View Full Version : Convinced I have bowel or ovarian cancer

23-08-16, 23:47
Hi. I'm lying here unable to sleep, mind racing, terrified about my health and I really feel like I'm losing it. Hoping that even just putting this out there will help (and thanks in advance for reading).

For years, I've suffered with IBS. However, over the last 6 months, my pains have become worse and more constant. I have a constant sore and heavy feeling in my pelvis which is worse just before I have a bowel movement. About 5 months ago, I noticed blood in my stool. I told a doctor who didn't ask anything about it and didn't want to examine me - he just diagnosed me with hemorrhoids and gave me cream. Now, I'm really angry about this as not only has the blood returned, but I'm also having lower back pain.

I'm so so so afraid. I've recently been worried about bowel cancer but I recently read about ovarian cancer and now I'm afraid the it could be that instead (which would be worse). I'm only in my 20s and that's pretty much the only thing that's helping me be a little calmer about the situation, as both of these cancers are rare in people under 40. I've looked into both and (I think) the chances of a female in my age group getting bowel cancer is something like 1 in 28,000 and for ovarian cancer it's closer to 1 in 18,000. Still though - it does happen. My dad was adopted so I don't know if there is any family history in of these cancers on his side. I've also always (since the age of about 13 anyway) had a poor, high-fat diet and have drank quiet a lot of alcohol over the years - both of these things increase chances of cancer.

So far, doctors have taken blood and tested my stool - each test came back clear. I have another appointment next week and will have an examination then (to see if thy can feel any internal hemmeroids) and I'm really going to push for more tests this time as I believe my symptoms justify these.

I guess my main question is, am I right to be so worried? This fear has been driving me insane for the last week. I can't sleep even though I'm drained. I'll be ok for a bit but then I get a pain and or see something on the TV about cancer, and all of a sudden I'm terrified again. Is this health anxiety or would most people be this worried if they experience these symptoms?

Thank you

24-08-16, 00:15
Hi there,

I cannot speak about Ovarian Cancer. However if you had blood in your stool then this would have been found in a stool sample. Further to this, a consistent bleed from a tumour for example would lead to anemia, which would have also shown on a blood test. I know it's hard, but you just have to trust the doctors sometimes, if they thought there was anything alarming then you would have further tests.

Of course, if you are not satisfied you can ask for a colonoscopy. I had this procedure and it was an amazing relief when I found this was all clear, I guess you would have to weigh up in your own mind if you can deal with the anxiety that comes with that too!

But for now, stay off google, keep yourself occupied, know that you're not alone and live your life! :)

24-08-16, 00:22
Thank you for your reply. I agree, Googling is the worse idea! The thing is, as I'm doing it I'm thinking 'the first thing that's going to pop up here is a Daily Mail article titled something like 'doctors told me I was the healthiest person they'd ever met - now I'm going to die' '. But for some reason, when cancer is all I can think about, Googling is all I want to do. I try to find something to reassure me then before I know it I'm reading those scare stories.

As for the blood, I definitely have it in my stool as I can see it. Maybe the time my stool was tested it hadn't bled for some reason. I don't notice blood every time. But the last time it did bleed, there was more blood than usual - no pain though

24-08-16, 01:23
I totally understand your worries! I am the exact same and have been through the bowel cancer phase. I'm personally on to liver and pancreatic cancer now - I appear to be working upwards! My partner has bowel cancer -and trust me - you would know about it! His was detected initially by a blood test and a stool test, he was anemic and had blood traces in his stool sample. Both of yours are clear.

It seems that is HA sufferers don't want to believe anyone other than or own minds. By all means go back to the doctor for another opinion and maybe request a colonoscopy - they're not as bad as they seem and help with the anxiety.

Have you had CBT before or considered medication? I found that Medication really helped me! Other things too such as regular excercise and maybe taking up a new hobby to consume some of the spare time we spend thinking about our symptoms. I have recently started reading a lot which helps and have started playing badminton. It's good to have a new focus sometimes :)

24-08-16, 02:03
Very sorry to hear about your partner and also your anxieties. Glad to hear that you've found things that help your health anxiety. I had CBT a few years ago but, unfortunately, I didn't stick with it for long enough. It's actually been a long time since I've been worried about my health like this. I just feel so lousy and have done for months. It's only getting worse and I'm struggling to believe that it could be due to something that isn't serious. I am going back to the doctors this week and I will ask for a colonoscopy.

As for tonight, I have no idea what to do with myself. I have to be up for work in 4 hours - that's going to be horrible!

Thanks again for the advice