View Full Version : why so bad in the mornings?

21-08-16, 10:32
its doing my head in. I always go to bed so positive im going to ignoring every stupid symptom the next day and get on with my life a bit...

I sleep ok ish (some weird dreams) but then in the morning the second I start to wake up I have a wave of dread/anxiety and my heart starts to pound for a bit. almost like a mini panic attack but then it passes as I wake up more. if I read ir whatever then sometimes I can drift off (it its too early) but then itll happen again next time I wake. this kinda leave me a bit drained and crappy feeling till 2pm sometimes

anyone else get this?

21-08-16, 10:35
Yeah I get this nearly every day, I'm not sure when it started but I think I used to get it as a teenager too just not as bad. Exactly what you describe a wave of dread and I feel it in my stomach and my heart pounds usually for 10-15 minutes and I'll start to calm down, but it's horrible I don't understand how I wake up immediately anxious.

---------- Post added at 10:35 ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 ----------

I think I'm just dreading the day ahead maybe but I never know why

21-08-16, 10:39
Tell me about it! I've had this for 9 months now every single morning except mine doesn't wear off until the evening when I get a few brief hours of respite. Like you I go to bed full of plans for the following day which never come to fruition because the moment I wake up it all starts over again. I can't get back to sleep though like you can once the feeling comes, I'm just a jittery mess, dry heaving and shaking. It is awful and I just want it to stop now.

I've heard it is something to do with the rise in cortisol levels first thing in the morning. The thing that is supposed to get us all bright eyed and bushy tailed ready for another wonderful day is working against us and causing anxiety because everything has gone haywire. I think instead of just pumping out a set amount of cortisol it is pumping it out constantly, the valve is stuck...

21-08-16, 10:42
thanks at least im not alone. it doesn't exactly set you off on the right foot. I caught myself googling about this.. nothing useful came up.

(cancer did obviously - it does for every symptom of everything)

21-08-16, 10:50
That's interesting mojo

And yes Google loves cancer results on any search!