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View Full Version : Hodgkin's Lymphoma Fear

21-08-16, 07:27
Sooo I've been scared of Lymphoma lately! Amazing how symptoms start when you google them, but under my jaw I've found a rock hard, fixed lymph node. This was about a month ago, I got a CBC, everything came out perfectly normal. I haven't grown any other nodes in any other areas, I got a physical and doctor told me not to worry. Asked two nurses, they felt it and said it feels normally swollen. They even said I could have it for a while, or for the rest of my life. I've felt so dizzy it's not funny, not even fatigue. Had trouble swallowing, checked to see a lump on the floor of my mouth. It's soft and painless, the other one is irritating, not visible. These lumps have NOT grown since raising, and I haven't shown any other symptoms. This is killing me though, would doctors really be able to determine this just by feeling the nodes? I'd really like any kind of closure, advice, anything.

21-08-16, 09:47
Hi Leafers. It's horrible feeling anxious about your health. Ok, you've been given the all clear from the docs and nurses, so now it's time to tackle your anxiety. Have a look at this free anxiety resource, loads of helpful stuff on there. Good luck.


21-08-16, 10:46
Yes sweetheart they would, they are so well trained, and if they had any doubt at all they would look further, they are all scared of being sued it the got it wrong, enjoy your healthy body x x x

21-08-16, 11:16
Please be reassured that doctors know what is a suspicious node and what isn't - we aren't trained to know the difference! Cancer doesn't sit quietly, it grows. It never subsides, of disappears for a while, it is abnormal cells that keep on multiplying.
Nodes can swell for so many reasons, an underlying infection, if we are coming down with something like a virus, even a cold. You have been checked over properly and you really are fine xx

21-08-16, 14:45
Please be reassured that doctors know what is a suspicious node and what isn't - we aren't trained to know the difference! Cancer doesn't sit quietly, it grows. It never subsides, of disappears for a while, it is abnormal cells that keep on multiplying.
Nodes can swell for so many reasons, an underlying infection, if we are coming down with something like a virus, even a cold. You have been checked over properly and you really are fine xx

Yep... Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Just a tidbit of advice:... Stop poking and prodding! You can make them shotty (permanently swollen).

Positive thoughts

21-08-16, 22:48
I've been here! This time last year actually and it ruined my birthday. I came back from a camp trip and felt anode in my neck. I kept prodding and prodding and it would get bigger. I asked my nurse friend, rang 111 (advise not to do this unless really concerned), saw doctors and nurses and they couldn't even feel it.

One doctor said if he poked anywhere for long he'd find something. I am quite able to feel most of my nodes because I'm slim. I have fun playing with them now!

Relax its nothing.

21-08-16, 22:54
Wish I could reply to you all, thanks for all the positive vibes. :D
The node has seem to have shrunken a bit. I appreciate all the replies, helped a ton. Just needed a bit more closure than what the docs gave me, glad I'm not the only one whos gone through, or is going through this situation.

21-08-16, 22:58
Honestly I was so convinced. I remember the date 4th September I was going to my 4th walk in clinic and was so sure id be told I had lymphoma. Even when it cropped up again recently the nurse was like 'what are you even feeling' it's there, just shoddy. She said it was normal part of my neck. I have mine in my groin as well and under chin. Try and get familiar with your body :)

22-08-16, 08:32
Oh I have been here! Probably a good 7 years of my life was an obsession with Lymphoma. I found out my Gran had had it in the 80's after finding a lump in her neck - queue the obsessive checking and it just spiralled out of the control from there.
If you had Lymphoma you'd be pretty sick. Like extremely unwell and not feel yourself at all! Please don't let it comsume you, it's hard to kick it, trust me. But once you do you'll laugh at yourself!
I'm by no means at all over my HA - probably worse now if that makes sense - but Lymphoma is still rare, and you'd be feeling pretty shitty! x

22-08-16, 13:10
Damn, that sucks! 15 is too young to be worried about this kind of stuff. Guess I just need to keep myself more occupied, not gonna lie I got pressured into smoking in like 6th grade, for about three years. I'm clean now though, been clean for a good while. The whole fear revolves around my bad health history, last month was a leukemia fear. Everyones replies help, the gland on the floor of my mouth is definetly shrinking, and the hard node I thought I felt in my necckk.. Was a bone. :blush: The node doc was talking about feels perfectly normal! I seriously appreciate everything you guys said. Feeling a lot better now.

24-08-16, 07:53
The whole fear revolves around my bad health history, last month was a leukemia fear.

Damn, me too leafers. Every single fear revolves around my bad history. For me its using my phone in the dark at night for literally a few years which now triggered the fear of Eye cancer as you have already read in my other thread. Every single abnormality that i discover immediately links me back to the bad habit that i've had and i cant stop beating myself up for it. Do you ever have this huge regret? Thats my regret because if i didnt do that i wouldnt be worrying every single day and became an HA sufferer (before that i was the most optimistic and outgoing person on earth i would say).

So yeah, hate myself for harming my own body without even realising it. Wish i could turn back time, never thought i would have such a big regret only at the age of 19 i think im literally the only one on this planet and i pity myself.

24-08-16, 07:56
That sucks! If it makes you feel better, coming from a gamer I've been staring at screens since I was 5 and my eyes are too healthy, still am a gamer. HA can ruin lives, still on edge about Lymphoma but I'll shake it off eventually. After that I think it'll be safe to throw up the towel for HA.