View Full Version : To sensitive for SSRI's?

23-08-16, 18:49
I have been on antidepressants since I was 18 (I think near enough all of them), I am now 36. The last one I was on for a relatively long period was 20mg prozac, for about 3 years. In June this year I developed tonsillitis and my throat was so sore I took 2 tramadol and that night together with Night Nurse. I had a terrible reaction which I can only think was mild seretonin syndrome. From that moment by body would no longer tolerate the prozac and everytime i took it, i was having very bad reactions. Heart palpitations, severe anxiety, vomiting, shaking.

I went to my GP and told her i was having a reaction to it and she decided to wean me off it using the liquid. I was still having these awful reactions together with the withdrawal from the prozac. I couldn’t handle it anymore (the vertigo, sickness, dizziness, pure distress) so I went to see another doctor who was just so horrible she didn’t believe that I was reacting to it and said that what I was just suffering discontinuation syndrome. She said the only way to stop it was to reinstate the whole 20mg of prozac. I did the next morning and by the afternoon I suffered a huge reaction and ended up in hospital. When I was discharged I again went back to another GP who stopped me cold turkey and put me on diazepam to deal with any withdrawals. I was fine for a month and a half and then went into protracted withdrawal where all the withdrawal symptoms came back full force inclusive of severe depression.

I decided I couldn’t live like that as I have two young children to care for. My GP decide to put me on setraline and after a week I was so agitated I couldn’t function. She then did a straight swap to citralopram. The agitation subsided but the feelings of “weirdness”, anxiety and lethargy continued. Im now on my 5th day and things haven’t improved. Is my body too sensitized to these ssri’s, can anyone tell me if I will ever feel normal again?

23-08-16, 18:55
Hiya SN and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: