View Full Version : Need to get a handle on my HA

22-08-16, 22:15
I have suffered from health anxiety on and off is say for the last 9 years: mine started from a panic attack I had when I was 17 years old, first one I ever had didn't know what it was etc. So that's where my heart worries came up. I suffer from OCD aswell so I think over the nine years I have had health worries some have never came around again some have repeated my anxiety has told me everything from HIV, brain annuresym, melanoma, lymphoma, several cancers, heart attack, DVT, diabetes.

I'm now at the stage where my anxiety has got so bad I suffer from very severe depersonilation and derelisation. Every feeling I get wether it be lightheadedness, to a slight pain in my finger I think I'm dying.

But I have started counselling now and CBT so I'm hoping to get better.. And live my life again without fear I'm dying all the time.

22-08-16, 22:21
It sounds like yours started in a very similar way to mine, although mine was much more recent.

Seeking help for your anxiety is brilliant and I wish you all the best with it. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that counselling and CBT work best when you apply yourself to them and are able to believe in them. So stick at it.

22-08-16, 22:25
Sorry to hear that server :-( I will be I am really determined to get better, it was my birthday yesterday I was 26 and couldn't enjoy it cause of anxiety, I want to be able to enjoy my next birthday anxiety free

22-08-16, 22:26
Good for you for starting CBT and counselling. This is the beginning of recovery. I found the logical aspect of CBT very useful, and although it does require a bit of work, I still mentally apply those techniques today (9 years since my CBT). I still have periods of worry, but usually manage to get it under control after a bit. Look forward to living your life without fearing every little symptom is impending death - it WILL happen:)

22-08-16, 22:28
Hi Darwin, that's excellent that you can still apply the techniques so many years later and that they quickly help you, I am hoping I will be able to do that too.

22-08-16, 22:29
I try to practice acceptance as best I can, as well. If it was my birthday, and we had something I'd planned, I'd just accept how I felt and enjoy it anyway.

I went to Iceland in February at a time when I felt my worst. I hated the way I felt, but I believed in my therapy and medication, and I accepted that it was just anxiety, and managed to have a brilliant trip.

I'm not saying this is easy. It takes practice and I fall down sometimes, but I've got better at it and I find it a very helpful way of approaching my condition.

22-08-16, 22:30
Yes you can do this, it's hard work but worth it. I'm a long time sufferer, and still have blips, but I'm more able to get back on track since I've had counselling. it's possible to retrain your mind not to react so quickly, as long as you are prepared to do the work you can do it.

As server says, keep doing things like going out, celebrating and going on holiday even if your anxiety doesn't want you to. I've realised that even when my anxiety tells me I won't enjoy it, I still go even when I don't want to and generally have a good time.

22-08-16, 22:32
Iceland sounds brilliant server I'm so glad you managed to enjoy yourself ,

I am prepared and determined primula I need to do this for me and from my partner and for basically everyone else aswell I have became quite a hermit recently

22-08-16, 22:38
I really hope you feel better, health anxiety is a horrible.

22-08-16, 22:43
Iceland sounds brilliant server I'm so glad you managed to enjoy yourself ,

I am prepared and determined primula I need to do this for me and from my partner and for basically everyone else aswell I have became quite a hermit recently

I've been to some amazing places around the world, but nowhere got under my skin like Iceland. I think about it every day. Now that I'm in a better place, I'd love to go back and experience it again.

Believe me, recovery is a very rewarding feeling. Even just a small step feels like coming up for air.

22-08-16, 22:44
GadGirl mine too started from a panic attack. Although I was 24 and it was only just over 3 years ago. It's awful.

Hopefully the counselling and cbt will have a positive impact.

22-08-16, 22:46
GadGirl mine too started from a panic attack. Although I was 24 and it was only just over 3 years ago. It's awful.

Hopefully the counselling and cbt will have a positive impact.

My problem was that nobody told me what it was. Obviously, it was hard to know for sure. But I saw enough medical professionals who clearly suspected anxiety was my issue, but they wouldn't say it.

I just feel if someone had taken the time to explain it all, I might not have become as ill as I did.

22-08-16, 22:54
My problem was that nobody told me what it was. Obviously, it was hard to know for sure. But I saw enough medical professionals who clearly suspected anxiety was my issue, but they wouldn't say it.

I just feel if someone had taken the time to explain it all, I might not have become as ill as I did.

Wow really? I went to A&E after a weekend of panic attacks (embarrassingly) and after an ecg and a blood test I was told it sounds like a panic attack and to go to my GP.

I can't believe you weren't told early on. Were you led to believe you had something serious?

22-08-16, 22:57
Wow really? I went to A&E after a weekend of panic attacks (embarrassingly) and after an ecg and a blood test I was told it sounds like a panic attack and to go to my GP.

I can't believe you weren't told early on. Were you led to believe you had something serious?

No, quite the opposite. I kept getting told it was 'nothing' or 'just one of those things'. Those were literally the words of experienced medical professionals. I believe they were trying to stop me worrying, but it didn't work. I got so bad I ended up in hospital. Even there, nobody said the words 'anxiety' or 'panic'. It was only when I read my discharge notes that it started coming together.

22-08-16, 23:04
Ah i see. That's dreadful.

22-08-16, 23:11
It is anxiety is a mean little bully.