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View Full Version : coming off cipralex

09-10-04, 22:49
Hello everyone ive just come off of this drug(10mg one a day).The gp said to take one every other day for two weeks then stop.My last pill was last sunday,but these past couple of days my head dosent feel right,it feel like its twitching inside of my mind,even when i move my eyes around, i cant describe it really.I dont know if this is cos i suffer from epilepsy thats giving these effects! i dont seem to get it when im out just when im indoors! i wasnt like this before i started taking them which was about 11 months ago,and also i suffer from anxiety,do you think this is anxiety attacks im getting? please can you give me some help on this!


09-10-04, 22:54
hi Kim,

I'm on cipralex and haven't tried to come off them yet...but I have heard that it will make your head feel a bit strange at the beginning. I guess it makes sense cos your brain has been used to having them for so long. I wouldn't worry about it too much as I'm sure you will start to feel more normal soon!!

Sarah :D

09-10-04, 22:57
thanks sarah its just getting me down thats all


10-10-04, 09:01
hi, i'm on cipralex, but i did have to come off effexor, god did i feel weird. The only way I could describe it was like being yogie bear, i would move my head but my eyes wouldn't keep up! It did go and didn't last too long, hop you feel better soon Tara xx

10-10-04, 11:50
How long do you think this will last for????????

10-10-04, 12:21
These are weaning off symptoms not anxiety attacks.

They may last a few days up to a few weeks geting better slowly . You came off fast considering you'd been on them nearly a year .


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

10-10-04, 12:40
Hi there meg do you think i should go back to the gp then?

10-10-04, 13:46
When I was commong off effexor I done too fast and experienced these symptoms, I visited my doctor who them put me on a slower weaning process, I still had minor effects but not half as bad as they were. The symptoms don't last too long Tara xx

10-10-04, 14:53
I came off Cipralex much more slowly and had no side effects at all. However, know you have stopped you might as well stay stopped as these symptoms should go soon enough.


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
Understanding is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad

12-10-04, 11:10
Hi there me again,god i feel as though im getting these symptons more than the previous day! shall i stick with it? even when im sitting down and look to the side and when im walking!

12-10-04, 19:10
:( The side effects are worse than yesterday,should i go back to the docs???? even when i look around i feel jerky inside of my head!

please help

12-10-04, 19:19
Is cipralex an anti depressant? I assume it is. Havent taken it myself but did have to come off fluoxetine in order to go on to a new SSRI and I felt dreadful.

I think its probably just a time thing but if you are really worried I would have a word with your GP.
