View Full Version : mild ache in the chest heart area

23-08-16, 23:17
This week I've had this mild pain and strange feeling in my chest, the pain seems to be located where the ribcage and heart is, and itches when pinched.
The pain seems to be very mild, it seems to have come after throwing heavy hay bales last week, and I feel slightly chesty and have a cough, the pain on my back and sides have gone leaving uust this one.
It seems to feel worse with the panic anxiety attacks I get, and with like acid reflux, I always feel the need to burp, and the burp is long.
Last time I had this feeling was last year, doctor at a&e couldn't find anything, and thought it was muscular pain and shortness of breath as anxiety. Had a chest x-ray 6 month ago due to short of breath and chest pains, it was all clear, and so was the blood test etc.

if it is something serious like heart related, would they have seen it then?

I can walk and run, breathe deeply and carry things and it doesn't affect me or make it worse.

24-08-16, 18:02
throwing hay bales around could have pulled or strained one of the little intercostal rib muscles. I did that practicing golf. im in my 30s and it took 6-8 weeks to heal (they said it could be 6 months if I was older). wasnt mega painful just THERE.

since youve had the tests try not to worry.

25-08-16, 09:10
If you press your chest along the left side of your breastbone and it's tender, it can be costochondritis - inflammation of the part of ribs between the bone and cartilage.

Throwing hay bales can cause pain in the serratus anterior (http://www.ehealthstar.com/anatomy/serratus-anterior-muscle-pain) muscle on either side of the chest and below the shoulder blades. The pain can be triggered by deep inhaling and should go away within several days.

Long burps seem to be unrelated to above, but you have either eating more foods with soluble fiber (fruits, legumes, barley, oats) or you could have an infection of the stomach with H. pylori, which causes gas. So, to decrease burping, try to limit soluble fiber intake for some time.