View Full Version : Facial structure changing

20-08-16, 20:36
Hi everyone hope you're all doing well.

I've been debating with myself whether to do a post on this as I've been doing well with my health anxiety lately however it's more out of curiosity and vanity than anxiety, I suppose..

Over the last few months I *feel* like my face shape is changing, as in one side looks more compact/tighter/smaller than the other, mainly around the jaw and cheek bones. When I look in the mirror it is not that noticeable it's only when I use my phone camera it looks really strange! On top of this my nose seems ever so slightly to be more to one side, where I've always known it to be straight straight straight. This could be me over looking but my face structure is definitely different,

Could it be muscular or can it actually change? I must sound bonkers :roflmao: it's been playing on my mind

20-08-16, 20:59
It just sounds like hyper focus. I've done that...stare at something too long and it looks weird. Is it the selfie angle? Lens?

20-08-16, 21:00
It just sounds like hyper focus. I've done that...stare at something too long and it looks weird. Is it the selfie angle? Lens?

Yeah the inner camera :D just looks really odd on one side like two different faces haha it's been playing on my mind I'm thinking "what could cause this? Is it reversible?" Lol

20-08-16, 21:07
Is it possible it's always been that way and you've only just noticed?

I'm asymmetrical. My left upper eyelid droops slightly and I have a dimple in my right cheek when I smile but not my left. I hate it I'm not sure if I've always been this way.

20-08-16, 21:11
Well I've thought that but I've looked at my face so much with this health anxiety I'm sure I'd of noticed, but you never know the eyes see what they want to see haha I shouldnt be so self conscious about it though that's my issue I need to deal with, my anxiety is focusing on will it keep changing and get even more uneven x

20-08-16, 21:37
Katiepink.. they are different and it's normal.

Did you ever see when they take a picture of a face, cut it in half and duplicate each side?

Put two right sides together and two left sides together? It looks like 2 different people! It's actually kind of interesting and creepy at the same time.

20-08-16, 21:43
Katiepink.. they are different and it's normal.

Did you ever see when they take a picture of a face, cut it in half and duplicate each side?

Put two right sides together and two left sides together? It looks like 2 different people! It's actually kind of interesting and creepy at the same time.

Oh that is a good point! I've saw that before no idea why I've not thought lol think it's time I just embraced my asymmetry :D

20-08-16, 21:48
We're asymmetrical by nature as has been stated. (unless you're Tom Cruise... he's a freak ~lol~). Hyper-focusing will exaggerate normal features. This is an a non issue.

Positive thoughts

20-08-16, 21:54
We're asymmetrical by nature as has been stated. (unless you're Tom Cruise... he's a freak ~lol~). Hyper-focusing will exaggerate normal features. This is an a non issue.

Positive thoughts

I know I know :doh:

Thanks guys

20-08-16, 21:58
Tom Cruise has a symmetrical face?

20-08-16, 22:01
Tom Cruise has a symmetrical face?


I thought that :D

20-08-16, 22:03
Ok, now I am looking up the most symmetrical face.. Brad Pitt came up lolol!!

20-08-16, 22:24
Hi hun, I convinced myself one side of my neck was larger than the other, I asked loved ones, took photos and even went to the doctors. I'm now over the anxiety (so thankful), but this one sticks out for me as for me it was pre-holiday nerves that brought out these thoughts and focus.
We are not symmetrical, often we have parts of our body different on one side to another, my advice to you, don't give it any focus or attention and those thoughts should hopefully pass.

20-08-16, 22:49
Hi hun, I convinced myself one side of my neck was larger than the other, I asked loved ones, took photos and even went to the doctors. I'm now over the anxiety (so thankful), but this one sticks out for me as for me it was pre-holiday nerves that brought out these thoughts and focus.
We are not symmetrical, often we have parts of our body different on one side to another, my advice to you, don't give it any focus or attention and those thoughts should hopefully pass.

Hi Tracey thanks for your reply I definitely pay it more attention than it deserves so that's my plan now if I find myself having the urge to look in the mirror and check/compare I'm going to kick myself lol

---------- Post added at 22:49 ---------- Previous post was at 22:48 ----------

Ok, now I am looking up the most symmetrical face.. Brad Pitt came up lolol!!

Really :D

20-08-16, 22:51
Good for you, the more you ignore it and don't give it any power the quicker it goes.

21-08-16, 03:37
It sounds like body dismorphia ( common in OCD and health anxiety)
When I thought I had Werner syndrome I would literally see sores on my ankles
That no one else could see.

21-08-16, 04:23
Everybody face is slightly different on each side, your probably just hyper focused.

---------- Post added at 03:23 ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 ----------

Body dismorphic disorder and health anxiety can go hand and hand, according to my pych. Both make you hyper aware of your body.

21-08-16, 05:14
Nothing or no one is perfectly symmetrical.

21-08-16, 08:00
It was more a concern that this was new and not something I've had all my life, as in my face was starting to look different on one side as opposed to thinking everyone is symmetrical. I'm putting it to bed anyway unless somebody actually points it out to me lol

21-08-16, 10:48

I wouldn't dare get them done although some do look good I am a big mard and would assume it would all go wrong anyway haha