View Full Version : More mouth worries

24-08-16, 18:57
After my dentist apt last week I was feeling a lot better, until i noticed a lump on my gum at the front under my tongue.
Its really hard and painless. I do have another lump on the side of my gum which the dentist confirmed was an abscess.
She told me that once the tooth was extracted the lump would go but it hasnt.
Now my minds going crazy AGAIN and im stressing thinkng its maybe cancer spreading.
I have another apt tomorrow for a scale and polish & filling and the anxiety from the cancer worry is making me not want to go for fear that she will confirm my fears!
Im just constantly going around in circles with this and my head is so messed up, i just dont know what to do about it...

24-08-16, 19:56

Definately go to your dentist appointment... you only get one set of adult teeth and they are worth looking after!

When you go to the dentist they look in and around your mouth specifically looking for things like mouth cancer. They can even spot skin that looks like it could become cancerous in the future. If you've highlighted your worries to the dentist and they're not worried, neither should you be! Mouths are full of lumps and bumps. I remember when my HA focussed on my mouth and I was in the mirror at every opportunity pulling my tongue and cheeks around looking for lumps. It sounds like you've been to the dentist quite a few times and got the all clear, you need to start trusting them now. Try and move away from it and get back to normal, enjoy life again :) It's brilliant. Also, one thing that I found quite reassuring, is that your mouth is probably the only area of your body that gets a thorough looking over every 6 months by your dentist. If you're attending regular checkups, anything untoward is going to be picked up.

Also, mouth cancer in the grand scheme of things is very rare! Do you smoke or drink often? Maybe cutting down on either of these could ease your worries.

I'm pretty sure you're fine :) If you ever need a chat drop me a message.

All the best,


24-08-16, 20:28

Definately go to your dentist appointment... you only get one set of adult teeth and they are worth looking after!

When you go to the dentist they look in and around your mouth specifically looking for things like mouth cancer. They can even spot skin that looks like it could become cancerous in the future. If you've highlighted your worries to the dentist and they're not worried, neither should you be! Mouths are full of lumps and bumps. I remember when my HA focussed on my mouth and I was in the mirror at every opportunity pulling my tongue and cheeks around looking for lumps. It sounds like you've been to the dentist quite a few times and got the all clear, you need to start trusting them now. Try and move away from it and get back to normal, enjoy life again :) It's brilliant. Also, one thing that I found quite reassuring, is that your mouth is probably the only area of your body that gets a thorough looking over every 6 months by your dentist. If you're attending regular checkups, anything untoward is going to be picked up.

Also, mouth cancer in the grand scheme of things is very rare! Do you smoke or drink often? Maybe cutting down on either of these could ease your worries.

I'm pretty sure you're fine :) If you ever need a chat drop me a message.

All the best,


Hi, thank you so much for replying!
I will go tomorrow I'm just so nervous, but your reply has helped. I don't know much about dentists at all (I dont really know much about anything haha) but im happy to hear that they would pick up on cancer on check ups.
I have started to feel slight shooting pains now where the lumps are so I'm thinking they are abscesses. Hopefully!
I do smoke occasionally but I'm trying to stop & I don't drink at all.
I do practice good oral hygiene but due to fear I left it over 10 years before visiting a dentist so my teeth weren't the cleanest although the dentist did say they were in good shape (other than an extraction due to a broken tooth and small filling)!

Thank you again for the reply & right back at you with the offer for a chat :)
Always nice to know there is someone there!
Jodie x