:16
Do you ever reassure yourself in your head about your thoughts to? Like talk to yourself 'yes it's anxiety, calm down' my mind has always worked like this. I'm just worrying now.

20-08-16, 14:19
You said you have always done this, so you're saying you think you have always had schizophrenia?

Seems like you're asking the same questions again and again just with different wordings, it's normal to think, everything you have said is normal.

20-08-16, 14:23
or maybe it is schizophrenia and one part of you accepts our answers and help and wants to be well again, the other knows deep down that something really is wrong? I am spending too long thinking about this on your behalf and really don`t know what to say.

professional help required, no more posts or guesswork. you may actually need help and you can`t get it on here.

20-08-16, 14:26
my post says that you need a psychiatric diagnosis to confirm schizophrenia

your current thread shows you are worried over multiple symptoms which you think point towards schizophrenia, and you are asking for opinions / diagnosis

you will only put this one to bed by seeking professional help, or logging off and enjoying your day with your family / friends. your choice entirely. take care

That answer can be applied to probably every post on this board and the Symptoms one too.

No GP of worth is going to waste a psychiatrists time with this and they are given criteria to look for to determine a referral.

It's just a different side of HA that is more often discussed on the OCD board than the HA one. It's still about the anxiety and I wouldn't advise seeking reassurance from a GP about an issue that is quite clearly not what the fear is telling the person. Aside from it only feeding the cycle further, it's taking an appointment away from another patient. What Reb is describing is nothing like Schizophrenia.

---------- Post added at 14:26 ---------- Previous post was at 14:23 ----------

or maybe it is schizophrenia and one part of you accepts our answers and help and wants to be well again, the other knows deep down that something really is wrong? I am spending too long thinking about this on your behalf and really don`t know what to say.

professional help required, no more posts or guesswork. you may actually need help and you can`t get it on here.

It's anxiety. It's NOT a brain tumour and it's NOT Schizophrenia either.

I don't think we should encourage wasting the time of medical professionals on here! Nothing Reb is saying is remotely connected to Schizophrenia.

20-08-16, 15:27
there`s your diagnosis helenhoo its not a brain tumour or schizophrenia, terry certainly seems to know what he`s talking about so just read whats been said and try to gently pull away from deciding you`ve got certain illnesses, anxiety can present itself in multiple ways

are you still going to south korea? that will be an amazing adventure and you`ll have a lot of organising and sorting that will keep you occupied hope it goes really well for you

20-08-16, 16:07
I'm now worrying I'm mad because I'm getting a bus journey to waste time before seeing a friend lol. Asked if he's free earleor and no reply so just riding the bus with my music!

---------- Post added at 16:07 ---------- Previous post was at 16:04 ----------

I am yes, most of its sorted now just a visa and I'm good to go! Excited and scared!

20-08-16, 16:14
good on you, the best people on public transport are slightly crackers and I include myself in this happy bunch!
this trip will do you so much good you`ll realise you`re capable of amazing things without crumbling, hats off to you for doing it. It`s easy to sit and tell other people how to live but it takes some courage to get out in the real world. take care

20-08-16, 16:19
I think "people watching" in the real world is quite a useful thing to do when you have the time. You realise that the world is full of interesting characters:D

20-08-16, 16:32
What about the fact I had a fear of the Truman show as a child and panicked I was being watched? I know I'm not. I know nobody here knows me or watches me or controls me but I have instances in which I imagine that they do.

20-08-16, 16:33
Wait, so, have you moved on from the last thread you posted with other symptoms? People were offering solid advice and you just bounced.

I really think responding to every thread with new/old/same "symptoms" is counterproductive...at what point does it become enabling?

20-08-16, 16:48
What about the fact I had a fear of the Truman show as a child and panicked I was being watched? I know I'm not. I know nobody here knows me or watches me or controls me but I have instances in which I imagine that they do.

You have repeatedly said 'I know I'm not' so what exactly are you asking. That's like me saying 'I imagine an alien invasion and me surviving, i know it's not real, but I have times when I imagine it'

There's NO problem. We have a mind and the ability to imagine all sorts of things, it's a gift not a problem and I don't honestly think you believe you have schizophrenia.

I'm sorry but you're just saying the same thing over and over and people are answering you but I don't even understand what you're asking.

---------- Post added at 16:48 ---------- Previous post was at 16:45 ----------

Are you with your friend yet? Please log off here and spend some time with them otherwise you're not going to be the best of company

20-08-16, 16:54
Terry has told you point blank you haven`t got a brain tumour or schizophrenia and he`s one of the people on here worth listening to.
nothing makes any difference to you I try to encourage you, be brief and to the point with answers yet you just carry on regardless

I`ll leave you to it. you have two threads on the go with very similar issues and seem to greatly enjoy the pantomime of it all. I don`t. I`ve had some extremely upsetting news this morning and don`t have enough in the tank to play your games.

if you won`t even listen to terry who must be a healthcare pro or a mental healthcare type person from his knowledge, then what`s the point in any of the rest of us trying?

20-08-16, 17:51
I am pretty sure that if you think you are Schizophrenic then you aren't Schizophrenic....... Schizophrenic people think thier behaviour is normal so they don't think they are Schizophrenic.

what you describe with the inner talking is completely normal and 100% nothing to worry about.

20-08-16, 17:56
Sounds a bit harsh but maybe if people didn't reply??...
I've tried but even I'm getting fed up

20-08-16, 18:00
I am pretty sure that if you think you are Schizophrenic then you aren't Schizophrenic....... Schizophrenic people think thier behaviour is normal so they don't think they are Schizophrenic.

what you describe with the inner talking is completely normal and 100% nothing to worry about.


Usually a person suffering from schizophrenia will not know they are experiencing symptoms of the illness. By definition, hallucinations and delusions are experienced as real by the person having them. As a result, the person with schizophrenia may have different perceptions of the world compared with the rest of us.

20-08-16, 18:04
Sounds a bit harsh but maybe if people didn't reply??...
I've tried but even I'm getting fed up

It's been raised many times Phuzella. In fact most things have been tried. I will only respond when these "symptoms" aren't raised but I've had it now. There's been accusations of bullying, posts removed (including mine) but most of the people doing the accusing seem to mostly ignore the threads.

Doesn't make any difference, they just keep coming - I'm out permanently now, best way.

20-08-16, 18:10
I know that I guess it's old habits creeping back. I know I'm not on tv and I know people aren't actors or anything.

---------- Post added at 18:10 ---------- Previous post was at 18:05 ----------

But for so long I have had the occasions what if I'm just realising now?

20-08-16, 18:45
I`ll leave you to it. you have two threads on the go with very similar issues and seem to greatly enjoy the pantomime of it all. I don`t. I`ve had some extremely upsetting news this morning and don`t have enough in the tank to play your games.

I hope you're ok! Sorry to hear about your troubles.

20-08-16, 19:40
Terry has told you point blank you haven`t got a brain tumour or schizophrenia and he`s one of the people on here worth listening to.
nothing makes any difference to you I try to encourage you, be brief and to the point with answers yet you just carry on regardless

I`ll leave you to it. you have two threads on the go with very similar issues and seem to greatly enjoy the pantomime of it all. I don`t. I`ve had some extremely upsetting news this morning and don`t have enough in the tank to play your games.

if you won`t even listen to terry who must be a healthcare pro or a mental healthcare type person from his knowledge, then what`s the point in any of the rest of us trying?

