View Full Version : Ok I think I've got over it? maybe?

22-08-16, 14:05
Ok, so this week has been ok sometimes going once a day sometimes 2 but not been as bad, went today though only got a bit out couldn't get anything else out at the time :(.

I spoke to my aunty last weekend who suffers with anxiety aswell she said she's had things like that in the past after that I'd say the next two days where ok pretty normal. I just keep worrying though :( still about various things I think i really need to sort my sleep out I'm having breakfast when my mom and dad etc are having lunch so I'm technically missing a meal.

I'm guessing this can screw your stomach up if you're not on a routine?

I just need to sort my self out atm feel just down and depressed in general :(

22-08-16, 20:26
I would say, sort out the anxiety first then work on your IBS problems. Shut out those thoughts of death cancer illness etc. Its definitely most likely that you have NOTHING wrong with you.

You've been worrying about this for a long time now, I'm sure something would have drastically changed by now really.

25-08-16, 22:16
I guess it just seems up and down atm just a little constipation now again but what did scare me earlier on was after i finished a bit I did strain a little basically when i went to get off the toilet under my right rib cage had like a sharp pain when i moved that was flashy for like 30 secs when I moved it went.

So here we go again with the appendicitis fear literally in that 30 seconds I was bloody terrified was pushing to see if it was tender or something like that half an hour later i did pass gas so do you reckon it was just trapped gas? and when i got up it got stuck?

I'm now scared I've pushed something into my appendix from that bit of straining or earlier on got over it now though thought i nearly ruptured something or caused a blockage :( the joys of anxiety ay :(

But I'm really trying to work hard now and break bad habits I think oversleeping sets my anxiety off I can't get up in the morning till like 12 in the afternoon which leads to me having meals at odd times.