View Full Version : 2 different shades on mole!! PLEASE help

23-08-16, 08:19
Just when I was worried sick about having Eye cancer because of using my phone in the dark at night for years as a habit, I scroll through the threads and saw some about skin melanoma - so yes, I checked my mole on my stomach AND i realized it has 2 shades of brown, one lighter one darker. The last time i've paid attention to this mole is at least a year ago and I don't remember it having 2 shades of colour and now I AM FREAKING OUT with the fear of having ANOTHER cancer.

The mole did not grow in size though, and its regular oval shaped and no irregular red borders and such - i am TOO SCARED to search up Skin cancer on GOOGLE because I am already dealing with Eye cancer fear which is ruining all aspects of my life right now, I cannot deal with another fear and worry I might actually want to die as I don't see any meaning of living with this anxiety.

Do you think this is skin cancer and do u think it has spread, I really know nothing about skin cancer and I dont want to Google it. Please Please help me I am terrified as hell.

---------- Post added at 08:19 ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 ----------

Do you think I should search up Skin cancer on Google, I know its not a good thing to do especially for a person like me who is extremely hypochondriac and easily triggered. But I really am terrified right now and feel dizzy... help

23-08-16, 08:40
Calm down (easier said then done). Don't look it up on Google I have done this in the past and.given myself Ovarian, Cerival. Womb and breast cancer ... thankfully I never had any of those things. If it has changed colour go and see a doctor as he or she will put your mind at ease straight away. I went a few years ago as mine was raised. Saw two.different doctors who reassures me it was fine. Make that appointment xx

23-08-16, 10:48
What age range are you in?

Gary A
23-08-16, 11:12
Just when I was worried sick about having Eye cancer because of using my phone in the dark at night for years as a habit, I scroll through the threads and saw some about skin melanoma - so yes, I checked my mole on my stomach AND i realized it has 2 shades of brown, one lighter one darker. The last time i've paid attention to this mole is at least a year ago and I don't remember it having 2 shades of colour and now I AM FREAKING OUT with the fear of having ANOTHER cancer.

The mole did not grow in size though, and its regular oval shaped and no irregular red borders and such - i am TOO SCARED to search up Skin cancer on GOOGLE because I am already dealing with Eye cancer fear which is ruining all aspects of my life right now, I cannot deal with another fear and worry I might actually want to die as I don't see any meaning of living with this anxiety.

Do you think this is skin cancer and do u think it has spread, I really know nothing about skin cancer and I dont want to Google it. Please Please help me I am terrified as hell.

---------- Post added at 08:19 ---------- Previous post was at 08:14 ----------

Do you think I should search up Skin cancer on Google, I know its not a good thing to do especially for a person like me who is extremely hypochondriac and easily triggered. But I really am terrified right now and feel dizzy... help

It's entirely common for moles to have two different colours. Melanomas tend to have differing shades of black and red, rather than brown. As it hasn't grown, is symmetrical and has no raised irregular borders, it's highly unlikely to be melanoma.

If you're worried then have it checked out, but no, I'm confident this is not any type of skin cancer.

23-08-16, 12:31
What age range are you in?

i am 19 now!!!! freaking out

---------- Post added at 12:31 ---------- Previous post was at 12:29 ----------

It's entirely common for moles to have two different colours. Melanomas tend to have differing shades of black and red, rather than brown. As it hasn't grown, is symmetrical and has no raised irregular borders, it's highly unlikely to be melanoma.

I thought as long as it has 2 different shades it is definitely melanoma, also yes the mole hasnt grown. anyways i havnt slept for 2 days straight because of this anxiety and i am on the verge of melting down infront of people. I hope my parents will take me to the dermatologist

23-08-16, 12:44
At 19 you'd have a better chance at winning the lottery than this mole being cancerous. Cancerous moles change shape, grow in size, and their colors are typically not anything of which you describe. Don't go to google, I made that mistake with Lymphoma. (Don't look that up either) I'd leave the mole be unless you want it removed. I'm 15 and I removed a mole of which you described myself, though it probably wasn't a good idea chances of this cancer in people of both your and my age is VERY slim. Moles are normal, if it bugs you get it removed. Good luck! P.S Don't remove the mole yourself, it's painful doing it that way.

23-08-16, 12:49
At 19 you'd have a better chance at winning the lottery than this mole being cancerous. Cancerous moles change shape, grow in size, and their colors are typically not anything of which you describe. Don't go to google, I made that mistake with Lymphoma. (Don't look that up either) I'd leave the mole be unless you want it removed. I'm 15 and I removed a mole of which you described myself, though it probably wasn't a good idea chances of this cancer in people of both your and my age is VERY slim. Moles are normal, if it bugs you get it removed. Good luck!

