View Full Version : Lymph node in neck - process

24-08-16, 12:56
I have some sort of health anxiety, however since i had my virtual CT which came back clean, I thought I'd nip the last thing in the bud. I have had 2 enlarged lymph nodes in my neck. I went for ultrasound today, as first step of nipping it in the bud, so to speak

It turns out, one of the " lymph nodes" isn't actually a lymph node, just a fatty/gristle deposit under the skin, and the lymph node on side of neck is actually an 0.8mm lymph node. I'm not worried and they didn't seem worried, they will send results to my GP who will write me on the next steps ( if any )

if anyone is interest, I will update this thread about the process

I have had this lymph node for 3/4 years and do not feel ill, but it always bothered me

Captain irrational
24-08-16, 14:07
Oh man, I know the struggle. I have about 5 lymph nodes in my neck I can feel, that have bothered me for the past 6 months. Less so these days though, as within those 6 months they have not done anything concerning, such as grow or attach themselves to something, and I have no other symptoms that woud suggest anything sinister. So that makes it much easier to tell myself "No, it's not the dreaded 'L word', so stop worrying".

24-08-16, 17:27
Oh man, I know the struggle. I have about 5 lymph nodes in my neck I can feel, that have bothered me for the past 6 months. Less so these days though, as within those 6 months they have not done anything concerning, such as grow or attach themselves to something, and I have no other symptoms that woud suggest anything sinister. So that makes it much easier to tell myself "No, it's not the dreaded 'L word', so stop worrying".

attach themselves?

Captain irrational
24-08-16, 17:37
attach themselves?

From what I understand, cancercous lymph nodes as they enlarge, tend to attach themselves to surrounding tissue causing a solid, immovable lump.

24-08-16, 20:22
Please do not worry! I have five or six Lymph nodes in my neck/jaw/collarbone and trapezius. If you listen to Dr. Google, I'm dying. I've had all the tests, guess what. I'm not :)

If you have Lymph Nodes, get them checked out definitley, but once you're told you're clear, you're clear. I spent upwards of a year worrying about them obsessively for no reason whatsoever :)

27-08-16, 15:39
I got my results,

Patient identified 2 small lumps in the left of the neck, the larger lump corresponds tto a small lymph node measuring 8x2x8mm, the second smaller lump orresponds to a 3mm soft tissue diffuse area, which may either represent a small muscle hernia or a small area of a fatty necrosis. No suspiscious features are identified

No other enlarged lymph nodes are identified within the neck region

both thyroid lobes and isthmus appear normal in size, shape and echotexture with no evidendce of nodules / mass lesion

No retro-sternal extension of either lobe is demonstrated

Thats it, thats the letter from ultrasound department, the gp hasnt contacted yet, but I presume it is all good?