I missed this too. Very sorry this has been a difficult and upsetting day for you Bruce. Try and look after yourself and if you need support, you know you'll have it here. Take care x

20-08-16, 19:41
Hope you're ok too. Just worried that I have had it for so long, I'm aware I'm not being filmed but like o said old habits creep back that thinks I could. I often have thoughts that people may know me

---------- Post added at 19:41 ---------- Previous post was at 19:41 ----------

Well not to that extreme. I'm aware I'm NOT being filmed and people don't know me. Old habits?

20-08-16, 19:50
I'm sorry to hear this too, Bruce. If we can support you in any way please say?

20-08-16, 20:11
thank you so much its very appreciated will let you know if I`m struggling

20-08-16, 20:35
So odd thoughts that creep back that I may be known are not schizophrenic?

20-08-16, 20:38

20-08-16, 20:42
Honestly. I can day dream that certain celebs are around me and know me. But I KNOW they aren't and that in not being watched.

20-08-16, 20:43
That's good.

20-08-16, 20:45
So, you're asking if it's normal to day dream?

I feel like I'm the only one sat here thinking what the are you talking about? You must understand that this sounds like a wind up

20-08-16, 20:55
This is astounding.

20-08-16, 21:06

20-08-16, 21:07
Sorry vie spent time reading forums, I shouldn't have but I did. It makes you question your own symptoms. I was speaking with Terry privately and he explained it all to me. I'm a logical sane intelligent woman who allows her anxiety to get the better of her. I don't mean to cause any trouble.

20-08-16, 21:08
I still don't understand what your concern was 63 replies in

20-08-16, 21:15
Ladies, we have repeatedly been ordered to ignore these posts if we are getting annoyed. There have been accusations of bullying, accusations of "vile" behaviour and posts of that nature. Never mind a word of gratitude for the support and constant reassurance that have been given. So - you're wasting your time expressing your opinion here. It doesn't seem to count for much.

Let those who think they can get through, do the posting.

20-08-16, 21:16
Agreed. It's just winding me up now

20-08-16, 21:21
Ladies, we have repeatedly been ordered to ignore these posts if we are getting annoyed. There have been accusations of bullying, accusations of "vile" behaviour and posts of that nature. Never mind a word of gratitude for the support and constant reassurance that have been given. So - you're wasting your time expressing your opinion here. It doesn't seem to count for much.

Let those who think they can get through, do the posting.

Although I have continued to reply I completely agree with this. It's the only way now

20-08-16, 21:23
for my 10p worth I am a workplace advocate against bullying, and have issued formal complaints against people ignoring the dignity at work act.

I am not a bully or vile, but I do have a very strong sense of right and wrong and feel saying nothing and doing nothing about this issue would be wrong.

I`m no expert like Terry but I would be frankly stunned if OCD can neatly mop up the OPs behaviour. yes we can ignore her posts just like we can ignore a bully verbally abusing us in the street, we can pretend its not happening and maybe it`ll go away.

I realise admin have a tough job, but this really is the point now where that job needs doing. in her own way helen/reb is bullying, controlling and manipulating well meaning people on here and I don`t buy the story that is being sold.

I could be wrong. I don`t wish harm on her, hate her, or feel vile in saying what I`ve just said. I would very much like admin to not delete this post but again maybe it`s easier to sweep this all under the carpet again than actually confront the behaviour of one that is potentially making a lot of people upset.

your thoughts?

20-08-16, 21:24
if you press search and click unanswered posts there are loads with 0 replies. this one and the last very similar one wracked up pages of them. can we spread the love a little?

just saying. not trying to be a....

20-08-16, 21:26
I've been on here about 2 years on and off and I've never known anything like it. Maybe it's me becoming less patient but it is seriously annoying me.

20-08-16, 21:27
Bruce are you insinuating I am mentally insane and not OCD? :/

20-08-16, 21:28
What ??!!!!!

20-08-16, 21:29
Please do speak to other posters. I'm not trying to cause any issues here.

---------- Post added at 21:29 ---------- Previous post was at 21:28 ----------

He said something like I'd be stunned if OCD could mop up the OP. I couldn't make sense of what that means

20-08-16, 21:31
What ??!!!!!

Don't play the game xx

20-08-16, 21:31
this reminds me of having a foreign exchange pen pal when I was in school, I can`t decide if there`s a language barrier or we actually are in some sort of large scale long term social experiment.

read my post again helen/reb and then explain in reasonable queens english how you think I was insinuating you are insane.

20-08-16, 21:31
Please do speak to other posters. I'm not trying to cause any issues here.[COLOR="blue"]

What do you want from us?

You're bleeding many of us dry.

20-08-16, 21:37
for my 10p worth I am a workplace advocate against bullying, and have issued formal complaints against people ignoring the dignity at work act.

I am not a bully or vile, but I do have a very strong sense of right and wrong and feel saying nothing and doing nothing about this issue would be wrong.

I`m no expert like Terry but I would be frankly stunned if OCD can neatly mop up the OPs behaviour. yes we can ignore her posts just like we can ignore a bully verbally abusing us in the street, we can pretend its not happening and maybe it`ll go away.

I realise admin have a tough job, but this really is the point now where that job needs doing. in her own way helen/reb is bullying, controlling and manipulating well meaning people on here and I don`t buy the story that is being sold.

I could be wrong. I don`t wish harm on her, hate her, or feel vile in saying what I`ve just said. I would very much like admin to not delete this post but again maybe it`s easier to sweep this all under the carpet again than actually confront the behaviour of one that is potentially making a lot of people upset.

your thoughts?

My thoughts are that you are bang on the money. My other thoughts are that, after your earlier post about your distressing news, you still took time to calmly, kindly and rationally post this.

My last thought is that you have received a one line question from the OP which continues in the same cleverly game playing manner that we have come to see repeated constantly.Nobody here is cruel or wishing to cause hurt to anyone else. With maybe one exception.

20-08-16, 21:47
To quote you Bruce.

I`m no expert like Terry but I would be frankly stunned if OCD can neatly mop up the OPs behaviour.

---------- Post added at 21:47 ---------- Previous post was at 21:45 ----------

I'm not a bully! I could list five other members who've been where I am and post daily with new ailments. I know it's not fair to anybody else but I'm not a Nasty person. I have health anxiety and I have OCD.

20-08-16, 21:51
It seems like a pattern of posting (ridiculous) symptoms to get the attention to the thread, maybe one of two replies of more symptoms, then the OP goes for a while so all the comments come in, pops back from time to time adding more symptoms, then when the thread turns to her after ALOT of nice rational posts of advice and everyone telling you NO you don't have whatever it is you're saying, you change then and start answering.

In no way am I intending to be nasty, bully or belittle you, but so many people are trying to help you and as someone who suffers from anxiety I feel it's either a wind up and none of it is true or it is true but you are not benefitting from the site.

---------- Post added at 21:51 ---------- Previous post was at 21:50 ----------

Have you been diagnosed with OCD Helen/reb??

20-08-16, 21:55
Please tell me .. what do you want from us?

