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24-08-16, 09:35
Could the above be causing me to feel dizzy, like im on a boat ?

thats the only diagnosis i have, they said my inner ear canals both turn inwards and gave me a nasal spray which does nothing at all.

i feel nausea and dizzy like im swaying and veering to one side , it comes and goes, they said its not my brain by doing a few neurological tests but i dont believe them, she said its vertigo but its constant and doesnt change when i move position

24-08-16, 10:23
Hi! It is vertigo. I had a similar thing. I tried everything, nasal sprays etc. The unfortunate thing is there is absolutely nothing you can do about. It took between three and four months for it to resolve itself. I only had vertigo a handful of times during these months. There were tablets I could take to stop the vertigo, but I think you have to take them every day. Tracy

24-08-16, 10:33

Thanks for your reply.

Did you feel like you where on a boat when walking and sinking when lying down ?

its near constant for me but then will go away a bit for a few days and come back, i dont get the classic room spinning sensation

24-08-16, 11:55
Yes, I had the on a boat thing when I stood up. I would need to hold on the the walls if I got up to go to the toilet and would feel as if I was being pulled sideways while I was trying to go forward. The room spinning only happened when my eyes were closed. I would usually close my eyes, because it made me feel sick and then I would vomit. After I had vomitted the vertigo would ease. It is a horrible sensation. I feel for you. Tracy

24-08-16, 12:02

Thanks for your reply.

Did you feel like you where on a boat when walking and sinking when lying down ?

its near constant for me but then will go away a bit for a few days and come back, i dont get the classic room spinning sensation

That's exactly what I had and it lasted nearly 5 months for me. I honestly thought it would never go and then it just did. I think it went once I was happier to be honest so stress and anxiety were definitely helping it.

I was scared too and thought all sorts, but clearly it was nothing serious and the way you describe it is exactly what I had x

24-08-16, 12:08

thanks for your messages, i pray it will go, i jyust have other symptoms that i hate like making tyypos when typing, getting letters mixed up in a word, sometimes i feel its difficult just to speak but i hope its just anxiety but it feels like its something with brain.

24-08-16, 12:12

thanks for your messages, i pray it will go, i jyust have other symptoms that i hate like making tyypos when typing, getting letters mixed up in a word, sometimes i feel its difficult just to speak but i hope its just anxiety but it feels like its something with brain.

I have had all of that too, honestly i was so convinced something was wrong with my brain, i kept saying words wrong and sometimes just not being able to get them out and stuttering. Once i recognized it and thought 'OMG' then it started happening a lot more often.
The only way to deal with this is not giving these things any attention, i know that feels near impossible, but it will happen for you, i hope you take some comfort in the fact that i have had all of this and now it's gone x

24-08-16, 12:44
hi, yes thats good to know, thanks so much, did you take any meds for it ? i am glad you are better now

24-08-16, 12:45
hi, yes thats good to know, thanks so much, did you take any meds for it ? i am glad you are better now

I didn't no :doh: probably why i was suffering for so long with it, well that and the fact i convinced myself i was dying :doh: it feels really good to look back now and see how convinced i was, and yet how fine i am now. The same will happen for you, but i understand the fear anxiety causes, you'll get there x

24-08-16, 12:54
Anxiety definitely makes dizziness worse. :(

25-08-16, 09:14
If they said it's Eustahian tube than it can be. Anxiety may make it worse, but still, you have a predisposition. Try to learn Valsalva maneuver to clear your ears.

25-08-16, 15:15
If they said it's Eustahian tube than it can be. Anxiety may make it worse, but still, you have a predisposition. Try to learn Valsalva maneuver to clear your ears.

hi, i do this daily and they never clear, they make weird noises and nothing changes

25-08-16, 16:42
Ok, then you may want to go back to the doctor, ask what is your exact diagnosis (exact condition name) and what are treatment options.