View Full Version : ibs and health anxiety

22-08-16, 18:55
Really starting to think this ibs is something else. so of course I googled now I think I have cancer or something. Just want my mind to stop!!! All I keepdoing is picturing my daughter all alone after die. Sorry to whine just want it to stop.

22-08-16, 19:08
yeah ibs can make you feel rough. sometimes I feel like painful rocks are slowly moving round my stomach. sometimes im bloated. sometimes im starving and bloated at the same time.

cutting out booze has made it a lot better but ultimately mine only really seems to leave me along when im relaxed. which is rare. 20 years plus of it. grr

just gotta make the most of the good days.

my gp once told me "ibs isnt like stomach cancer at all but im not going to tell you what symptoms to look for". which is probably a good thing since id probably start having whatever they are

22-08-16, 20:03
yeah i would probably too.lol

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I always know when i am going to have a bowel movement because of the pain in my stomach before hand

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just frustrating

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not trying to bug anyone sorry

22-08-16, 20:05
I dont think you are bugging anyone

22-08-16, 20:09
thanks so much for your kindess

22-08-16, 20:12
Cutting out certain foods while adding others in is always a process when dealing with IBS. Do you notice any trigger foods? For me it was dairy and foods high in oil. Anytime I consumed those I'd be in for a world of nausea and discomfort for hours. I cut these while adding in dense vegetables and fruits and it actually helps ALOT.

Have you talked with a doctor? I take omeprazole and that actually does help with IBS believe it or not.

Also staying away from Dr. Google and going to a REAL doctor will help quell those fears you have. You also MUST listen to the doctor who has years and years of experience and schooling when dealing with the health of the human body rather than google which takes seconds AND knows it can click-bait you into medical sites. Remember when dealing with the internet, websites ARE based on user clicks and sometimes this is how they generate their revenue, so in a sick sort of way (pun intended) they play on your health anxiety.

22-08-16, 20:17
I am following a pretty strict diet, I just get trapped gas which is so painful. I think or hope it is stress.

22-08-16, 20:24
Probably stress. Do you consume alot of fiber rich foods? Even fiber rich foods can cause it, having gone vegan for some time now I notice that watermelon causes painful stomach cramps and nausea if the fruit is too ripe. Same for legumes like beans and lentils. Like I said its hit or miss sometimes when dealing with IBS.

22-08-16, 21:25
I am finding that out. I eat alot of oatmeal and chicken and jello and bananas. Cut out alot of gluten.

---------- Post added at 19:43 ---------- Previous post was at 19:29 ----------

just having a real bad day

---------- Post added at 20:25 ---------- Previous post was at 19:43 ----------

Sorry not to bring anybody down not trying to, not attention seeking either, just had a bad night with bowels and gas and them my mind freaks. I apologize if I have offended anyone.