20-08-16, 22:00
I feel like I need to say sorry to myself and anyone who this is annoying because by me replying its not helping anything and I said to myself I wouldn't do this.

I feel like I've give absolutely everything because I'm the kind of person who believes they can help/support and a small part of me thought if this is genuine I want to try and help. But enough is enough now

Good luck with your move Helen/reb

20-08-16, 22:03
Assurance that I'm not mentally insane

20-08-16, 22:08
I`d lean on Terry from now on because he knows more than most people I`ve ever met about mental health, try to keep it to pm`s and weigh up whats worth posting publically.

are you mentally insane? I have no idea. and for all his knowledge neither does Terry.

you are incredibly selfish and very annoying, but as I`ve now sent you a polite reply to your pm, you are now aware fully of the kind of day I`ve had and exactly why I find your ongoing `issues` rather less important than other peoples.

be well, good health etc etc

20-08-16, 22:20
At one point I was adamant I had a wonky eyelid, I was so convinced. I spend time as much as I could to check it. I'd even ask people. This was last year. Then I got over that fear and replaced it with another and so on and so on. I'm in a rut and I need to get out now.

---------- Post added at 22:20 ---------- Previous post was at 22:16 ----------

And for the record I haven't had any smells for a good few days since I've been worried about other stuff. And to anyone reading my posts who are waiting in responses to their own, I am sorry. I don't mean to cause drama. I am just where you are.

20-08-16, 22:23
a wonky eyelid? did you see the part of my pm where I shared with you the fact that a long standing friend of mine had dropped dead this morning?

I hope terry and your admin backers can do something for you because I have hit the buffers now. best of british.

20-08-16, 22:28
It was a past worry Bruce. Not now. I'm just explaining that once I latch onto a worry it lurks around for a while. I have read the websites that have been given for support so will head back to them. I am truly sorry for the loss of your friend.

---------- Post added at 22:28 ---------- Previous post was at 22:28 ----------

And no disrespect but comments like that insinuate I'm beyond help/mentally insane.

20-08-16, 22:30
Helen, have you been seen by a psychologist yet? Started meds yet? Have you been clinically diagnosed with OCD?

20-08-16, 22:33
I was as a child, I am waiting therapy.

20-08-16, 23:26

21-08-16, 06:14
Helen, have you been seen by a psychologist yet? Started meds yet? Have you been clinically diagnosed with OCD?

It doesn't work like that over here, Minivil. You only go to a psychologist/psychiatrist straight away with more serious mental disorders since the intervention of the IAPT framework in England & Wales. Aside from this, anxiety disorders are for GP's to diagnose.

Reb saw a GP about a week ago and was referred for counselling. Sadly, she leaves for South Korea in under 2 months for a long period of time. Even if she accessed a therapist the next day for CBT, a 12-15 week weekly course is out of the question (some are as poor as 6 though, but even then there is no chance).

This has been explained in the previous thread.

---------- Post added at 05:57 ---------- Previous post was at 04:38 ----------

I`d lean on Terry from now on because he knows more than most people I`ve ever met about mental health, try to keep it to pm`s and weigh up whats worth posting publically.

are you mentally insane? I have no idea. and for all his knowledge neither does Terry.

you are incredibly selfish and very annoying, but as I`ve now sent you a polite reply to your pm, you are now aware fully of the kind of day I`ve had and exactly why I find your ongoing `issues` rather less important than other peoples.

be well, good health etc etc

BIB - No, please don't. I realise some people do not wish to see these threads continue but simply moving the issue to my personal inbox is a massive no no for me. I have anxiety too. You ALL have the ability to ignore these threads (if you can't use your mind, you can use the ignore feature on the forum)

Is Reb mentally insane? No! No more than any of the rest of us on here. I've read enough medical literature from the NHS (and that ICD-10 you quoted earlier) to understand why that is the case. PLUS she saw a GP about her anxiety over a brain tumour less than a week ago and he assessed her as needing counselling for her anxiety. GP's are trained to spot more serious mental illness because they have to get them straight to the CMHT's, and in many cases for sectioning. If he had any doubt, he would have called them in.

People often think hallucination and then think schizophrenia, it's common to think this, but the reality is that it takes much more if you look at the diagnostic criteria. Someone disappearing into an episode of psychosis or delusion won't be found posting on an anxiety forum asking "what if" and whether something is X because they will believe it is with an unshakeable doubt. That's why meds are so important in those cases as talking just doesn't get through.

I'm not making any diagnosis, simply talking the same way as we all do on here. If the answer is - see a professional, then that answer holds for every thread being raised. But I don't agree with accessing professionals about an issue that the symptoms don't even indicate. ServerError noted this. BrokenAge too and he has fears of such as schizophrenia in his OCD and has witnessed altered behaviour due to a friend so knows what he would see.

On the brain tumour point, that has been the subject of a few threads already with many members stating it is not a brain tumour. I trust GaryA's opinion on such matters as he has always come across as very knowledgeable on issues like this (BT's, seizures, epilepsy, etc) and several members who have sadly witnessed losing loved ones to them have even commented on how the symptoms don't even match, so I trust their opinions too. Finally a GP checked her over and didn't see any reason for any further testing.

I'm not a medical professional, just another anxiety sufferer (GAD & OCD). But I have had to learn a lot about themes of OCD in battling my own. Learning about other themes helps to understand others on here and has opened my eyes to the diversity of OCD.

Thank you for your confidence in me, I truly appreciate it. AND I was harsh in my response to you, which was out of some frustration of my own. Not everyone appreciates bluntness as I often say but I do find this culture of telling sufferers to get reassurance from doctors frustrating in an NHS where it can take weeks to even get an appointment. I don't judge the sufferer, I know what my fear has done to me, but I believe responsibility is to ALL patients and so we shouldn't be encouraging this.

I'm very sorry to hear of your tragic loss today. There is plenty of support on here for you. Many members have been through grief (I haven't) so will understand your complex emotions and be able to support you.

I can see how frustrated you are getting and it is not going to help you at this time. It might be best to take some time away from a thread like this until you feel better?

---------- Post added at 06:00 ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 ----------

if you press search and click unanswered posts there are loads with 0 replies. this one and the last very similar one wracked up pages of them. can we spread the love a little?

just saying. not trying to be a....

+1 from me. People have the choice as they keep being reminded.

---------- Post added at 06:09 ---------- Previous post was at 06:00 ----------

for my 10p worth I am a workplace advocate against bullying, and have issued formal complaints against people ignoring the dignity at work act.

I am not a bully or vile, but I do have a very strong sense of right and wrong and feel saying nothing and doing nothing about this issue would be wrong.

I`m no expert like Terry but I would be frankly stunned if OCD can neatly mop up the OPs behaviour. yes we can ignore her posts just like we can ignore a bully verbally abusing us in the street, we can pretend its not happening and maybe it`ll go away.

I realise admin have a tough job, but this really is the point now where that job needs doing. in her own way helen/reb is bullying, controlling and manipulating well meaning people on here and I don`t buy the story that is being sold.

I could be wrong. I don`t wish harm on her, hate her, or feel vile in saying what I`ve just said. I would very much like admin to not delete this post but again maybe it`s easier to sweep this all under the carpet again than actually confront the behaviour of one that is potentially making a lot of people upset.

your thoughts?

