View Full Version : Ankle!!

23-08-16, 11:26
I was abroad over 2 weeks ago and my ankles swelled up, i thought it was just the heat but my left one is still a little swollen and sore. Did the silly thing and googled and scared myself. I have tried elevating it and it's still sore. I keep rotating my foot to check. Don't want to end up manic again.

Gary A
23-08-16, 11:32
I was abroad over 2 weeks ago and my ankles swelled up, i thought it was just the heat but my left one is still a little swollen and sore. Did the silly thing and googled and scared myself. I have tried elevating it and it's still sore. I keep rotating my foot to check. Don't want to end up manic again.

This is known as oedema. It is very very common when people get exposed to higher temperatures than they're used to.

Your left ankle may just have bore the brunt a bit more, and it's taking longer to settle. You've done the right things so far, but you should also try to up your intake of magnesium.

Foods like Kale and spinach are full of magnesium, incorporate them into your diet while massaging the foot muscles and doing what you've been doing.

If the swelling persists after a week of trying this, then it may be worth seeing a doctor, but I'm pretty sure your swelling will go down gradually over that time.