View Full Version : Sore spot when pressing on top of head

23-08-16, 09:05
I wrote a post about this a while back and got no replies ....

Does anyone ever get a sharp pain when they press on the top of their skull
It scares me as I'm afraid I have a skull malformation as a secondary condition
from an underlying disease.

Is it a normal sensation? Nerves maybe?... Can anyone humour me and press the top of their skull to check for soreness to see if it's normal ... please

23-08-16, 09:58
Yes, I have had this many times Leah.

So has my partner and my mum and my friends.
I think it is due to tension and it is very common.
Pressing the point seems to make it worse, but it normally goes away of it's own accord. I wouldn't worry as it seems very common. x

Gary A
23-08-16, 11:18
I wrote a post about this a while back and got no replies ....

Does anyone ever get a sharp pain when they press on the top of their skull
It scares me as I'm afraid I have a skull malformation as a secondary condition
from an underlying disease.

Is it a normal sensation? Nerves maybe?... Can anyone humour me and press the top of their skull to check for soreness to see if it's normal ... please

Remember that your head has muscles which get tight just the same as anywhere else. If you pressed your thigh and felt a pain you probably wouldn't give it a second thought, you'd simply assume you had a bit of a tight muscle. Why should your head be any different?

The muscles in your head are actually very heavily influenced by the muscles in your neck, I'd wager that the actual problem is simply a taught muscle in the neck spreading to your head.

Just to humour you, as you say, I pressed all over my head and I reckon there's at least five areas which give me pain when I do so. I'm not worried about that, and neither should you be.