View Full Version : Could this be IBS or something else?

24-08-16, 02:54
Just as of yesterday I've been peeing a whooole lot. I peed 12 times and today so far I've peed about 6 and I don't ever remember peeing so much. It's accompanied by very slight diarrhea, pain in my lower abdomin and a lot of gas and bloating. My body feels stressed. I don't feel weak or tired but I feel exhausted if that makes sense? I've been very anxious and I understand that this is probably all stress but my mind has to find some logic to it. It HAS to be something else. UTI, IBS, some form of cancer, diabetes. I'm not sure but I don't want to listen to Web MD of course but like I said my mind is trying to systematically find what's wrong. I've gotten a lot of great advice on here and I don't want anyone to think I'm ignoring them but I just can't rest easy when I'm constantly paying attention to my body.

24-08-16, 03:22

I have had similar worries in the past. Is this a new worry for you? I can only talk about what helped me to conquer HA, but it may help.

The first thing I'd do with a new "symptom" is try to rationalise it. Write it down even if it helps. Think about what rational suggestions could explain your worries. Have you been drinking more in the last few days? Has the weather been warmer causing you to drink more without really taking notice of it? Have you eaten something funny, or eaten something that you don't usually eat? You said you feel stressed, could you try and de-stress anyway or do something to help you relax? If I could find a logical solution, I'd try my best to put it to the back of my mind. I know this isn't easy, but I'd try and not check on it for a week or so, try not to think about it, block it out, then set a reminder on my phone or something for a week later to sort of stop and re-assess the last week and see if these symptoms were continuous. If not, I'd leave it again, but if they were, I'd go and see the doctor.

If you are worried, see your GP, but remember everything you are describing can (and will be) a normal bodily function that you are worrying about excessively because of your current state of mind.

You said it yourself, don't listen to WebMD. To interpret that information properly you need to be a doctor, and you're not.

One last thing, if you do go to the doctor, try and find one you trust and go to the same one. Then you can build a rapport with them and they will understand you and your HA. Don't worry that they will just put all your symptoms down to anxiety, if there is a genuine problem they will find it. They will not just write you off, if nothing else there is too much risk for them to ignore you and for something to come back and bite them on the backside. They could also put you in the direction of help you may need with regards to HA if they know you and understand how you think.

If you need any support PM me.

All the best,


24-08-16, 03:33
Wow, I really appreciate that long reply but no I haven't eaten anything weird. Lately my diet has been awful though. Very acidic foods like pizza and pasta though. Lots of sodium as well. I'm also not extremely thirsty. I've drank about 3 bottles of water. It varys how much I drink but this is new to me. I saw other members here having the same problem. I also took an IBS quiz and scored an 87 out of 100 XD. So I assume it might be IBS but of course the thoughts of something more sinister pop up.