View Full Version : Terrible Separation Anxiety

23-08-16, 04:26
My first panic attack was four years ago. I did not know what was happening to me or why I was feeling that way. Overtime, I improved and my anxiety disappeared. Two years ago, I began having them again, except this time they lasted for months. I realized that I have terrible separation anxiety, as both attacks began after my relationships ended. I know breakups can be devastating but I think mine are worse than they need to be. The issue is that I never feel like I want the person back necessarily, and mentally I am okay with the separation, however, my body reacts differently and I experience horrible panic attacks. As many of you know, they break you physically and mentally, significantly decrease your quality of life and even make you question if you really want to go on. I am writing this because I am trying to understand myself. I do not know if it is the fear of being alone or being abandoned or not being loved, but these panic attacks logically do not make sense to me. I always feel like I have this battle: my mind and logic vs. my body and subconscious. I tell myself that everything is okay (and thinking back, the situation wasn't life or death, it was only a breakup with someone I knew I would not marry), but the aftermath was intense. It was the worst year of my life. The panic attacks developed into general anxiety, then social anxiety because I was scared that I'd faint or be anxious in public. Then anxiety slowed down but the side effect of that was depression. Then I developed a fear of anxiety where every symptom would make me anxious. For example, when I would work out and my heart rate increased, I tied that to when my heart rate increased during anxiety. Exercising would make me anxious because my fast heartbeat was the trigger now, since anxiety itself was my fear.

I hate that it is so uncontrollable and I cannot anticipate it. I think one way but it feels like my body has a mind of its own. I am in a relationship right now but I am scared for it to end because I know I will experience a lot of panic attacks for a very long time. Not only does this weaken the relationship and make it less enjoyable, it does not let me make decisions. I always wanted to do a master's abroad but now I let that dream go because I am terrified of having panic attacks again due to the separation, or worse, if we end up breaking up because of the time and distance apart. I'm sure everyone can relate to the fact that they feel like their life is being controlled by anxiety and stress and that they cannot experience life to the fullest. I meditate, try different exercises and I am better now than I was before. But I fear that it will come back again as it did twice after my first time. I can never anticipate it or prepare myself for it and its worse and worse every time.

My question is, how do I work through separation anxiety? Maybe there is something I'm repressing, something from the past that I cannot think of. Separation anxiety is normal but definitely not to my extent. If anyone has experienced this before, I would love to hear what they have done/do to work through it. Any tips, suggestions would be greatly appreciated. It just makes me feel imprisoned and so disconnected with myself and I do not want to live in constant fear and prevent me from making decisions.

(Sorry if this was too long or boring. This was my first post and I just free wrote a little bit)

23-08-16, 07:56
Hi! I don't have separation anxiety as such, but I do have anticipatory anxiety (which I think may be similar a little to what you are talking about). I ask myself what if this happens, what if that happens and in turn it creates an anxiety about what 'could' happen, but not necessarily what 'will' happen. Have you tried mindfullness at all? It gets you thinking about the here and now. What you are experiencing now, what does your environment look like and smell like now. This gets you thinking about the hear and now and not focusing on what may happen in the future. I have been practicing this at the request of my therapist to try and retrain my brain to think about here and now. Also he suggested deep breathing and said I should practice at least once a day to train my body to be in a calm state. One of my big fears is being alone (literally) incase anything happens, like I have a seizure or faint. I am practicing exposure and mindfullness right now. I am at work alone (my worst nightmare) and instead of thinking about what is might happen while I'm hear alone, I am concentrating on the task at hand, typing on my computer, thinking about my reply to you. Sorry for babbling on, but maybe some of these ideas will beneficial for you as you can apply them to your own situation. eg instead of worrying about your relationship ending and how you will feel then, you can think about all the good things that are happening in your relationship right at this present moment, like thinking about where you went on your last date, what you saw, what food you ate, how in love you were feeling etc etc. Tracy

23-08-16, 19:09
Hi Tracy,
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and respond, your support is greatly appreciated:). I have tried mindfulness and belly breathing in the past and it did help. However, once I am in that state of anxiety, it is very hard to focus, but it definitely does begin to rewire your brain and your thought patterns. I will definitely try to think positively and focus on the good rather than the 'what if' scenarios, but as you probably know, it is easier said than done. Once anxiety hits it is really hard to get out of it :(

I am sorry that you're experiencing fear and pain but I admire you for talking to me about it and exposing yourself to the situation. Can you please tell me more about exposure? This is something I have not tried in the past. Could you think of a way I can use exposure in my situation?

24-08-16, 11:03
Hi Peaceandlove :) I too haven't suffered for SA but I have a dog that does suffer from a mild form of SA. Where do I start!! You mention when you do a work out your heart rate will increase and you tied that to a simliar felling when you go through these periods of SA you need to know and understand it's perfectly normal for the heart rate to increase after a work out and in these cases aren't related to SA atall keep telling your self this after a work out and think positive thoughts. Now there is a very good Herbal flower remedey completely natural and safe called Rescue Remedy and will help you 100% no side effects
It could stem from the fear of being along which I have and yet I don't have a increased heart rate when feeling like this so symptoms will vary from person to person! I hope I have been of some help to you:)
do let us know how you get on!!

24-08-16, 19:18
Thank you very much Bigboyuk :)
I haven't heard of Rescue Remedy but I will definitely try it out. Thank you for the recommendation and support :hugs::) I really appreciate it

31-08-16, 09:19
As you can see for yourself anxiety gets bad when bad thoughts feelings appear .The solution its to daily think pozitive ,nice feelings and maybe find a new love in your life as this stop the power of anxiety