View Full Version : Can't stop panicking -symptoms

24-08-16, 14:40
I'm 21 years old and basically healthy just with adenomyosis and anemia

I have been not able to stop panicking for three weeks. I have had the most crazy symptoms; not feeling like myself, blurred vision, temperature fluctuations, scalp/brain itch, feeling faint, feeling dizzy, sweaty feet and hands, trouble eating/swallowing, high heart rate, head/face warmth, flashbacks due to PTSD, weird dreams and nightmares, exhaustion, not being able to sleep, keep waking up, can't stop shaking my leg, always shaky, tight muscles, twitching muscles, feeling like my body is going to give up on me,not feeling alive, losing more hair than normal, muscle cramps, head feeling heavy, derealization, feeling light and empty I keep imagining terrible things will happen to me and I'll die. I got a depo shot two weeks ago and it's made my symptoms much worse and I'm scared it will kill me. If anyone has been through anything like this please help.
I've been to the hospital and my heart and blood are fine.

24-08-16, 18:57
I read your thread and thought to myself am I losing my mind when did I post this thread lol i went through exactly the same symptoms as you described it is classic symptoms of anxiety\panic. Try to work through it and it will eventually wear off just don't expect any overnight results it will take time but you will be fine.