View Full Version : What to do about this one - I can barely move

21-08-16, 19:30
Having looked over the list of threads I've started on here, I see that there is a recurring theme of this same dizziness.

Last night around 10pm I was stood talking to my daughter when all of a sudden, it felt like my head was being swung around. I had to grab on to the door handle to stay upright. It was quite a violent experience. But it lasted no more than 5 seconds. After this had happened, I took myself upstairs to splash water On my face and try and calm myself down. I lay on my bed and slowly began to relax eventually.

At about 11pm my wife came to bed and I was half asleep, I needed to go to the toilet so I got up and went and didn't really notice how I felt. But as soon as I lay back down, the world started spinning. It felt as though I'd been drinking heavily. Only I hadn't had a drop. Again after a few minutes of not moving, this passed and I managed to get some sleep.

Upon waking this morning I wasn't sure how I felt, I was able to look around while lying on bed. Until I sat up, and there it was again. The drunken spinning dizziness feeling again. I sat there for a good 20 minutes and put my head in different positions to see if it were worse or better. But every movement I made was creating the same dizzy feeling.

At about 10am this morning I needed the toilet again. I stood up from my bed and my whole body felt as though it'd never stood before. My legs weak, my heart pounding, feeling increasingly hot and this dizziness worse than the previous night. We have an ensuite bathroom in my room and it is literally 4 feet away from my bed. It honestly took me over 15 minutes to get in the toilet and use it. I had such a battle even getting there. The strength of the sensations was incredible. Very scary when you don't know what is causing your body to feel like it's pulling away from itself.

It's now 7.30pm and I haven't moved out of bed all day because I just can't cope with the sensations.

I've had my blood pressure taken and it was pretty much bang on for me at 119/78.

Does this sound like an inner ear infection? I don't know how I'm supposed to get to the gp. I'm concerned that it could be something serious.

My wife called the out of hours service to see what they say and they didn't seem too concerned, just to book to see my gp tomorrow or call them back it it gets worse.

Can anyone relate to this or offer any advice. Especially the actual dizziness and not being able to even move without these sensations.

21-08-16, 19:33
Is it worse when you turn your head a certain way ?

21-08-16, 19:42
It's OK when I'm sitting completely still. It's when I move my head that it happens. Looking down seems to make it feel worst. Although just turning my head anywhere gives me a dizzy sensation

21-08-16, 19:44
Have you had a cold or sinus problem lately?

21-08-16, 19:44
I've had a few episodes like this, it's miserable. Best fit for me is vertigo.
Not sure for me of it's sinus related or hormonal.

Lasts a few days for me. I can't do anything but sit or lay in 1 position. Awfil.

21-08-16, 19:50
I've had a bit of a stuffy nose. Been having to blow it a lot in the mornings. I often have an issue with my nose. It's always stuffy. I do actually feel as though I have pressure in my eyes, nose, ears and temples. Not too bad but it's definitely noticeable.

21-08-16, 19:55
My daughter has been getting dizzy spells recently and tje doctor said it's due to an ear infection.
They looked in her ears and said one is clearing up on its own. So I guess it's possible.

21-08-16, 19:55
If I sit still I'm fine. No dizziness or weird feelings at all. It's only when I move my head or look around. If I fix my eyes on the TV and just sit, I feel absolutely fine.

21-08-16, 19:59
I bet it's ear/sinus related. Get to the doc tomorrow let him have a look

21-08-16, 19:59
It definitely sounds like it's related to the inner ear. My sister in law had a condition called BPPV (Benign Paroxymal Positional Vertigo) which presented like this, even down to the sitting up in bed. It was easily fixed with one appointment at the hospital where the doc did some manipulation on her neck in a certain way. Also, another relative of mine had labyrinthitis which has similar symptoms. Both highly unpleasant at the time, but highly treatable.

21-08-16, 20:00
Sounds like it could be your sinuses. If they are infected it can affect the balance glands in your ears making you feel dizzy. I would see your GP tomorrow and get him to have a look in your ears etc.

21-08-16, 20:01
I had BPPV . Not nice but not serious

21-08-16, 21:16
Sounds like vertigo, i had it about 15 years ago, it came outofthe blue and went about a week later, I remember breaking lots of mugs as I had problems making out how farthe work top was away from me!! Your Dr will be able to tell you tomorrow, mine got me to stand against the wall and turn my head different ways....I fell over!! Horrid but it passes soon and nothing serious, let us know how you get on x

Gary A
21-08-16, 22:02
Agree with above posters. This is BPPV.

The giveaway is the dizziness upon head movement. BPPV is caused by a part of the inner ear, known as the otolith, having crystals displaced.