The "vile" comment was by one of the Admins and reflected their personal thoughts. Admin have repeatedly asked for people to swerve threads if they are becoming frustrated with them. They are not sweeping anything under the carpet, they are appealing for calm. Why? Because what you aren't seeing yet are those of us who disagree with some of the comments being used where people are becoming frustrated. So, what tends to happen is you get people from both sides of the debate arguing through the threads. Admin would prefer it if we didn't argue.

I guess Admin are finding it difficult that people can't just ignore something that is frustrating them. Why is it so important to people to keep this going?

Accusations of various things should rightly be taken seriously. People have the right to complain to Admin if they wish too BUT that also includes everyone else including this OP who you have just made accusations against. Are we all going to start raising complaints against each other?

You are only hearing one side of the story, Bruce, opinions were mixed on this in previous threads.

OCD is diverse and yes, it can explain quite a lot of this but I've made the point before that anxiety skews personal behaviours. Some of us are more loners and retreat more than ever, some are used to reassurance and seek it out more. It's not just about the disorder and then we have even personality disorders that change thinking in various ways (not that I'm suggesting the OP has any of these).

---------- Post added at 06:14 ---------- Previous post was at 06:09 ----------

It seems like a pattern of posting (ridiculous) symptoms to get the attention to the thread, maybe one of two replies of more symptoms, then the OP goes for a while so all the comments come in, pops back from time to time adding more symptoms, then when the thread turns to her after ALOT of nice rational posts of advice and everyone telling you NO you don't have whatever it is you're saying, you change then and start answering.

In no way am I intending to be nasty, bully or belittle you, but so many people are trying to help you and as someone who suffers from anxiety I feel it's either a wind up and none of it is true or it is true but you are not benefitting from the site.

---------- Post added at 21:51 ---------- Previous post was at 21:50 ----------

Have you been diagnosed with OCD Helen/reb??


The most I have ever written in one place about my anxiety is in #32 of this thread:


Look at the list and tell me how many "ridiculous" symptoms & behaviours you see.

Reb's OCD is now switching theme into mental illness and these are mostly discussed on the OCD board - where the response is very different as can be seen by BrokenAge's response as someone who posts on that board.

Much of my OCD has been "ridiculous" but there is a difference - I don't have any reassurance compulsions so I never needed anyone's feedback. How would I have been greeted if I did? On the OCD board, well, on the HA one...:whistles:

21-08-16, 07:24
Terry, it was a bad word choice that I recognised last night but got swept away. I wanted to use a word instead of just symptoms but I didn't do very well, it was only after that post that I saw the OP has OCD.
There's been no diagnosis of this or have I missed that?

For me personally, the OP repeatedly asking if daydreaming about knowing celebrities is schizophrenia sounds like a wind up. I'm definitely not sorry for thinking that, that's what I believe but I do regret posting on this thread.

If the OP visited the doctors and he/she doesn't think they are that severe, what would they think reading their questions on here?
I've made a few points about what I feel is the OP's posting pattern and I stick to my observations although I may have not delivered them in the best way.

There will be none of this back and forth on Helen/rebs threads from me anymore. I'm sorry to you as I think you're probably in a difficult position as you don't feel the same way. Going to use my mind to not respond if it gets too frustrating for me then I will use the Ignore function.

21-08-16, 09:00
I agree with Terry. If the poster annoys or frustrates, you don't need to read or post a reply. It has been pointed out that lots of posts go unanswered, so maybe we would be better employed reading and helping them instead of getting involved in something we cannot solve.
From what I've seen in similar situations, eventually the poster starts to realise what is happening to them, and eventually gets help or helps themselves. Or they just disappear from the forum. No need for us all to get hot under the collar, plenty of others needing support on here. No offence directed at anyone with my message.
Best wishes to all.

21-08-16, 09:04
I agree with Terry. If the poster annoys or frustrates, you don't need to read or post a reply. It has been pointed out that lots of posts go unanswered, so maybe we would be better employed reading and helping them instead of getting involved in something we cannot solve.
From what I've seen in similar situations, eventually the poster starts to realise what is happening to them, and eventually gets help or helps themselves. Or they just disappear from the forum. No need for us all to get hot under the collar, plenty of others needing support on here. No offence directed at anyone with my message.
Best wishes to all.

I agree with this. Although just as the poster struggles to stop posting threads, some people will struggle to ignore them even if they know it's the right thing to do.

21-08-16, 10:39
Terry, it was a bad word choice that I recognised last night but got swept away. I wanted to use a word instead of just symptoms but I didn't do very well, it was only after that post that I saw the OP has OCD.
There's been no diagnosis of this or have I missed that?

For me personally, the OP repeatedly asking if daydreaming about knowing celebrities is schizophrenia sounds like a wind up. I'm definitely not sorry for thinking that, that's what I believe but I do regret posting on this thread.

If the OP visited the doctors and he/she doesn't think they are that severe, what would they think reading their questions on here?
I've made a few points about what I feel is the OP's posting pattern and I stick to my observations although I may have not delivered them in the best way.

There will be none of this back and forth on Helen/rebs threads from me anymore. I'm sorry to you as I think you're probably in a difficult position as you don't feel the same way. Going to use my mind to not respond if it gets too frustrating for me then I will use the Ignore function.

Fair enough, Katie. I was trying to illustrate how some areas of OCD can seem very irrational. Magical Thinking is a known theme, something I've had plenty of, and it can seem much more trivial than most of what is discussed on the HA board.

I've seen it said that this level of irrationality must mean the person is more severe, which is simply not the case. OCD severity is not judged based on themes, it's based on the impact on life like other disorders.

Reb holds down a job and can go on holiday. Severe is considered a significant impact of daily life. GP's worry when we start going off from work because it puts us closer to that severity.

You have no need to be sorry to me. I don't agree with elements of what has been said recently, and I'm not the only one as shown on previous threads, and it has already caused one member to say she is afraid to post (and she has been really friendly & supportive to everyone she has spoken to) so I just wish it would all sort itself out but we are all entitled to our opinions.

21-08-16, 10:44
Fair enough, Katie. I was trying to illustrate how some areas of OCD can seem very irrational. Magical Thinking is a known theme, something I've had plenty of, and it can seem much more trivial than most of what is discussed on the HA board.

I've seen it said that this level of irrationality must mean the person is more severe, which is simply not the case. OCD severity is not judged based on themes, it's based on the impact on life like other disorders.

Reb holds down a job and can go on holiday. Severe is considered a significant impact of daily life. GP's worry when we start going off from work because it puts us closer to that severity.

You have no need to be sorry to me. I don't agree with elements of what has been said recently, and I'm not the only one as shown on previous threads, and it has already caused one member to say she is afraid to post (and she has been really friendly & supportive to everyone she has spoken to) so I just wish it would all sort itself out but we are all entitled to our opinions.

That's a real shame Terry and definitely not what any of us want, but yes we all clearly have very different opinions on the situation and I too hope it will sort itself out because nobody on here needs confrontation. Ignore and move on(for the people who feel like me) is the way forward I think. Or taking a little cooling off period like Gary :D onwards and upwards..

21-08-16, 10:54
Never go to bed holding onto a grudge,what happened yesterday is gone today is a new day.Everyone let's have a group hug.
Love,Dope and Incense Sticks..:D.

