View Full Version : Bit of perspective needed please!

21-08-16, 00:37
Hi there, I have been on 50mg of sertraline fo HA and anxiety for almost 5 1/2 years, it has been amazing, up until now, I nursed my mum through oesophageal cancer two years ago, it even got me through that.
6 weeks (or so) ago I was eating a sandwich, I could feel it going down, it felt as though it was going to come back up, as if there was something stopping it... I'm sure you can see where this is going... To cut a long story short things have become a bit crap for me, loads of symptoms. my logical side thinks it's all my HA coming back, the other side thinks "what if it is"????
So to get to the point, do you think my sertraline may be becoming less effective as I have been on it so long?
The symptoms feel so real (as they always do with HA). I'm actually really sad and angry that I feel this way again after things being so good for so long!!!

21-08-16, 02:12
It's possible, which your doc should be able to adjust for you.

Sometimes I think health anxiety just lays dormant until just the right time. It's a familiar groove, even though it's scary and painful. Has this been a particularly bad resurgence? You seem to have a good understanding of it. Medicated or not, being able to use logic (despite really convincing anxious thoughts) is a great sign. :)

21-08-16, 10:30
Hi there, it's nowhere near a bad as it was, it's so scary the thought of what it may become!! I really don't want to go there again!! HA is just a parasite that feeds on fear, I'm trying to keep the fear under control, it's really hard though!!
12 weeks ago my 11 year old son had an accident on his skateboard, breaking both bones in his leg, he was in hospital fo a week, having numerous operations etc, it was really traumatic watching your son go through so much pain, I stayed at the hospital with him and as a result forgot my meds, so I'm hoping all the stress etc is causing this and I'm not going back to the "dark place".
Btw son doing amazing, went all day without using crutches yesterday!!