The otolith is filled with a fluid that moves in motion with your head, sending signals back to the brain which give you your sense of motion and balance.

When these crystals are displaced in the otolith, the fluid doesn't move as it usually does upon head movement. The fluid moves differently and sends warped signals back to the brain, this is why you get sudden vertigo upon head movement.

In a normal functioning ear, you feel dizzy after you spin. This is because the fluid in the otolith is still moving, even though you're at rest. It's much the same with BPPV. The fluid is moving even though you aren't, and it's caused by crystal displacement.

See a doctor. The condition is completely harmless and easily rectified.

22-08-16, 06:56
Yeah sounds a bit like an inner ear problem - it's an absolutely horrible feeling! Hopefully the doc can give you something. X

22-08-16, 10:05
I had this the other day must be something in the air, noticed a few people have had this over the last few days

22-08-16, 10:27
I've had this for the last few weeks, ear feeling full and head swimming when lying down. It's been playing havoc with my HA, but reassured by Gary's explanatory post. Yes must be some kind of bug going around. :huh:

22-08-16, 13:12
Why do we always feel like we're the only person ever to feel like this.

After spending the whole day in bed yesterday, I managed to get myself our of bed around 11pm just to walk around the bedroom a little. The sensations of dizziness are still as strong, but it's taking more movement to actually bring it on.

I didn't really manage to get a lot of sleep, felt really wired all night and my eyes felt wide open. Had one spinning sensation during the early hours.

This morning when I woke, I was able to go to the toilet a lot easier than yesterday. Even managed to walk to the closet to grab some fresh clothes.

I had a telephone appointment with my GP at 11am and we talked all about how I've been feeling. He is certain that I am experiencing BPPV. Probably caused by a viral infection. I was offered meds for the nausea and sickness, but I haven't really felt that sick so I turned them down.

My gp said these sensations can linger for up to 2 weeks, but will normally begin to ease before that. I was assured that this is nothing to worry about and although it feels extremely unpleasant, I will be fine and it will pass.

Plenty of rest is needed and be careful moving about in case of falling.

It's now been just over 36 hours since the original dizzy spell and it has certainly improved since writing this post originally.

Thank you for all the replies.

---------- Post added at 13:12 ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 ----------

Why do we always feel like we're the only person ever to feel like this.

After spending the whole day in bed yesterday, I managed to get myself our of bed around 11pm just to walk around the bedroom a little. The sensations of dizziness are still as strong, but it's taking more movement to actually bring it on.

I didn't really manage to get a lot of sleep, felt really wired all night and my eyes felt wide open. Had one spinning sensation during the early hours.

This morning when I woke, I was able to go to the toilet a lot easier than yesterday. Even managed to walk to the closet to grab some fresh clothes.

I had a telephone appointment with my GP at 11am and we talked all about how I've been feeling. He is certain that I am experiencing BPPV. Probably caused by a viral infection. I was offered meds for the nausea and sickness, but I haven't really felt that sick so I turned them down.

My gp said these sensations can linger for up to 2 weeks, but will normally begin to ease before that. I was assured that this is nothing to worry about and although it feels extremely unpleasant, I will be fine and it will pass.

Plenty of rest is needed and be careful moving about in case of falling.

It's now been just over 36 hours since the original dizzy spell and it has certainly improved since writing this post originally.

Thank you for all the replies.

22-08-16, 13:52
Hi It's always best to get a diagnosis from a Dr who can assess what's going on and who is best placed
to offer treatment and or a referal to another dept who specailises in this condintion good luck and let us know how you get on :)

22-08-16, 20:16
Odd tip but if you feel dizzy when laying in bed, try hang one leg over the side so your foot is on the floor, it's gives your brain a sense of gravity, so it can work out what way round you are... Works well if you have drunk too much and your head spins!!!!

22-08-16, 20:21
What is BPPV?

23-08-16, 16:07
BPPV is a condition of the inner ear. It causes short intense bouts of vertigo (dizziness) when moving the head in certain positions. Apparently mine has likely been caused by a viral infection.

Here's some good info on BPPV - http://patient.info/health/benign-paroxysmal-positional-vertigo-leaflet

23-08-16, 22:39
I ended up in the ER with this about a year ago. HA sufferer anyway and the rapid onset of the dizziness threw me into a whopper of a panic attack!!! Hasn't really ever happened again since but yeah it took probably a week for me to get to feeling back to normal....and another month or so to stop anticipating the feelings associated with it, and get the panic attacks back under control. Sometimes it really does feel like I am losing my mind over anxiety!! BPPV will pass for you too, but it definitely does suck going thru it!!