View Full Version : I thought exercise was meant to help!?

21-08-16, 19:04
I've been a health anxiety sufferer for years. I don't take any meds, and generally try to get on with things as best I can, but it's always bubbling away underneath.
My lower eyelid started twitching in April, I didn't massively worry about it to start with, as it's happened before, but it has continued, 4 months now, most days non stop, and I can feel the panic building again. I've seen my doctor twice about it so far, but she wasn't concerned.
Anyway, I've recently started training for a novice triathlon, and am doing a couch to 5k program to kick start my running. After tonight's session of 30 mins running and walking my jaw has started twitching. I thought exercise was supposed to help with this stuff, and cause the body to relax more as all the excess adrenaline is used up. I'm getting really worried now about what might be going on, does anyone have any thoughts? Am trying to resist the urge to book a doctors appointment immediately they open tomorrow morning. X

21-08-16, 19:22
Exercise doesn't help for me either, I'm not sure why.

21-08-16, 20:07
I don't know, but I guess the exercise you're doing has put you under a bit of pressure (training for a triathlon) so maybe that in itself is making you feel stressed and contributing to the eye twitching? I had the eye twitching thing for weeks a year or so ago. I didn't go to the doc, but there were times when I worried it was never going to stop. I find going for long walks helps.

21-08-16, 21:00
Could it be that the exercise has left you slightly dehydrated which combined with anxiety is causing the twitching?
I get all sorts twitching but it has never really worried me. It can last for a while but you don't notice it has gone until it is back again.
Exercise does make me feel better because for me it feels nice to know that I am doing what I can to take control of my health.
If your Dr isn't concerned then you needn't be. Congratulations on the Triathlon training! Sounds amazing.

22-08-16, 19:34
Hey, I'm doing a couch to 5k program too!

What kind of twitch? Is it possible that you just had your jaw clenched and the muscle is tightened a bit? Did it stop?

22-08-16, 19:38
Hey, I'm doing a couch to 5k program too!

What kind of twitch? Is it possible that you just had your jaw clenched and the muscle is tightened a bit? Did it stop?

Over the last year I've gone from 5k to couch...

22-08-16, 20:00
Over the last year I've gone from 5k to couch...

At least you were at 5k at one point!

The most I've run at one time is a mile. It was rough. I have a hard time pacing myself - I just want to go fast!

22-08-16, 20:06
Exercise does help, over time. I jogged when I first dealt with GAD and Panic disorder and to be honest, the increased heart rate and sweating made it so much WORSE....at first.

Over time it actually helped somewhat, wasn't a cure but rather a remedy, time to get out, meditate somewhat, get rid of excess water retention and also to help my body regulate my blood pressure when those panic moments arrive. After awhile I'd get exhausted at nights and be able to sleep a few hours rather than waking up EVERY hour.

Perhaps start with someone low like just walking a mile or 2, breathe in the fresh air etc. The couch to 5k might be a tad overwhelming? I'm not sure though setting goals is good its just sometimes we can overwhelm ourselves without knowing it.