21-08-16, 10:58
Never go to bed holding onto a grudge,what happened yesterday is gone today is a new day.Everyone let's have a group hug.
Love,Dope and Incense Sticks..:D.

I'm addicted to incense sticks


21-08-16, 11:06
That's a real shame Terry and definitely not what any of us want, but yes we all clearly have very different opinions on the situation and I too hope it will sort itself out because nobody on here needs confrontation. Ignore and move on(for the people who feel like me) is the way forward I think. Or taking a little cooling off period like Gary :D onwards and upwards..

Yeah, just an unfortunate fallout. I remember another really lovely member who I knew PM'd me saying the same. A little bit of reassurance about the forum and she was soon posting again. The irony was that with her posting, this would never happen. The same can be said for the current member feeling that way, there are no frustrations there so nothing would change. It's just that some people find confrontation more overwhelming and need to protect themselves. It will sort itself out though and I definitely know not a single person around here would ever want it to happen in the first place.

Outside of this thread though, it's business as usual.

21-08-16, 13:50
I have spoken with my boyfriend and he said his thought process is the same. He's constantly thinking in sentences and sometimes talks to himself. It's normal. I also spoke about other concern and he said that no it isn't schizophrenia. His own brother has bipolar so he's witnessed episodes first hand.

---------- Post added at 13:50 ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 ----------

Outside cinema; me and my boyfriend talking about seeing David Brent film him saying no he doesn't want to. I then hear 'we could go and see it if you want to' he's adamant he didn't say this. 100% sure he didn't. Am I hearing voices OR did I just hear someone else say something and register it as him? I'm terrified

Gary A
21-08-16, 14:25
I have spoken with my boyfriend and he said his thought process is the same. He's constantly thinking in sentences and sometimes talks to himself. It's normal. I also spoke about other concern and he said that no it isn't schizophrenia. His own brother has bipolar so he's witnessed episodes first hand.

---------- Post added at 13:50 ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 ----------

Outside cinema; me and my boyfriend talking about seeing David Brent film him saying no he doesn't want to. I then hear 'we could go and see it if you want to' he's adamant he didn't say this. 100% sure he didn't. Am I hearing voices OR did I just hear someone else say something and register it as him? I'm terrified

How would anyone here be able to tell you that? Chances are you overheard another conversation, but this type of question is just silly.

First of all, as I said, nobody here could even begin to tell you if you are hearing things or not, as none of us were there. Second, even if we did somehow have the ability to be at the cinema with you and your boyfriend, and we did tell you that you weren't hearing things, how long would it be before you found another reason to feel "terrified"?

You are not schizophrenic, you have been told this by EVERYONE you have asked.

Please tell me what the point of answering you is? Please tell me what the point of you asking, is? You have literally asked the same question dozens of times and had the same answer. You clearly get zero relief from these answers so why do you keep asking?

21-08-16, 14:33
I was having a fab day with my boyfriend after our break and hey ho this happened. Freaked out to the max. I was adamant I heard it.

Gary A
21-08-16, 14:36
I was having a fab day with my boyfriend after our break and hey ho this happened. Freaked out to the max. I was adamant I heard it.

Can you please answer the question.

21-08-16, 14:42
I don't know, I'm just a scared I have schizophrenia.

21-08-16, 14:49
I don't know, I'm just a scared I have schizophrenia.

But that's the point. Why do you ignore all the evidence that says you don't and all the posts explaining how you don't have this illness? You don't have schizophrenia. You don't have it. You aren't showing any signs of it.

Do you ever wonder to yourself why you post? Do you wonder to yourself what you want from us? You already know you won't get reassurance.

You need help. Seeing the doctor was a good start.

As I've said many times, is this the way you want to live?

Gary A
21-08-16, 14:49
I don't know, I'm just a scared I have schizophrenia.

But you quite clearly don't have it. As has been said to you, if you did, you wouldn't even be asking these questions.

21-08-16, 16:11
That a fact?

21-08-16, 16:39
Does it really matter what we say because you won't believe us anyway.

Did you read the symptoms page I sent you a link to?

21-08-16, 16:52
I don't know, I'm just a scared I have schizophrenia.

Let me be the devil's advocate here, what if you are schizophrenic?

How would that change your behavior?
What would you be doing?

21-08-16, 17:45
As I've said I don't know I'm just frightened.

21-08-16, 17:47
As I've said I don't know I'm just frightened.

If I told you I was afraid I had schizophrenia, what would you tell me?

How would you advise me?

21-08-16, 17:53
Again, I don't know. The idea of a mental illness terrifies me. I know I have anxiety and OCD.

All started when I went to sleep and heard laughing; so did boyfriend.
Woke up one morning heard talking; either hypnagogic or people outside room.
Walked past groups of people thought boyfriend said something; he didn't
Today outside cinema I was convinced my boyfriend said something but we were around loads of people. I feel sick to my stomach that I'm schizophrenic.

21-08-16, 17:54
Anxiety is a form of fear, our minds are very powerful and can convince us of many things.
My grandfather was a Schizophrenic, believe me when I say from what you've described there is literally no comparison to his illness.
One of the hardest parts of anxiety is accepting it's anxiety as our minds are so full if the what ifs, once you accept it, you're in my view halfway there to a recovery.

21-08-16, 17:58
[/QUOTE]I feel sick to my stomach that I'm schizophrenic.[/QUOTE]

How can you find out?

21-08-16, 18:05
I have taken so many online tests that I know aren't official but I'm still 0-5%blikely to have schizophrenia in all the tests.

21-08-16, 18:07
I have taken so many online tests that I know aren't official but I'm still 0-5%blikely to have schizophrenia in all the tests.

How can you find out if you are schizophrenic?

21-08-16, 18:11
try to find a positive in this. at least you're not longer afraid of:
brain tumours
pellet shaped poos
strange smells
nasal congestion
going mad
dozing off
bowel cancer
wonky eye
dead leg
tingling fingers

so thats progress (im not being sarcastic). the problem is your brain is stuck in a loop lookinng for things to be wrong. and who knows you night eventually after years of worry find something nasty wrong (like a friend if mine did who had HA - she DID have something after 20 oddsl years of worrying. shes now unable to feed herself and doesnt have long left, probably best if dont say what she has. she tells me wishes she hadnt wasted all that time worrying. and strangely she isnt worried now!).

my therapist recommends a book called brain lock to break out of those thought patterns. your brain does seem stuck in a loop.

21-08-16, 18:13
As I've said I don't know I'm just frightened.

21-08-16, 18:16
As I've said I don't know I'm just frightened.

This sums it up quite well.

It's just relentless fear. You don't really know why you're scared, but it ends up being directed at health 'issues'.

I can relate to that.

21-08-16, 18:23
As I've said I don't know I'm just frightened.

Who diagnoses schizophrenia?

21-08-16, 18:24
Has that comment posted twice lol?

Anyway, yes server. I have that gut wrenching fear right now

21-08-16, 18:40

Did you see my question?

Who diagnoses schizophrenia?

Who is it that is qualified to diagnosis sschizophrenia?

21-08-16, 18:46
did you see my reply either? was a lot of typing lol

21-08-16, 18:50
Nancy, you want me to physiatrist.

And sky yes I did thank you.

