View Full Version : Dunno how I feel

22-08-16, 20:31
Today I got my very first job interview! Very happy with myself but also terrified. Part of me feels like I shouldn't even bother because I could have some unknown illness (I'm currently still stuck on a brain tumour) I'm making myself dizzy but checking my eyes all the time with my glasses on and I'd like to be happy about getting this interview but don't want the anxiety getting in my way. Any tips on what to do? I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post but thought I'd give it a go

22-08-16, 20:45
Congratulations! :yahoo:

Take it one day at a time. I know how hard it can be when it feels pointless or like a massive effort just to do everyday things because your mind is so caught up in a fear.

Start by giving yourself an hour a day where you shove any worries out of your mind and just focus on preparing for your interview. Research the company, lay out your clothes, whatever.

The day of, no brain tumor thoughts allowed! Force yourself to focus on the interview first and foremost. Honestly when that day comes, that's probably all you'll think about anyway. :)

And after ... reward yourself! Go get some ice cream or watch a favorite movie.

You may even feel a bit stronger once you tackle this fear and be better able to push aside some of that HA as well.

Best of luck!!!

22-08-16, 20:50
Thank you so much!!! Part of me wants to be really excited about the whole opportunity for the interview but it's just the constant fear of a deadly disease ruining it:( on the day i won't be thinking about it but I wouldn't want to get the job and for me to be too occupied with silly thoughts about tumours or life threatening illnesses,I just feel stupid and maybe not worthy of a job if I wouldn't be able to focus on it

23-08-16, 02:10
I wish I could tell you that you'll get through the interview and everything will be totally awesome...but I'm in kind of a low period right now so it's hard for me to be sunshine and rainbows. :doh:

But this, like many HA fears, will pass. And when it does, you'll be glad you went in for the interview. I know in the thick of it it is SO HARD to believe it will ever go away or that things will ever get better. Oh boy, do I know that. I also know it's so hard to motivate yourself when you just feel exhausted and like it isn't worth it.

However, we find our way...somehow. Through working at it we get better at coping. In the bad times we remember the good times and push through.

Someday you'll look around and say, "I'm so happy right now, I can't believe I ever felt so low!". I've been there too! I still had some anxious thoughts but I had an easier time coping with them and it was awesome.

You'll do great in the interview.