View Full Version : can anxiety ever be exciting again?

23-03-07, 15:52
i just replied to a thread that got me thinking...

before my panic attacks *** the thought of starting college or a new job or going off travelling made me really excited, i looked forward to it even though i would also feel really anxious.... it was an excited kinda anxious i was feeling....

but now *** the thought of doing any of those things just makes me anxious but a scared outta my wits kinda anxious, no excited-ness what-so-ever...

i get really scared about having to go back to work or college and it's really hard to differentiate between the normal levels of anxiety that anyone would feel starting a new job and the feelings of a panic attack. i think my problem is that i cant see a day when i wont mind feeling nervous but excited, im scared i'll always associate feeling anxious with crazy feelings of not being in controll.. if thats so will i ever be 'cured'?

do you think now we've experianced the depths and torture of what anxiety can really be like we will ever be able to find it an enjoyable exciting sensation again?

anyone have any experiances or thoughts to share???


23-03-07, 17:58
I once went to Thorpe Park and went on the rollercoasters in the early phases of my anxiety, I really enjoyed it. The crowds, queues, etc were very unpleasant. But, although rollercoasters are scary and very anxiety inducing before you go on them, it feels like a different type of anxiety, I found that exciting instead.

Not sure if that's relevant really, just thought I'd mention it. :winks:


23-03-07, 18:50
I know what you mean. It's strange really because when you get the odd times when you have anxiety which makes you excited you feel the opposite of feeling depressed and the anxiety is far from feeling life threatening. I think it can be good in a way to feel like this as since you are happy at the same time, you are more likely to overcome an obstacle if you're so tempted to do something which you know will be fun.

A year ago I used to feel like this every Thursday when I got of the coach at Catherine-De-Barns to go to my Keyboard lesson since I enjoy playing the keyboard but do get nervous about the lseeon and about making mistakes playing a tune on the keyboard.:)