---------- Post added at 18:50 ---------- Previous post was at 18:49 ----------

And sorry to hear about your friend. My aunt has said the same thing. That worrying will take years off my life.

21-08-16, 18:59
Nancy, you want me to physiatrist.

Do you want to know if you have schizophrenia?

21-08-16, 19:02
Well that's like saying if you worry you have bowel cancer, melanoma, etc you see a specialist each time. I'm trying to be logical and would like people who have first hand experience to advise or comfort my concerns.

21-08-16, 19:06
Well that's like saying if you worry you have bowel cancer, melanoma, etc you see a specialist each time. I'm trying to be logical and would like people who have first hand experience to advise or comfort my concerns.

Please tell me what "logical" means to you.

21-08-16, 19:07
My telling myself I don't have schizophrenia but the what's ifs and worry are there.

21-08-16, 19:19
My telling myself I don't have schizophrenia but the what's ifs and worry are there.

If logic isn't working, where can you get the answer?

21-08-16, 20:13
Fear had come on after reading about it. I was worried about one thing, read it could be another things then started the fear of schizophrenia.

21-08-16, 20:22
If the fear came on after reading about it. What's the logical thing you can deduce from that?

21-08-16, 20:40
It was the voice today though. Would a schizo voice carry on a conversation or make relation to a conversation I was just having re: about a film

21-08-16, 20:43
Think about my question.

21-08-16, 20:50
I know yes. I was worried about a laugh I heard before bed but my chap heard it to and I freaked I'd imagined it and then from there I guess...

---------- Post added at 20:50 ---------- Previous post was at 20:46 ----------

But could someone answer my question?

21-08-16, 20:51
So what do you know and what can you logically deduce by reading back on the things you've written. You may need to give it a lot of thought before you can see a link.

I'm not trying to sound mystical, you can find your own answers.
I've said it before. The answers are within you.

21-08-16, 21:00
That it's all the power of thought?

I try to be logical I do. Trust me. But the fear I felt today when my chap said he didn't say this. It sounded real. Would a auditory hallucination carry on a conversation?

Gary A
21-08-16, 21:02
I know yes. I was worried about a laugh I heard before bed but my chap heard it to and I freaked I'd imagined it and then from there I guess...

---------- Post added at 20:50 ---------- Previous post was at 20:46 ----------

But could someone answer my question?

Could someone answer your question? Yes, many many people answer your questions, all day every day. This forum has become your personal playground, where you whistle a certain tune and everyone dances to it.

It's not about anyone answering your questions anymore, is it? It's about you actually seeing the answers and trying, even for a second, to listen to said answers.

You don't though, do you? You don't care what we say, you don't care what we think. You are not here for help, you are here to justify your anxiety. If you were serious about wanting help, you'd have taken at least some of the absolute barrage of advice you've recieved and put it in to use

You don't though. You just skip over every answer, every good response and every single piece of goodwill given to you, and move on to the next piece of tireless nonsense you can find.

You are quite literally impossible.

Please stop using this forum to act out this nonsense, and do something to combat your anxiety. You've been given tonnes of brilliant advice, it's time you pulled your head out of your ass and started acting on some of it. You have upset far too many people on here as it is, get a bloody grip on yourself and start showing people the respect of heeding their advice.

21-08-16, 21:15
That it's all the power of thought?

I try to be logical I do. Trust me. But the fear I felt today when my chap said he didn't say this. It sounded real. Would a auditory hallucination carry on a conversation?

I don't have those answers Helen. You sound like an intelligent person, ask yourself the questions, I mean that in the nicest way. No one can give you the reassurance you seek. As I've said before, the answers are within you, it won't be an overnight recovery, but ponder on what you want out of life. Do you want to spend it on here, asking for constant reassurance from strangers, or do you want to be in control of your own life pushing forward taking anxiety with you if necessary. I'd love to be able to get you through this, but I have to tackle my own anxiety too. So good luck and hope things improve.

21-08-16, 21:59
I am sorry for upsetting people.

I don't know if that's how schizophrenia would present

Gary A
21-08-16, 22:07
I am sorry for upsetting people.

I don't know if that's how schizophrenia would present

Congrats. You've managed to take what I said and somehow twist it to be almost confirmation of your imaginary illness.

Smarter than you think ain't ya?

21-08-16, 22:09
Gary I was talking about the conversation I heard, would schizophrenia present voices that carry on conversation

Gary A
21-08-16, 22:14
Gary I was talking about the conversation I heard, would schizophrenia present voices that carry on conversation

If I say no you'll just ask again anyway.

You are treating this forum like a personal playground. Anxiety, OCD, whatever, that's what you're doing and at this point you are surely all to aware of it.

Here's a thought. If you are indeed suffering with schizophrenia, do you think you would coherently be able to puppet master this forum in the way that you are?

21-08-16, 23:02
Gary, I wish I could speak to you privately but I don't think you'd even respond. I had a genuine fear today but thinking about it I can't imagine this is how it'd present itself, surely?

21-08-16, 23:19
You keep ignoring my replies and questions but the best thing you can do is get off NMP and go and enjoy life!

I have worked with someone with schizophrenia and you do not have it.

Stop ruminating and stop posting asking for reassurance as there is nothing more we can do to convince you so go and talk to a professional who can diagnose you properly.

21-08-16, 23:30
Nicola I had read the link! I can always link sweaty palms, trembles and tight chest to anxiety just nothing else. Mad. I once tried it out to test myself 'think about twitchingm ' I thought and my so be it my legs started!

So schizophrenia would not carry on an actual conversation?

21-08-16, 23:33
No, it wouldn't - you have mind chatter and DP/DR in my opinion.

22-08-16, 03:41
Who diagnoses schizophrenia?

Nancy, are you planning on ending this with advice to see a doctor? Have you read my earlier reply to Minivil about how this works in the UK?

22-08-16, 04:38

22-08-16, 06:46
Information about hearing voices:


Some relevant bits:

It's common to think that if you hear voices you must have a mental health problem.
But research shows that lots of people hear voices and most of them are not mentally unwell.
It’s a common human experience.


Some people also see things that others can’t see. Others have touch, smell or taste sensations which they can’t explain in everyday ways.
These experiences are called hallucinations.
This does not make it abnormal – it’s just a word for a perception you may have that is not shared by those around you.


What kind of voices do people hear?
There are lots of different ways we all hear voices. You might:
hear your name called when there is no one with you
hear or see things as you are falling asleep
experience the voices as being in your head
feel voices are coming from outside and heard through your ears like other sounds
feel as if you are hearing other people’s thoughts or as if other people can hear your thoughts
experience nasty or threatening voices that tell you to do dangerous and unacceptable things or try to control you
hear a voice that feels friendly but encourages you to do things that might not be good for you
hear a kind supportive voice or a voice that helps you
hear more than one voice and they may talk or argue with each other


Why do I hear voices?
There are lots of reasons why you might hear voices. Here are some of them:
Voices as you fall asleep or wake up - these are to do with your brain being partly in a dreaming state. The voice might call your name or say something brief. You might also see strange things or misinterpret things you can see. These experiences usually stop as soon as you are fully awake.
Lack of sleep - this can cause you to hear voices or have other sensory experiences that you can't explain in everyday ways.
Hunger - you may hear voices if you are very hungry or if you haven't eaten much recently.
Physical illness - if you have a high temperature and are delirious you may hear voices or see and say strange things.
Drugs - you may hear or see things after taking street drugs or as a side effect of some prescribed drugs. You might also have these experiences when you are coming off drugs.
Bereavement - if you have recently lost someone very close you may hear them talking to you or feel that they are with you. This experience is very common and some people find it comforting.
Abuse or bullying - you may hear the voice of the person who abused you being unkind or threatening or ordering you to harm yourself or do things that you know are wrong. This is especially so if you experienced the abuse in childhood when you had not learned the coping skills you needed to protect yourself.
Other traumatic experiences - you may hear voices as a result of other traumas. You may be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. Hearing several different voices may be associated with traumatic experiences and with dissociative disorders.
Spiritual experiences - some people hear a voice as part of a spiritual experience. This may be a very special experience and one that you feel helps you make sense of your life. Or you may feel as though you are hearing the voice of an evil spirit.
Mental health problems - you may hear voices if you experience psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or severe depression.

