View Full Version : Health anxiety head injury

22-08-16, 19:55

I've posted before about my health anxiety which had become more frequent lately.
I'm very scared and becoming obsessive and would appreciate some advice.
Yesterday morning I got up from the floor and hit the middle of my forehead (at the top underneath the hairline) hard on a corner of a wooden shelf. It hurt for a couple minutes and there was a slight indentation and red mark and felt tender to touch. I didn't pass out or have any worrying symptoms after just the pain on site. I started to get anxious as the day went on and am scared that I have brain bleeding which I didn't realise could start days or even weeks after hitting your head. I woke up today feeling sick and have had a headache all day and am tired. I never get headaches and it isn't bad but I'm scared.
I know my anxiety is getting bad again and that can make me feel sick and tired. But that doesn't stop me thinking what if? Help please as I'm driving myself nuts

22-08-16, 20:20
Brain bleeding would be fairly severe and noticeable right away. I'm not sure where you got the information that it would start days or weeks after. Perhaps thats due to swelling? Which would as well be noticeable right away and would cause SIGNIFICANT pain.

If you're worried you can see a doctor, otherwise accidental head injuries like the one you describe are fairly common. If it bothers you, you could try a cold compress as there might be some pressure due to the "bump" you would have.

I hit my head all the time on stuff lol and I'm fine but yeah it DOES hurt quite a bit.

Im sure you'll be fine :)

22-08-16, 20:53
Thanks for the reply. I really appreciate it.
The problem is I have googled it and although acute hematoma is immediate or hours after, subacute or chronic can be weeks after. I'm so scared or becoming ill or worse and before this it was a mole I thought was cancerous. I am tempted to see a doctor but concussion is hard to diagnose and a brain bleed only with a CT scan. i just hope it's ok.
Thank again