View Full Version : Continued heart worries

20-08-16, 13:33
Woke up with my heart pounding this morning but when I took my pulse it was only around 60-70 bpm. I was laying on my back and could feel my heartbeat pounding away. Why would it do that if my pulse was so low?

I've had three separate episodes of skipped beats today. I am one day late for my period also.
I've been having some left side chest pain. I'm also unusually thirsty and can't seem to quench it. And had some slight diarrhoea earlier.
I keep getting a catch in my breath when I inhale, almost like you get when you've been crying a lot and it sounds like a mini hiccup.
I'm really concerned. My family are visiting today so I'm trying to put on a brave face but I'm seriously considering A&E soon.

So scared. I have never had so many skipped beats before.

Took my blood pressure. Normal/a little on the low side.
Heart beat still around 65-70 at rest.
I have an ECG booked for next week but I'm not sure this is soon enough. I keep thinking that in these circumstances I should go to A&E or call an ambulance.

20-08-16, 13:41
Unless you've been diagnosed with a condition that requires you to do it, why are you checking your blood pressure and heart rate?

I hope you get the news you're hoping for with your appointment.

20-08-16, 13:46
Unless I wake up not in an anxious state my heart is always pounding. When I cross my legs my foot always bobs up and down. My laptop bobs up and down too.

When my health anxiety was at it's worst I got really upset and mentioned this to my doctor. I was told it's normal. I'm highly stressed and no doubt you are if you are checking your pulse etc.

If you ring an ambulance they will probably tell you off for wasting their time. That's not a dig at you or anything but a strong pulse isn't an indicator of anything sinister. Left sided chest pain isn't usually cardiac related. Ambulances are only to be called in an emergency.

I've had slight diarrhea today too due to feeling really anxious today. Stress/anxiety can cause dry mouth I experience it quite often along with excess sweating.

20-08-16, 14:08

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

20-08-16, 20:08
I was on the verge of going to A&E after a horrific few hours with big thumps in my heart. It's terrifying.
Instead I called 111 and went to a walk in/urgent care centre.
She didn't do an ECG, even though I asked :( but she took my blood pressure manually (136/75 - I was anxious so expected it to be higher) and took my pulse with her fingers for a full minute - she said it was 85 but 'regular'. Obviously I wasn't having a skipped beat at the time...

My ECG is Wednesday and blood test is Monday, if it happens again what shall I do? A&E - it's so far from where I live and no idea how I'll get there as driving isn't a great idea when I feel like this.

20-08-16, 21:36
If what happens again? Nothing dangerous has happened to you. Skipped beats are very common especially when stressed or anxious. A pulse rate of 85 sounds very normal to me.

Is there anything you can do to take your mind off this? You will get more skipped beats if you are getting stressed over it. It's a very common worry with anxiety.

21-08-16, 16:30
Still feeling bad today. Had a long walk and now my heart is beating hard. I can see and feel it all over, especially in my stomach. Is this normal?
It's not fast, just strong.

21-08-16, 16:50
I've noticed you often don't respond when people ask you things, and you don't seem to get much reassurance. It's clear that you're very anxious and going to A&E hasn't helped.

I truly hope the outcome of your tests on Wednesday helps you to feel better. Beyond that, you're going to need to tackle your anxiety and panic attacks.

21-08-16, 17:13
I've noticed you often don't respond when people ask you things, and you don't seem to get much reassurance. It's clear that you're very anxious and going to A&E hasn't helped.

I truly hope the outcome of your tests on Wednesday helps you to feel better. Beyond that, you're going to need to tackle your anxiety and panic attacks.

Sorry, I haven't been the greatest at responding lately. When I'm in a state like this it's hard to control and keep things in perspective. It's a very selfish disease but we all know that.
Do they give you the answers to the ECG that day then? I was assuming I wouldn't get them for a while.

21-08-16, 17:18
Sorry if you read this post before I edited it. I'm talking nonsense (not for the first time). If an ECG is one of those things where they stick pads to your torso to monitor your heart rate, I've had loads of them.

They don't exactly give you a result in my experience. They look at the print out and then, if it's fine, that's it - you're done. They tell you it looks fine, of course.

21-08-16, 17:30
if its any consolation my heart beats really hard every morning. pounds away really stongly the more anxious I get. sometimes if I get panicky it pounds so fast/hard I feel like my chest is getting sore. i'm not dead yet.

hearts are very good at handling extreme workouts (and anxiety). try and really believe your fine and ignore it. once you can it ignore it you'll slowly notice it less and less.

easier said than done but you'll get there :D