22-08-16, 10:18
I got terrible nights sleep as I'm still worried. Before sleep it's normal to have images and thoughts and voices right? I'm almost certain someone said my name but it was in my thought process. I've always had over active mind, what if my thought process is in fact this mental illness?

---------- Post added at 10:18 ---------- Previous post was at 07:39 ----------

Does anybody think I have schizophrenia?

22-08-16, 10:28
Years ago. I distinctly remember as I was falling asleep one night, my name being called out. It was very loud and very clear. I was going through massive stress at the time, my mum was very ill. This has happened a couple more times over the years.
I do not have schizophrenia and neither do you.

22-08-16, 10:31
Years ago. I distinctly remember as I was falling asleep one night, my name being called out. It was very loud and very clear. I was going through massive stress at the time, my mum was very ill. This has happened a couple more times over the years.
I do not have schizophrenia and neither do you.

Something similar-ish happened to me a few months ago. I was lying in bed probably half asleep and saw my partner walking over to me, I thought he was going to shock me so said "I'm awake" only to realise nobody was even there! He was downstairs on his game.

22-08-16, 10:33
Brains do strange things and can be very convincing.

22-08-16, 11:20
But is it schizophrenia if I heard someone carry on conversation?

Or did I hear someone else's conversation?

---------- Post added at 11:20 ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 ----------

Would an auditory hallucination continue an actual real conversation?

22-08-16, 11:31
No, clearly from 16 pages of responses, nobody thinks you have schizophrenia.

22-08-16, 11:42
Know one hear is qualified to diagnosis you with schizophrenia, I think we should put this thread to rest and stop replying to this. The OP Helen/reb you need to see a phsyciatrist and only then can you be diagnosed with schizophrenia. I will repeat know one here is a doctor or qualified to diagnose you. I suggest you ask your doctor for a referral to your mental health team who will be able to diagnosis you.

22-08-16, 11:52
Comments on here contradict one another. I have people who are adamant I don't then people who tell me to see a physiatrist.

22-08-16, 11:59
I will repeat!
Know one hear is qualified to diagnosis you with schizophrenia, I think we should put this thread to rest and stop replying to this. The OP Helen/reb you need to see a phsyciatrist and only then can you be diagnosed with schizophrenia. I will repeat know one here is a doctor or qualified to diagnose you. I suggest you ask your doctor for a referral to your mental health team who will be able to diagnosis

Gary A
22-08-16, 12:14
Comments on here contradict one another. I have people who are adamant I don't then people who tell me to see a physiatrist.

You're not this stupid. This comment is idiotic and regardless of whatever is going on in your head, a person who writes coherently and who has a modicum of intelligence, such as you, knows exactly why people are telling you to see a psychiatrist.

It's because you aren't listening to post after post of responses telling you that you do not have schizophrenia. You just ignore those posts and ask again. You actually do want someone to tell you that you have it, don't you?

You are manipulative, and this dumb act wore thin about a month ago.

You know what you're doing. Just stop it.

22-08-16, 12:36
What about if you did have it? You can go on to live a perfectly happy and successful life anyway. (A Beautiful Mind is a great film)

22-08-16, 12:49
Years ago. I distinctly remember as I was falling asleep one night, my name being called out. It was very loud and very clear. I was going through massive stress at the time, my mum was very ill. This has happened a couple more times over the years.
I do not have schizophrenia and neither do you.

Yep, it's called Hypnagogia (falling asleep, and the first 2 hours of sleep) and Hypnopompia (waking). It's all perfectly normal, anyone can get a multitude of listed sleep phenomena (the Wiki page has a good breakdown), and whilst anxiety isn't a cause, it is known to make it more frequent.

I bet you've seen exploding head syndrome, sleep paralysis, etc on the boards in your time here - all known phenomena.

I've seen this plenty of times in people with OCD focussing on schizophrenia.

---------- Post added at 12:49 ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 ----------

Know one hear is qualified to diagnosis you with schizophrenia, I think we should put this thread to rest and stop replying to this. The OP Helen/reb you need to see a phsyciatrist and only then can you be diagnosed with schizophrenia. I will repeat know one here is a doctor or qualified to diagnose you. I suggest you ask your doctor for a referral to your mental health team who will be able to diagnosis you.

I will repeat!
Know one hear is qualified to diagnosis you with schizophrenia, I think we should put this thread to rest and stop replying to this. The OP Helen/reb you need to see a phsyciatrist and only then can you be diagnosed with schizophrenia. I will repeat know one here is a doctor or qualified to diagnose you. I suggest you ask your doctor for a referral to your mental health team who will be able to diagnosis

I disagree with you 100%. She was seen by a GP in the last 7 days who would have noticed symptoms of behaviours in schizophrenia in someone worrying about phantom smells and a brain tumour.

Do you think it is responsible to waste a GP's time with this? Getting to a psychiatrist will hopefully be blocked by a savvy GP as opposed to wasting the time of someone who has a long list of patients waiting to see them.

Have you seen other members on here complaining about how they are struggling to see psychiatrists? So, why tell HA members to see them for reassurance?

Whilst no one here is able to diagnose, don't you think someone telling you nothing that matches to schizophrenia shouldn't be told to see a GP, let alone a psychiatrist?

Think about other patients.

22-08-16, 12:55
You disagree with everything everyone says Terry so I'm not suprised. Everyone is entitled to there opinion though, so I will not take that away from you. Free speach and opinion. I think you have missed what my point was I was saying that "WE" can not diagnose not one person on this forum including yourself can diagnose Helen/reb we are not medical professionals she is looking for a diagnoses or again as always reassurance. Which as a fellow OCD suffer reassurance is something we are taught to stop seeking.

I mentioned a psychiatrist because that is the only person on this planet who can diagnose Helen/Reb

Gary A
22-08-16, 12:56
Yep, it's called Hypnagogia (falling asleep, and the first 2 hours of sleep) and Hypnopompia (waking). It's all perfectly normal, anyone can get a multitude of listed sleep phenomena (the Wiki page has a good breakdown), and whilst anxiety isn't a cause, it is known to make it more frequent.

I bet you've seen exploding head syndrome, sleep paralysis, etc on the boards in your time here - all known phenomena.

I've seen this plenty of times in people with OCD focussing on schizophrenia.

