View Full Version : blind spot in vision, worried I had a stroke

21-08-16, 04:23
I am a 21 year old female bodied individual, and aside from being under constant stress and anxiety and being slightly overweight, I am perfectly healthy according to all of the tests I have undergone so far. I have always had crazy visual symptoms like floaters, flashes, blurred vision, vision pulsing with my heart beat etc and over half of my anxiety related issues have to do with my eyes. Around the end of last May, I was under more stress than ever because I had just gotten out of an extremely abusive relationship and I was supposed to be meeting one of my internet friends in real life for the first time a few days later. I had to pull an all nighter at the airport to pick her up and I noticed some extremely large bothersome floaters/aura like things again that had been gone for almost 3 years. I think my brain was filtering them out for a long time because my anxiety wasn't as bad for a while but now that my anxiety levels are super high again I can't STOP noticing them. About a week later I began to notice an odd transparent circle in my vision that would float around nonstop and if I read something (for example), it will float over the words and make the letters in that spot disappear. Its not a black spot, its literally clear, like I can still see the page or screen when the letters disappear. I'm not even going to try and explain it more because it doesn't seem to make any sense when I do. I went to the hospital when it first appeared and since it wasn't a black spot they didn't think I needed a ct scan, although I did have a ct scan not too long before the spot appeared and they didn't see anything wrong. I went to see a retinal specialist who found nothing wrong with my eyes, so they sent me to a neurologist. I have an MRI scheduled for the 29th but I don't get the results until the 7th of October when I get to see my neurologist again. I am so convinced I had a stroke and I honestly do not think I can wait over a month to find out. The anxiety is going to kill me. I have also had constant fatigue and just feel like I'm going to faint all the time ever since this started. Please do not tell me it is a floater because I have tons of floaters and this is not one of them. Please do not tell me it is a migraine aura because its been permanently there the past few months in the exact same spot and the shape has never changed. It is literally a blank spot. Please give me your honest thoughts.

23-08-16, 04:01
Everyone has a blind spot in their eyes where the optic nerve is. Our brain usually fills in the gap so we can see a full picture, but there are ways that you can "see" the blind spot by looking at a certain thing in a certain way and it is just like you describe! I have done it in my psychology class. I think you are just focussing on it and therefore not allowing your brain to fill in the gap like it usually does. I wouldn't worry and I think you will find that you won't notice it if you don't think about it (as hard as I know that is)

24-08-16, 02:18
I do not think it is my natural blind spot, because I have found the blind spot in my other eye and it is nothing like this. This blind spot is constantly there no matter what I'm looking at even if I'm not trying to pay attention to it at all and its freaking huge and kind of swirly and weirdly shaped. I know its probably unlikely that I had a stroke at 21 especially since I'm relatively healthy, but I have to fight the urge to run to the hospital every night because this is freaking me out so badly :weep:

24-08-16, 03:48
I do not think it is my natural blind spot, because I have found the blind spot in my other eye and it is nothing like this. This blind spot is constantly there no matter what I'm looking at even if I'm not trying to pay attention to it at all and its freaking huge and kind of swirly and weirdly shaped. I know its probably unlikely that I had a stroke at 21 especially since I'm relatively healthy, but I have to fight the urge to run to the hospital every night because this is freaking me out so badly :weep:

It's probably just a migraine aura
I get them quite often

24-08-16, 04:14
Is it possible for a migraine aura to be permanent and always stay in the same spot and shape and just never go away? Because its been there nonstop for over 3 months.