Thank u for ur kind reply, you are 15 but sound so much more rational than i am, i feel stupid and ashamed. Yes i did look up the "cancer mole image" and scared the sh*t out of myself because mine looks somewhat like one of the pics on google. I was at my office and had a panic attack and couldnt breathe properly, as i searched up skin melanoma is terminal and couldnt be treated and i will die soon.

23-08-16, 12:57
Nah, don't worry. I've been in your shoes with countless diseases, even ones I'm not even old enough for. You'll be fine, just see your doctor for peace of mind. From experience I can promise you, doctors can lift any health anxiety concerns off your plate if you explain to them you'd like procedures done for peace of mind. Hope you feel better, mate!

---------- Post added at 11:57 ---------- Previous post was at 11:55 ----------

Also the survival rate for skin melanoma isn't terminal, survival rate is 92%

23-08-16, 13:01
The thing is, it's a slippery slope to go to doctors for reassurance, especially for diseases that you have a 0% chance of having! I say, yes, go to the doctor, but to discuss the illness you really do have which is anxiety. Print out some threads or let them read them on a tablet or phone.

You two are much too young to be suffering like this. Speak to your parents if you can. Ask for help. It's nice to know you're not alone here and it's cathartic to write out your thoughts and fears but this is no substitution for real life help.

Positive thoughts

23-08-16, 17:29
Different shades of brown is not unusual. Generally if it were cancerous it would be growing larger and you'd be talking about black or red, not just brown. However, if you are truly concerned just see a dermatologist and have them remove it and biopsy it. It's actually a pretty simple procedure with moles and I've had it down (though in my case the mole was actually bleeding).

23-08-16, 20:16
Don't google. It's like kryptonite for those of us with HA.

It's normal for some moles to vary in color. One good thing to do my doctor told me was to measure it with a no.2 pencil eraser. She said if it's smaller than pencil eraser then don't worry about. But she told if it grows bigger than the pencil eraser then come in and she'll biopsy it. Most benign moles are under that size.

But sometimes benign moles can be larger than a pencil eraser it's just you have to keep an eye on them. I even have moles with irregular borders and not symmetrically that are benign.

most moles are NOT cancerous.

24-08-16, 04:02
Different shades of brown is not unusual. Generally if it were cancerous it would be growing larger and you'd be talking about black or red, not just brown. However, if you are truly concerned just see a dermatologist and have them remove it and biopsy it. It's actually a pretty simple procedure with moles and I've had it down (though in my case the mole was actually bleeding).

I can't stop checking every mole in my body its driving me nuts. I finally told my parents and they just brush it off saying a cancerous mole does not look like mine and saying that the colour of my mole is just fading as i am growing older. (my mom's huge mole was originally black but now its the same as her skin colour she is 55) I don't know what to believe or think anymore but my brain is constantly telling me i have cancer, if its not skin then its lymphoma and i am pretty sure i will get eye cancer in the next 10 years too. I can't deal with this anymore its very very very tiring to have your mind racing with extreme negative thoughts (dying, going blind etc) every single second.

and also you said your mole was bleeding? do you know the reason behind it and what was your first reaction? Sorry Im just curious!

29-08-16, 09:25
I am still worried about my mole and i have been so paranoid and paying so much attention to it. it was originally dark brown in colour but it has faded a bit, the thing is half of the mole is faded and its of a lighter brown now, the other half still remains dark brown?? However there is no itch and no redness and definitely not bleeding. I have never tanned before and my family do not have a history of skin cancer.

Im terrified that its melanoma and i have been walking around with it for a long time perhaps, but my parents looked at it and show no concern, my mom told me she had a mole that was originally BLACK when she was young and now all the colours faded and the mole is colourless (colour of her skin) so she is not worried about my mole.

I really wanna see a dermatologist but its expensive where I live, around 80 pounds per visit! I don't know what to do, terrified and helpless

Gary A
29-08-16, 12:38
Why not just make a routine appointment with your doctor? I genuinely don't think your description signals anything remotely sinister, but if you are worried then you can really only see someone who has a trained eye.

Posting here won't get you the reassurance you need, so why not just see your doctor? I'm 99.9% sure they'll take one look at it and tell you that it's absolutely nothing to worry about.

29-08-16, 14:34
I posted this on another mole thread, but the message is the same.

You don't know what to do about a mole? See a dermatologist, get the all clear, then have a friend take photographs of all of your body, with close ups of existing moles that have been given the all clear.

Next time your health anxiety flares up, you can compare the mole you are worried about with the photograph, and see that there has been no change. By the same token, if there has been a change, this would be good reason for a biopsy to be taken - with some mild anxiety, but no call for freaking out.