---------- Post added at 12:49 ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 ----------

I disagree with you 100%. She was seen by a GP in the last 7 days who would have noticed symptoms of behaviours in schizophrenia in someone worrying about phantom smells and a brain tumour.

Do you think it is responsible to waste a GP's time with this? Getting to a psychiatrist will hopefully be blocked by a savvy GP as opposed to wasting the time of someone who has a long list of patients waiting to see them.

Have you seen other members on here complaining about how they are struggling to see psychiatrists? So, why tell HA members to see them for reassurance?

Whilst no one here is able to diagnose, don't you think someone telling you nothing that matches to schizophrenia shouldn't be told to see a GP, let alone a psychiatrist?

Think about other patients.

I think we all agree on that, but I think most people are telling the OP to see a psychiatrist or doctor simply because she's listening to nobody here. Ignoring her won't work, reassuring her won't work, giving detailed responses won't work, harsh responses won't work and even distraction won't work.

Nothing works, Terry, nothing. I'm against wasting doctors time, absolutely I am, but you can't blame people for telling her to do this as clearly nothing else is working.

22-08-16, 13:01
The OP was so convinced she had a brain tumour that's she posted numerous post and post and more posts now we have moved onto the OP thinking she has A serious mental health issue. While anxiety and OCD can be serious aswell as I know all too well. The OP just seems to be writing a barrage of symptoms never replys to good advice and leaves threads if she doesn't get attention or the answer she wants then proceeds to make more threads.

What is the goal here? What is the use of this site for Helen if she doesn't listen , people pander to her like yourself when you being an OCD sufferer yourself should realise that gets you know where, it's not helping her. She needs to cancel this trip to Korea if her health is really that much of a concern for her and get some therapy on offer from her doctor. Yes it might mean putting off going to Korea for a year. But this poster is in desperate need of phsyciatric help.

Helen you won't reply as always but sit down and look at this: you have mentioned your going to lose your boyfriend, people, family have all fell out with you. Does that not say something cause I can gaurantee you if your boyfriend leaves you that's a lot of stress Which will make your anxiety worse. You have been offered therapy from your doctor so cancel your trip and do it take to get help that you seriously need.

22-08-16, 13:13
I think we all agree on that, but I think most people are telling the OP to see a psychiatrist or doctor simply because she's listening to nobody here. Ignoring her won't work, reassuring her won't work, giving detailed responses won't work, harsh responses won't work and even distraction won't work.

Nothing works, Terry, nothing. I'm against wasting doctors time, absolutely I am, but you can't blame people for telling her to do this as clearly nothing else is working.

I get that but it's unclear whether that's the case as only GadGirl knows why she is saying that I realise she probably is for the reason you give but in recent days I've seen excuses on this thread that just pointed towards stopping the forum seeing threads by the OP e.g. directing her to my inbox. GadGirl can always clarify but I completely disagree with pushing other patients back because a forum wants someone to see a psychiatrist for no reason whatsoever, although I would hope any GP would refuse the referral as they are expected to perform criteria tests first.

Seeing a GP, fair enough, not that they can do anything for this. Seeing a psychiatrist, no, absolutely not. We all know this is anxiety, you don't access CMHT's unless you truly need them or have passed through the IAPT levels first. If a GP needs a specialist referral, they can make the call but I think that's highly unlikely.

We have to remember that CMHT levels are there for people with much more serious mental health problems than the vast majority of us on here. In fairness to GadGirl, she's in Scotland where IAPT doesn't exist so may not be aware as CMHT equivalents still service their anxiety/depression cases as standard.

We wouldn't condone tieing up an oncologists time just because an anxiety sufferer wouldn't listen to anything we say on a forum, so why tie up a psychiatrists time? It's taking away from someone who truly needs to see that person.

And ignoring does work, if people actually try to do it. Getting no responses will likely mean a few threads that get little response, bumping and the likelihood the OP heads off to another forum. But the thread isn't being ignored by the people frustrated by it. 100% cannot be achieved, someone new will always post, but it would substantially reduce the thread but I don't see everyone who is frustrated attempting this. I'm not frustrated by the OP hence I don't feel the same when posting and I'm undecided on ignoring.

---------- Post added at 13:13 ---------- Previous post was at 13:08 ----------

What is the goal here? What is the use of this site for Helen if she doesn't listen , people pander to her like yourself when you being an OCD sufferer yourself should realise that gets you know where, it's not helping her.

If I thought like that, I wouldn't bother trying to help anyone on the OCD board.

I don't see my involvement here as "pandering". You are entitled to your opinion, but just because I'm not responding in the way you are doesn't mean I am pandering. I choose to give my time to threads without expecting anything back.

22-08-16, 13:15
I am in Scotland yes, our mental health services might be a little different. I am under the chmht I have a psychiatrist a CPN, and a Psycologist I do not suffer from a severe mental health issue. I do however suffer from anxiety,BPD and dissociation so on a scale I am quite low on the mental health spectrum but I still receive help from a small team.

I totally agree about wasting desperate recourses to allow the more needed people to access it, I was saying that for her to be diagnosed with this she would need to go to that mental health professional as we can not do that for her, of course if her doctor does not have a concern about that it might be different however I should mention that most doctors have no idea about other mental issues past anxiety and depression. My hope for the OP if she is genuine is that she gets reffered to cbt or some sort of therapy and "if" there was any other issues they would be handled and the right services provided

22-08-16, 13:19
She's been referred for counselling in the last week or so. That's what her GP has decided for her anxiety.

Anxiety sufferers in England & Wales access the CMHT's too but the IAPT route was put there specifically for anxiety/depression simply because the CMHT's couldn't handle it as they were never intended to. The waiting time to access my CMHT is 12 months minimum, the IAPT provider is much quicker than this.

Sadly, the SK trip means there is probably no chance of counselling or therapy. The GP's hands are tied. Reb has some difficult decisions to make.

Gary A
22-08-16, 13:33
Again I think everyone agrees and already knows that seeing a psychiatrist is a waste of time etc, but it's simply desperation at this point as people have absolutely no idea what else to say.

As an aside, does anyone notice how Helenhoo becomes all quiet the second a debate breaks out? It's like she throws a match into a canister of petrol then sits back enjoying the resulting explosion.

Anyway whatever, what the hell am I doing even responding anymore. This person is wasting my bloody time.

22-08-16, 13:42
Or perhaps she's at work on her lunch and only able to read until she sits down.

I appreciate everyone's comments, I do.

Gary A
22-08-16, 13:45
Or perhaps she's at work on her lunch and only able to read until she sits down.

I appreciate everyone's comments, I do.

Yet the second I bring it up, here you are.

Appreciating comments is one thing, actually taking heed and doing something about them is quite another.

22-08-16, 13:46
I have taken several online tests from Pysch websites and I'm not even close to having it, I have asked my boyfriend and mom if I behave erratically and they have said no, just anxious. I believe I am hyper aware. And thanks for terry and admin for private messages.

Gary A
22-08-16, 13:49
I have taken several online tests from Pysch websites and I'm not even close to having it, I have asked my boyfriend and mom if I behave erratically and they have said no, just anxious. I believe I am hyper aware. And thanks for terry and admin for private messages.

Excellent. So we can put this to bed now? You know you have anxiety and not schitzophrenia?