View Full Version : Dreams and meanings feeling scared.

21-08-16, 14:07
Ill start by saying I'm on medication amitriptyline 10mg at night for a over sensitive g.i tract, I'm aware they can cause nightmares and I've had a few over the last few weeks!

Last night I had a dream regarding one of my worst fears and that fear is cancer :lac::weep: in my dream I was diagnosed with lung cancer and given 6 months to live the very thought of that petrifies me and writing it made me feel anxious now yes I am aware it was only a dream I googled the meaning of such dreams and while it didn't indicate only on one site it's really scared me.

My question is does anyone else have these dreams.?

21-08-16, 14:20
I have had dreams about myself getting chemo etc I think it's with us over thinking things.

I hate such dreams they make me feel really depressed but after afew days I forget about them as they are just dreams.

21-08-16, 14:49
I've had dreams about people I love being sick and worse. They are HORRIBLE and scare me every time.

I think meds have a big impact on dreams and nightmares. When I first started Escitalpram years ago, I have extremely vivid dreams and some awful nightmares that had me waking bolt upright in bed, covered in sweat and heart pounding.

Our own mental states will also affect this of course. As KeeKee said, we overthink and our brains work overtime, even during sleep.

21-08-16, 16:17
Last night I dreamed I went to McDonald's and ordered tuna on toast for breakfast.

I don't tell you this to make light of your feelings. It just shows that we can dream literally anything. I often dream about losing my teeth and I've dreamed many times about family dying and coming to other forms of harm. I've survived terrorist attacks in my dreams and been held at gunpoint.

I'm always relieved when I wake up and realise it wasn't real. You just have to try and let it go.